Posted: Oct 26, 2005 By: Catherine Thomas

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: I have been advised that on Oct. 11th, retired Senator Connie Mack, chairman of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, made it clear that the panel has rejected any form of fundamental tax reform, including a national sales tax, and has opted instead for trying to "fix" the current system.

I urge you to re-consider this position. I do NOT agree that the current system can be fixed. Further, it is my position that, despite the posturing of some of our elected officials with their own political agenda and pork barrel projects, the 16th Amendment should be repealed. The FairTax as it is the best possible tax reform presented. If the panel would look at the states who impose no income tax on their citizens, but have in place viable sales tax programs to raise capital, it would become evident that these states, including Florida, are more fiscally responsible than our own Federal Government. If the members of the panel would study the book on FairTax, and give the proposal a fair and impartial review, the members might just learn something of value....and then would understand why so many of us are supporting this proposal.