Posted: Jun 11, 2005 By: FRANK R. WALL

Subject: FINAL WORD -- Resubmittal of Fair Tax trade-study conclusion

Comment: To Whom It May Concern:

Checking email address and the Presidential Tax Reform Panel website portal as of June 11, 2005 after the June 10 cutoff… Please note that your server would not recognize this submittal as a MS Word document yesterday or consequently take this attachment also yesterday. — As result, a draft version was sent (and accepted) from “My Documents” prior to 5:00 p.m.

It appears that the tax panel is (you are) even today still soliciting “comments” vs. “solicited testimony” on the subject website ( vs., --This test should verify the accuracy and capability of the email address that seems to be sometimes “on” and then “shut-off.”

Respectfully submitted to President George W. Bush


Athol, Idaho ~ United States of America

Copyright © 2005, by Frank R. Wall
-- All Rights Reserved (UCC, et al.) –

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Frank R. Wall — President, & COO
ECO Star Energy Systems - LLC ™/SM
USA— Energy Star ® Kennels™
– 8613 East Cessna Lane / Hackney Airpark –
P.O. Box 1000 / Athol, Idaho 83801-1000
(208) 683-7000 / CELL (208) 818-4288 – USA
— E-mail: < >

America Needs a Better Tax System – Friday, May 13, 2005…

THERE ARE THREE SIMPLE STEPS – These are your recommendations to the President and news media.

"The current tax code is a daily mugging." - Ronald Reagan

— Replace the Income Tax (and IRS) with the FairTax, S/H.R. 25 —


-----Associated Message-----
From: On Behalf Of David Klepinger
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:45 PM
To: FairTax DD; FairTax SD; FairTax Updates; GA FairTax Volunteers; North Carolina FairTax… South Carolina… Alabama FairTax Roundtable, et al

Subject: [FairTax_Update] -- FairTax Book #1 Bestseller!

My Groups | FairTax_Update Main Page


You're not going to believe this!

Just yesterday I was listening to Neal Boortz about the pre-ordering success of the FairTax book. I was jumping out of my seat to hear that the book had made #3 on the Barnes and Noble Bestsellers List. Today Neal was hoping to make #2, if for only a day. He said that he did not expect to surpass the Harry Potter book to take over the top slot.

Well, guess what! As of 1:00 a.m. Saturday, June 11, the FairTax book is the #1 Bestseller on B&N!!!

This is huge!!!

I understand that John Linder, the co-author of the book, has been receiving a flood of calls from his colleagues in the House and Senate (I know; where have they been hiding!) And they are finally getting serious about learning whatever they can about the FairTax!

And guess what! The book isn't even going to be released until August 2nd!

We have the greatest opportunity ever, right now, to make this THE issue leading into the report deadline from the Tax Reform Panel. The success of this book may be the one thing that will guarantee that the FairTax will not only NOT be swept under the rug, but may HAVE to be one of the recommendations to the President at the end of July.

We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to Neal Boortz and John Linder for their tireless efforts to get the FairTax movement this far. And you can all pat yourselves on the back as well!

Let's start by e-mailing the Neal Boortz show via his web-mail address:

Boortz Show e-mail:

John Linder's official e-mail address is below, but out of consideration, perhaps we should not overload his staff just yet. However, I know Neal has the resources to get through any number of e-mails we may send.

John Linder:

My personal thanks to all who are making this happen.

Very best regards,
David Klepinger
Volunteer, Americans for Fair Taxation (


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