Posted: Jun 08, 2005 By: Ken Doerbecker

Subject: HR/S.25 Support

Comment: I can't believe Senator Mack's comments dismissing the Fair Tax as a viable solution. It is the ONLY soultion that will releive the US economy of the $260 billion burden of figuring out "what is income".
It is the only tax that will put us on a level playing field with all the VAT tax countries that don't include our 22% tax burden in their products sold here. Your comments " if it was so good why aren't others doing it" is incredible. They ARE doing it with the VAT tax and rebates. Jesus Christ, Connie, you're supposed to be the damn expert. Don't you know that????
Come on, get some nerve up and give the good old US "one more for the gipper".
greensspan and several other economists have endorsed it. More importantly, I have reviewed it extensively and know that it is far and away the best solution.
Forget the lobbyists and Dc power brokers for just one minute and do what's right for the country - The Fair Tax, HR 25.
Ken Doerbecker
Wexford, PA