
NAB Survey of Public Affairs Activities

Interview Schedule for National Report

August 1997


Your station's call letters: ____________________(To ensure a representative sample)

1. Please list the topics of the three biggest public service campaigns or activities conducted

by your station in 1996-1997.

Please See National Report

2. Please list the three community organizations that benefited most from your public service campaigns or activities in 1996-1997.

Please See National Report

3. Please list the topic of the next big public service campaign or activity being planned by your station.

Please See National Report

  1. Is this upcoming campaign only an on-air campaign, only an off-air campaign or a combination?

TV Radio

17% 22% On-air only

1% 1% Off-air only

75% 66% Both on-and off-air

3% 5% Not sure

5% 7% Refused

5. Did your station offer to sponsor any candidate forums, including debates or other air-time, for which political candidates would not be charged? [NOTE: A forum might be a Q&A session with reporters, for example.]

TV Radio

48% 49% Yes

47% 47% No

3% 2% Not sure

2% 1% Refused

Were the candidate debates or forums actually held?

TV Radio

79% 87% Yes

21% 12% No

* * Not sure

* 1% Refused

Were any debates or forums refused by the candidates?

TV Radio

38% 34% Yes

49% 55% No

13% 9% Not sure

· 2% Refused

6. Did your station carry any candidate debates or forums sponsored by any group other than the station itself?

TV Radio

20% 23% Yes

73% 71% No

4% 3% Not sure

3% 3% Refused

7. Please estimate what the value of the air-time your station gave to candidates, either directly in the form of forums and debates or through broadcasting a similar event sponsored by another group, would have been if you had sold that block?

TV Radio

1% 1% 0

6% 20% $1 - $1,000

11% 17% $1,001 - $5,000

6% 4% $5,001 - $10,000

13% 6% More than $10,000

1% 1% Don’t Know

62% 51% Refused

8. Before Election Day, did your station air any local public affairs programs or segments within local public affairs programs — not including your regular news broadcasts — dealing with the 1996 elections?

TV Radio

44% 63% Yes

49% 31% No

5% 4% Not sure

2% 2% Refused

9. Other than reporting on the progress of campaigns, did your news programs do any special segments profiling candidates and/or their stand on issues?

TV Radio

63% 51% Yes

30% 43% No

3% 4% Not sure

4% 2% Refused

  1. Before Election Day, did your station appeal to audiences to vote, either through PSAs, public

affairs programming, or the news?

TV Radio

91% 93% Total Yes

75% 82% Yes - PSAs

34% 49% Yes - Public affairs program

60% 67% Yes - News

5% 4% No

2% 2% Not sure

2% 1% Refused

Thinking now about some major public issues. While all of these issues have national implications, please think only of each issue in terms of their local impact and the way you handled these issues from a local perspective.

11. During the past year, did your station air any PSAs concerning:

TV Radio

Yes Yes

AIDS 81% 77%

Alcohol abuse 90% 89%

Anti-crime 89% 83%

Anti-violence 86% 78%

Drinking during pregnancy 62% 56%

Drunk driving 93% 93%

Drug use & abuse 94% 89%

Hunger/poverty/homelessness 84% 78%

Fund Raising Drives 89% 94%

(i.e., Scouts, Jaycees, United Way)

12. During the past year, did your station air any locally produced public affairs programs or segments — not including your news broadcasts—dealing with:

TV Radio

Yes Yes

AIDS 39% 46%

Alcohol abuse 47% 59%

Anti-crime 56% 62%

Anti-violence 51% 56%

Drinking during pregnancy 23% 30%

Drunk driving 43% 63%

Drug use & abuse 53% 63%

Hunger/poverty/homelessness 53% 61%

Fund Raising Drives 66% 80%

(i.e., Scouts, Jaycees, United Way)

13. Does your station consult with any community leaders in deciding issues and causes for public service programming and the appropriate proportion of locally to nationally produced public service programming to air on your station?

TV Radio

66% 75% Yes

15% 20% No

3% 4% Not sure

2% 1% Refused

14. In the past year, did your station help charities, charitable causes or needy individuals by fund-raising or offering some other support?

TV Radio

92% 92% Total Yes

73% 79% Yes, fund-raising

53% 32% Yes, other

5% 5% No

2% 2% Not sure

1% 1% Refused

15. Please list how much money was collected or pledged in your fund-raising efforts over the past


TV Radio

2% 4% $1 - $1,000

4% 9% $1,001 - $5,000

2% 6% $5,001 - $10,000

8% 19% $10,001 - $50,000

40% 19% More than $50,000

2% 1% Don’t Know

42% 42% Refused

  1. Please list some of the major causes your station has helped in the past year.

Please See National Report

17. In the past year, has your station been involved in any on-air campaigns — either through your local news broadcasts, PSAs, or public affairs programming — or off-air activities to aid the victims of a disaster? [For example earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood or fire victims?]

TV Radio

66% 68% Yes

27% 25% No

5% 5% Not sure

3% 2% Refused

  1. Was this campaign only an on-air campaign, only an off-air campaign or

a combination?

TV Radio

57% 55% On-air only

2% 1% Off-air only

40% 43% Both on- and off-air

1% 1% Refused

1% 1% Not sure

19. Please list the total dollar figure of the PSAs in 1996-97?

TV Radio

5% 20% Less than $10,000

9% 27% $10,001 - $50,000

67% 34% More than $50,000

1% * Don’t Know

19% 19% Refused

20. Please list how many PSAs your station runs in a typical week.

TV Radio

23% 32% 1 - 50

26% 25% 51 - 100

28% 22% 101 - 200

17% 13% More than 200

6% 8% Refused

21. Of the number of PSAs that your station runs, what percentage are LOCALLY produced or

about LOCAL issues?

TV Radio

52% 35% 50 or Less

43% 59% 51 - 100

5% 6% Refused

22. How many PSAs does your station run in a typical day?

TV Radio

28% 38% 1 - 10

28% 23% 11 - 20

16% 15% 21 - 30

7% 3% 31 - 40

4% 4% 41 - 50

5% 6% More than 50

13% 11% Refused


23. Please list the Run Of Schedule rate, as listed on your station’s rate card, for a 30 second spot.

TV Radio

3% 26% $1 - $10

4% 24% $11 - $20

8% 9% $21 - $30

5% 6% $31 - $40

11% 3% $41 - $50

45% 18% More than $50

3% 1% Don’t Know

23% 13% Refused

If you work for a radio station, please continue with question 24.

24. What is the population of the area your signal covers?

6% Less than 25,000

27% 25,000 to 75,000

46% 75,000 to 1 million

19% Over 1 million

3% Refused