Posted: Oct 13, 2005 By: Tracy James Dockiewicz

Subject: Latest press release

Comment: I'm very disappointed in the latest press release stating the Tax Reform Panel's recommendations.

The recommendations presented are nothing more than slight modifications to the burdensome tax code that we are stuck with today. I don't see how they accomplish any of the stated goals of the panel like simplifying the code, making the tax code mroe equitable, or even encouraging job growth and a more competitive global marketplace.

I would like to know why the H.R. 25 is not mentioned as a viable and TRUE tax reform. If there are problems with that SPECIFIC proposal (not similar, yet lacking proposals), then why not make those issues public. Just saying that it's has problems is no good enough.

I really think that your task is very important, and you all have a real opportunity to make a real difference in every American's life. So far, it doesn't seem that this panel is up to the task.

Tracy James Dockiewicz