Posted: May 15, 2005 By: James R. Doyle

Subject: Value Added Tax (VAT)

Comment: 1. Western European VAT countries also have civilized benefits -- universal health care, child day care, passenger railroads, unemployment insurance. If we impose a VAT, I will expect commensurate social benefits.

2. VAT kills retail sales. One would hesitate to "impulse" buy a $100 Walmart TV if the price becomes $125 with VAT. Euroweanies drive older cars because of the 33% 'luxury' VAT on new cars.

3. VAT creates tax cheats. Euroweanies barter services or work off the books for cash (black money). We may have some of that problem happening now in the USA, but a VAT will make it worse.

4. Tax the corporations and the rich and we will all be okay.