From: <>
To: NTIADC40.NTIAHQ40(piac)
Date: 6/13/98 1:56pm
Subject: Public%20Comment
Since I lost my hearing, I rely almost totally on closed captioning for
entertainment. I can no longer go to the theater, movies, lectures, or
meetings, and even family gatherings are very difficult, so I watch (with my
family) a lot of captioned television and videos. I am concerned that
digital TV will not be accessible to me if there is no requirement for closed
captioning. The hearing world may think digital is a wonderful improvement
but it would be horrible if the millions of Americans with hearing loss are
left out.
How sad if one of the wealthiest countries in the world shut out so many of
its own citizens. Please don't let this happen, make sure that digital TV
is for everyone. Who knows, one day you may rely on captioning yourself.
Joan Cassidy
119 South Fox Rd
Sterling VA 20164