Posted: Oct 18, 2005 By: Mary Ella Hutchinson

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: Thank you for your wake-up call. I appreciate being relieved of any illusion that true tax reform will come from within the 495 Beltway. I now understand that the responsibility for implementing the FairTax Act lies with voters across the land.

Thank you for the lesson in real-world politics. Your performance lets me know that even an independent, highly esteemed, experienced and well respected group such as yours simply cannot be effective in Washington. I now understand that K Street lobbyists hold sway over everything that happens there. I now understand that voters must become the most powerful lobby. I am doing my best over the web and email to organize voters to create that lobby.. and it's working.

Thank you eliminating the tax reform panel as political cover. Politicians can no longer hide behind the curtains with the Great Oz of the Tax Reform Panel. This Oz has been outed just like the other one. All the politicians hiding behind the tax reform panel must now accept personal responsibility for their lack of support of the FairTax Act.

Each of the members will have their professional reputation destroyed when the panel report is submitted. Your official report will invite howls of protest and hoots of derision. Hopefully, the President will send you packing.