BOLDER originated
from EPA's 1996 reinvention effort, the Common Sense Initiative (CSI),
and represents the product of a true partnership agreement between EPA,
non-profit environmental groups, and firefighters. The first BOLDER
pilots were endorsed at the CSI Council meeting in July 1997, and the
system is currently up and running in Phoenix and Chandler, Arizona.
BOLDER software is free and is sent to EPA for distribution. In addition,
BOLDER software can be downloaded at no cost from the Texas
A & M Corpus Christi Internet site.
And, what about
tomorrow's technological innovations in emergency preparedness planning?
EPA's emerging Risk Management Plan (RMP) is on the drawing-board today.
For more information
about BOLDER, contact Chris Tirpak, Environmental Project Manager at
EPA, by telephone (202) 260-7538 or email.
Also, visit EPA's Internet