From: Scelfoj <>
To: NTIADC40.NTIAHQ40(piac)
Date: 3/8/98 11:25pm
Subject: Public Comment
To whom it may concern:
As a member of a democratic community, and as a citizen of the United States,
I was entirely appalled to discover that the FCC had given away a piece of my
property--the digital spectrum. It is ludicrous to give away this resource
without charge when it is something that 1) should always remain the property
of the American public, and 2) the revenue from its use should belong to the
This is the approach we take with all other public resources; when we pay for
a "license" to dig clams, for example, we are demonstrating the importance of
the principle that some things are public goods.
I understand that your committee is going to be discussing the "obligations"
of digital broadcasters. Any responsible discussion will begin with how the
public will be compensated for the use of its spectrum.
julie scelfo
(btw, the next order of business should be making sure that the spectrum is
used by diverse groups (not just "diverse" big networks))