Posted: Oct 02, 2005 By: NANCY A. GRANDE

Subject: Tax reform

Comment: Dear panel members,
Please recommend that HR25 and S25 be adopted. This tax reform not only completly untaxes the poor, it also taxes the underground economy. I have believed for a very long time, that our current system encourages people to not work. Or to not work "legally". I have known many people who work "under the table". Their incomes are not reported and not taxed. The crook who breaks into your house and steals the $100 that you have been saving, would be taxed on that $100 when he spends the money.
Another important factor is that we, the USA, have become a "throw away" society. If your toaster no longer works, throw it away and buy a new one. If the building that houses your business no longer "fits", throw it away, build a new one. The Fair Tax would encourage people, and businesses, to repair and reuse items. How many empty, buildings are in your community? I live in a small city, Titusville, Florida, and we have plenty. A company goes out of business, but their building is still standing, empty. The grocery store Goodings that went out of business here in Titusville 7+ years ago is still empty. Why? It is cheaper for a new business to build a new building to their specifications, than to buy and remodel an exixting building. If the Fair Tax were in place, new companies would be more likely to purchase a used, nontaxed building, and remodel it to fit their needs. They would have to pay the Fair Tax on the remodeling, but not on the purchase of the building.
Instead of throwing away that old toaster, you might consider having it repaired.
The Fair Tax would put more of the Government back into the hands of the people. After all, The government is supposed to be "by the people, for the people".
The Fair Tax would encourage people to work and save money.
The Fair Tax would create jobs.
The Fair Tax would elimanate a lot of "double taxation".
The Fair Tax would make USA made products more competitive in the global marketplace.
The Fair Tax would tax criminals.
The Fair Tax would completely untax the poor families in our country.
The Fair Tax would encourage saving.
The Fair Tax would encourage foreign businesses to build their new businesses here in the USA, and employ our citizens.
We need to scrap our present form of taxation. Our forefathers knew that taxing income was the worst way to to fund our government. That is why they made it illegal, in our consitution, to tax income. We need to repeal the 16th amendment to our constitution, and pass the Fair Tax.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and consider the Fair Tax as a solution to our current tax dilemma.

Nancy Grande