Posted: Jun 06, 2005 By: p.marquez

Subject: Surely IRS Tax Advocate blunders

Comment: I have been working with the "help" of a Gwendolene at IRS Tax Advocate, she has done absolutely nothing but make matters worse. She has accused of;
1. choosing the wrong CPA and blaming us for they're incompetence.
2. choosing the wrong Tax Advisors(JK Harris) and blaming us for they're incompetence.
3. choosing the wrong Attornet(AG Sowder) and blaming us for they're incompetence.
4. Not paying any taxes at ALL.
5.Making up dependents and children.
6.Ill small business, minority start-up practices.
7. Not choosing S-Corp over C-corp deliberately.

In all she messed up an extention, has given wrongful information to local office, deliberately delayed any resolution, has acted on behalf the IRS 100% and continues to mis-represent us as NOT wanting to resolve these horrendous IRS problems.Our question is why? Is harassment and duress a way to resolve IRS problems and why then has the IRS not issued a resolution? We continue to think that there are malicious intentions at the IRS, local Independence, Missouri IRS and at the IRS Tax Advocate Office. We were just told these problems could have been fixed in 1998, and that ALL this circus is created by the IRS to give jobs to family and friends?? Maybe make someone rich with all the mistakes errors and lies. If I were to run this office there would be zero delays and definetely terminations to those pro-longing justice. I'm sure that you would NOT do this to Rich people but are doing this to poor people and their families. 816-xxx-xxxx or Or we'll see you in Washington, DC with national media and a 1trillion dollar lawsuit for harassment, duress, feloniuos employees,ill workers training,etc,etc.