Posted: Apr 20, 2005 By: Jim Tuttle

James M. Tuttle
5108 Begonia Dr
Charlotte, NC 28215
20 Apr 2005

I would propose a tax system based on consumption with no personal or
business exemptions. Upon reflection, a National Sales tax of 12% for
anything sold would be about right considering no exemptions allowed for
business expenses, home ownership, donations, etc. The problem with
exemptions, although theoretically laudable, is that they become areas of
graft and corruption. Let's keep it simple. I am a homeowner and well
aware of the deduction allowed by my home mortgage, but I am sure that
homeowners everywhere will trade their deductions for a lower tax armed with
the knowledge that no one, especially corporations, get any special
treatment or better tax breaks.

People will still give to charities whether they are deductible or not.
Businesses will continue to spend to encourage their gross sales, but will
not become excessive just because they can write it off.
The best way to help low income persons is to enable them to gain a higher
income through better education and training, which our government already
does but could do better. I would also suggest that we eliminate the tax on
unprepared foods and all medicines.
The National Sales tax can be collected by retailers and routed
automatically to government Accounts Receivable DAILY via computer. This
way national debt could be pared a bit because of constantly receiving tax
money as they are incurred.

I would suggest in the strongest manner that the present tax code be
completely abolished as soon as possible. Our army of IRS employees could
be retrained and used elsewhere in government for jobs of their choice.
A National Sales Tax would be extremely simple so as not to hinder trade and
economic growth, it's the fairest possible tax, eliminates competition
within government for special tax credits, eliminates graft and corruption
in Congress for special interests when no exemptions are allowed, and should
decrease costs of handling the system by Billions.

Special Issues

Consider the enormous mental strain and anguish experienced by all taxpayers
each year set upon them by their own government. We should see a dramatic
increase in life expectancy if the present tax code is abolished and either
a flat tax or a National sales tax is used.
We need to curtail those ancient incentives to farming, mining, and
forestry. Let the capitalist system work. Most farming is now done by huge
corporations who do not need subsidizing. It has just turned into corporate
welfare as do all tax breaks and exemptions to corporate entities.
Please follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid. Heck, works for
me. Remember the immortal words of Pogo: "I have seen the enemy and he is
us" . We keep shooting ourselves in the foot. Keep it simple.

Thank you for your time and attention,

James M. Tuttle