Posted: Oct 17, 2005 By: Ben Turner

Subject: Complexity of tax code

Comment: The current code is so complex that professional tax preparers including IRS employees do not understand it. Many, many tests have been conducted that substantiates this claim. In fact, it is not a claim, it is a fact! Widely differing results have resulted when the same information is submitted to several professional preparers. If professionals can;t get it right, what chance does a common citizen have? Not everyone can afford to hire a tax consultant. This fact alone proves that the current tax code is unfair. Further proof is the fact that tax questions posed to the IRS professionals get answered wrongly 25 to 50 percent of the time. The current system should be tossed out and a simple, fair to all system such as THE FAIR TAX should be implemented. Despite the protestations of the K Street lawyers.