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Archives and Libraries Consulted

Archives of American Art, Washington, DC

Archives of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands

Archives of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, New York, NY

American Jewish Historical Archives, New York, NY

American Jewish Committee, New York, NY

American Joint Distribution Committee Archives, New York, NY (AJDC)

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Columbia University Law Library, New York, NY

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC

The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, MA

Hoover Institution Library and Archives, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Hungarian National Archives, Budapest, Hungary

The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, OH (AJA)

Library of Congress, Washington, DC (LC)

National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD (NACP)

National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC

National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Seely Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

U.S. Army Center of Military History, Washington, DC (CMH)

U.S. Customs Service, Historian's Office, Washington, DC

U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

U.S. Department of Treasury, Washington, DC

United Nations Archives, New York, NY

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Record Groups Consulted at the National Archives

RG 28 Post Office Department

RG 36 Office of U.S. Customs

RG 38 Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

RG 39 Bureau of Accounts (Treasury)

RG 43 International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions

RG 46 U.S. Senate

RG 49 Bureau of Land Management

RG 56 Department of Treasury

RG 59 Department of State & Foreign Affairs

RG 60 Department of Justice

RG 64 National Archives and Records Administration

RG 65 Federal Bureau of Investigation

RG 82 Federal Reserve System

RG 84 Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State

RG 104 U.S. Bureau of the Mint

RG 107 Office of the Secretary of War

RG 131 Office of Alien Property

RG 151 Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce

RG 153 Judge Advocate General

RG 159 Office of the Inspector General (Army)

RG 165 War Department General & Special Staff

RG 200 Gift Record Collection

RG 216 Office of Censorship

RG 218 U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff

RG 226 Office of Strategic Services

RG 238 War Crimes Records

RG 239 American Commission for the Protection & Salvage of Artistic & Historic Monuments in War Areas

RG 260 U.S. Occupation Headquarters, WWII

RG 263 Central Intelligence Agency

RG 265 Foreign Assets Control

RG 299 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States

RG 319 Army Staff

RG 331 Allied Operational & Occupation Headquarters, WWII

RG 338 United States Army Commands, 1942 -

RG 353 Interdepartmental and Intradepartmental Committees (State Department)

RG 389 Provost Marshal General 1917 -

RG 407 Adjutant General's Office

RG 466 High Commissioner for Germany



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