
Welfare to Work, a Pamphlet for Federal Managers
June 1997

An Overview:
Each Federal Department and Agency has developed a "hiring plan" which highlights the personal commitment from the Department Secretary or Agency Administrator. An abbreviated version is published in a report by the Vice President. A copy of this publication can be obtained by calling the National Performance Review (NPR) at (202) 632-0150 or viewed on the web site:

Some agencies are planning recognition ceremonies and awards for managers who demonstrate exceptional success in hiring welfare recipients.

Agencies are taking advantage of high-tech options to help people find out about jobs by utilizing the Office of Personnel Management's (OPMs) internet site for federal jobs.


National Performance Review:

US Department of Labor:

Department of Health & Human Services:

US Office of Personnel Management:

Lead Agencies:

Federal Executive Boards (FEBs) and Federal Executive Associations (FEAs):

Dated Information:

Federal HR Forum's quarterly interactive Satellite Broadcast on June 25, 1997 will address the Welfare-to-Work initiative with extended time for questions and answers directly from the field. Subtopics expected to be addressed include: recruiting, resources, and retention. The program airs at 1:00-2:30 p.m. EDT. Coordinates are available at under "satellite" on the index. If you're interested in this information after June 25th, call your local FEB for a copy or you can purchase a copy by calling (703) 620-6000.


The following information is maintained at the agency's web site (addresses listed throughout this document).

Web site information on Welfare-to-Work is increasing. Some helpful web sites available at the time of developing this information include:


When pursuing information on Welfare-to-Work, there are many informational resources available:

  1. Contact your local Federal Executive Board or Federal Executive Association. A listing of FEBs and FEAs is provided on the OPM web site at

  2. If there is a Federal Lead in your area, call the point of contact. (Points of contact are listed on the OPM web site at

  3. Contact your Regional Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration office (points of contact are listed on the web site at

  4. Contact your Regional Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families representative.

  5. Call resource organizations in your area (i.e. JTPA, Job Corps, state welfare organizations) to obtain assistive services which may be available for newly hired welfare recipients.

  6. Check your organization's policies on support programs such as child care affordability and transit subsidies.

  7. Utilize mentoring services available through state and local government agencies, non-profit, civic, religious, and service organizations to aid in the retention of your newly hired employee.

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