Posted: Oct 21, 2005 By: Jim Strobak

Subject: Federal Tax reform recomendation

Comment: I understand that rather than actually reforming our Federal tax that it has been decided to leave it alone and add more regulations and strip away more deductions from the American People. I along with many other Americans find this to be a poor substitute for what the president has asked you to do and the American people are asking you to do. If you don't have any Idea of how to accomplish your mission and create a tax system fair to all, that doesn't require hours of lost time and money preparing, that restricts the growth of business and leaves billions if not trillions of laundered and undeclaired income from illegal business out of the tax system, then read the Fair Tax book. There may be some items that need to be adjusted but it is fair, simple and absolutely needed for this country's need to grow and reduce debt. Don't take the lazy way out and leave the american people and businesses with more tax code and less deductions, do what our President has asked and revamp this horribly unfair and outdated nightmare of a tax system. If you haven't already read the book The Fair Tax, you can purchase it through Amazon. com or at any bookstore just as many tax paying Americans have.
Thank You,
Jim Strobak