From: Diane Simpson <>
To: NTIADC40.NTIAHQ40(piac)
Date: 12/2/97 9:29pm
Subject: Public Comment
Dear Members of the Advisory Committee:
This message is to **strongly** urge you to require that digital
broadcasters provide substantial free TV time to candidates for public
Broadcasters are using a publicly-owned resource--the airwaves--to make
money. They should be required to give something back in return for this
privledge, and that is free air time to candidates for public office.
Currently there is *much* too much influence of big money in politics, and
that is because the candidates have to raise huge amounts of money in order
to get their message out. If money played a less important role in
campaigns, we would have a far more representative form of government.
Third party and independent candidates ought to have access too. The free
television time could be linked to spending limits, in order to reduce the
ability of wealthy candidates to purchase a public office. The regulations
might also require that candidates appear in their own spots, and to speak
for longer than thirty seconds in order to to raise the level of political
Even though such a rule might slightly crimp broadcasters' profits, such
profits are only possible because of their use of a publicly owned and
limited resource. Do not developers have to pay linkage fees in most cities
in order to give something back to the community?
The advent of this new medium is the ideal time to implement such a
requirement, and I urge you to act now!
Sincerely yours,
Diane Simpson