Posted: Oct 13, 2005 By: Christine Chrisman

Subject: Tax Reform Panel

Comment: I do believe that everyone of the panel members must be total special interest agents and have there own agendas. You do not understand how important it is that we can truly have a great government if we can get through all the red tape that is constricting us. I want all the people in the U.S. to be taxed, be it they are legal or not! We will still need accountants and the IRS but it will just be in a different fashion. I am a single mom (poor) and I believe it will benifit myself as well as others (poor) that you seem so concerned about. How do I get my point across to you? FairTax is the best option so far. I do not see any of you in government coming up with anything better and that is what we pay you to do. Plain and simple you SUCK! I am voting everyone out this next term and you had better watch out your jobs are on the line!!!! I want a better and fair country! Do it!

That is all I have to say. Have a blessed and productive day.