
From: stephen provizer <>

To: NTIADC40.NTIAHQ40(piac)

Date: 1/27/98 5:08pm

Subject: Public Comment

Dear Sirs and Madams:

My impression in following the discussion about the digitization process is

that it has been carried out far too much in the strictly technical

domain. Let me clarify my concerns: As far as I can see, the technical

parameters of the discussion have been set by assuming that consideration

of community/citizen radio access possibilities has had no place in the

discussions. For example, as far as radio is concerned, it seems to me that

if community access *was* a serious aspect of the discussion, the idea of

moving up into the L band, as Canada is doing, would be seriously

considered in the US. This would leave a lot of people with FM receivers

able to get programming that did not have to respond to commercial

pressures(these pressures also effect NPR). Or, even if ICOB was

instituted, there might be a part of the dial in which CD quality would be

expected and another in which a proliferation of plain old FM signals would

be more desirable. An inexact analogy would be that, in the audio world,

you have people who like to listen to vinyl over CD's.

I fear that what people have defined as being technologically "do-able" has

been overly shaped by the marketplace. I believe that changes in a resource

as important as the public airwaves need to be shaped by thorough public

discussions which take into consideration the very broadest possibilities

of the technology. Then, on the basis of these discussions, the right

technology can be appropriately instituted. As far as I'm concerned, one

extremely important aspect to be considered is community/citizen access to

the public airwaves.

Steve Provizer Radio Free Allston--106.1

20 Reedsdale St. "A Voice For Community"

Allston, MA 02134
