Key Word | Topic(s) | Key Word | Topic(s) | |
audit | Performance Auditing | invest | Investment | |
account | Accountability | local | Local Focus or Specific Local Case Studies | |
bench | Benchmarking / Best Practices | manage | Performance Management | |
budget | Performance-Based Budgeting / Financial Management | measure | Measures / Performance Measurement | |
customer | Customer Surveys / Customer Satisfaction | mfr | General Managing for Results | |
evaluate | Evaluation | plan | Planning | |
federal | Federal Focus or Specific Federal Case Studies | report | Reporting | |
international | International Focus or Specific International Case Studies | state | State Focus or Specific State Case Studies |
SITE: | Alberta, Canada (Government of) |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | account, evaluate, international, measure, mfr, report |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site includes on-line copy of Measuring Up, an annual report to Albertans on the performance of government. The report explains what was achieved with the money spent. Measuring Up compares actual performance to desired results or targets in the government's three core businesses: people, prosperity, and preservation. It includes information on 23 core measures and the goal for each, along with measures, targets, methodologies and strategies for achieving the goal. For information on evaluation in the federal government, visit the web site of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada: |
SITE: | Alliance for Redesigning Government, The Public Innovator Learning Network at the National Academy of Public Administration |
KEY WORDS![]() | budget, manage, measure, mfr, report |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | A comprehensive site with case studies, reports, and other information on investment decisionmaking, performance-based budgeting and management, measuring and reporting outcomes, and engaging citizens. The site provides useful ideas and contacts gathered from hundreds of federal, state, and local government practitioners; associations; schools of public administration; businesses; and the IBM-sponsored Institute for Electronic Government. It includes a comprehensive index to articles, people, and tools featured in The Public Innovator news bulletin. The Alliance is building an information network for people making government work, with direct links to many of the other sites identified in this resource guide. |
SITE: | American Productivity and Quality Center, International Benchmarking Clearinghouse |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | bench, customer, measure |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The American Productivity and Quality Center provides help in organizational change and improvement to its private and public sector members. This site describes the services and products available in the areas of benchmarking, measurement, customer satisfaction, productivity, and quality. |
SITE: | American Society for Public Administration |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | bench, budget, customer, measure, plan |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | American Society for Public Administration offers some of the latest in applied public administration research. From its journal, Public Administration Review, to the annual papers presented at its national conference, to special reading lists put together for the benefit of researchers, ASPA is the place to go for interesting new knowledge, theories, and practices. Of particular use is the listing of conference papers on the Public Administration Research page. |
SITE: | Association of Government Accountants, Task Force on Performance Auditing |
ADDRESS: | gopher:// |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | audit, measure, report |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This on-line February 1993, task force report addresses the best approaches for government agencies to maintain better performance data. The report defines performance auditing and the key elements for success, including the scope of the audit (i.e., it needs to be designed to address the questions and issues that decisionmakers care about) and its communication to users. |
SITE: | FedWorld Information Network |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | federal, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | FedWorld, introduced by the National Technical Information Service in 1992, provides a central access point for locating and acquiring government information on-line. From this Web site, users can access the FedWorld FTP and telnet sites and links to other U.S. government Web sites. The FTP site provides access to FedWorld file libraries with more than 15,000 files, including information on business, health and safety, and the environment. The telnet service offers access to detailed information from over 50 agencies and includes access to on-line ordering services, federal job opportunities, and about 100 other government information systems otherwise available only via a modem. The links to other federal Web sites are sorted by subject categories for ease in locating sites of interest. |
SITE: | FinanceNet |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | budget, manage |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | FinanceNet's mission is to help governments manage and account for taxpayer resources. This is a good starting point to an array of federal resources including links to General Accounting Office reports, testimony, policy, and guidance; the Office of Management and Budget; the U.S. Treasury Department; the Chief Financial Officers Council; and the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program, which is working to improve financial management practices throughout the federal government. FinanceNet provides electronic document libraries, mailing lists, discussion forums, and related resources to link and inform public and private sector financial management professionals on issues of fiscal finance. |
SITE: | Florida Commission on Government Accountability to the People |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | account, bench, plan, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site provides information on the Florida Commission on Government Accountability to the People, whose role is to track the impact of state government on the well-being of Florida's citizens and to serve as a citizen board to assist state government in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its services. Learn about The Florida Benchmarks Report, a set of physical, social, and economic indicators used to measure Florida's progress in becoming a better place to live, learn, work, and visit. |
SITE: | Grand Prairie (City of), Alberta, Canada |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | federal, international, local, manage, measure, mfr, plan, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site identifies strategic and business planning Web sites in municipal government, state and provincial government, U.S. federal government, universities and commercial enterprise. A long-term aim is to include links to sites covering performance measurement, reengineering, restructuring, Total Quality Management, continuous improvement, and change management. Issues and principles of performance measurement, an informal bibliography, and other sources of performance measurement information are available at |
SITE: | Harvard Family Research Project, Harvard University |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | account, evaluate, measure |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) examines and encourages policies and programs that support families and communities to help children reach their fullest potential. This site provides information on HFRP activities and includes The Evaluation Exchange, a quarterly newsletter produced by the project. Also available are reports issued by the Results-Based Accountability Project, which is studying approaches in several states in designing and implementing accountability systems. |
SITE: | The Innovation Groups, Local Government Network |
KEY WORDS:![]() | bench, customer, local, manage, plan |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The Local Government Network was created by The Innovation Groups to better serve local government professionals. The site identifies resources (books, audios, videos) and training information on topics including benchmarking, strategic planning, measuring program efficiency and effectiveness, and program performance. |
SITE: | InterAgency Benchmarking and Best Practices Council |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | bench, federal, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The InterAgency Benchmarking and Best Practices Council was formed in 1996 by representatives from several federal agencies to (1) provide a resource for leveraging information and knowledge on benchmarking and best practices and to (2) promote a worldwide, virtual learning organization and community on these topics. Among the valuable resources available at this site are a suggested code of conduct for benchmarking, a library and annotated bibliography, abstracts of relevant journal and magazine articles, and databases of best practices and business process reengineering studies. The council is in the process of developing a government process classification scheme which it will use to classify and create a database of best practices and innovative practices information for posting to this Web site. |
SITE: | Louisiana State Office of Planning and Budget |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | account, budget, plan, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site describes Louisiana's implementation of program budgeting, a budget-building process that integrates strategic planning and performance accountability, bases decisions on objective data, and stresses results and outcomes. Annual "State of the State" reports available at this site measure performance in major policy and functional areas of Louisiana state government. |
SITE: | Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor, Program Evaluation Division |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | account, bench, evaluate, report, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The Program Evaluation Division evaluates state government programs and agencies in Minnesota and helps to ensure fiscal accountability. This site includes:
SITE: | Minnesota Planning |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | measure, plan, report, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | Minnesota Planning's site provides information and analysis about emerging and critical issues and reports on the progress of Minnesota Milestones the state's 30-year plan which sets out 20 goals for Minnesota and identifies 79 indicators to measure progress toward these goals. |
SITE: | Multnomah County Good Government (Oregon) |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | bench, local, measure |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site explains this Oregon county's 85 benchmarks and identifies those that are the most urgent. Multnomah's benchmarks are goal statements, such as "reduce domestic abuse, increase health care services, and increase county government accountability and responsiveness," that chart a course for the county and establish priorities in its budgeting. The site also offers information on RESULTS (Reaching Excellent Service Using Leadership and Team Strategies), a partnership between labor and management used to connect measurable goals for the county's day-to-day work with long-term benchmark goals. This site also provides links to related "good government" sites. |
SITE: | National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters Library |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | federal, manage, measure, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site maintains a regularly updated list of "hot pick" articles on a variety of management issues including the Government Performance and Results Act, measuring performance, and organizational change. |
SITE: | National Performance Review |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | bench, customer, federal, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The National Performance Review (NPR) web site includes:
SITE: | North Carolina Office of Strategic Planning |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | budget, measure, plan, report, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site provides comprehensive information on how the Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis assists participating agencies in performance planning, developing mission and goals and uncovering trends and implications, identifying customers and expected outcomes, establishing and finalizing objectives and outcome measures, and developing strategies. The site is designed as a how-to guide for agencies. It provides definitions and examples of measures and explains the preparation of department operations plans and performance program planning. |
SITE: | Oregon Progress Board |
KEY WORDS:![]() | bench, measure, plan, report, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | Created by the Oregon Legislature in 1989, the Progress Board is a panel of leading Oregon citizens, chaired by the governor, charged with ensuring that Oregon Shines a 20-year vision for Oregon's strategic development is implemented and monitored over time. This site shares information about Oregon's strategic plan and explains Oregon Benchmarks more than 250 indicators that can be measured regularly to provide a report card on how well the state is achieving its strategic plan. Reports and publications developed by Oregon that can help others develop strategic plans, performance measures, and benchmarks are listed and ordering information is provided. Some items, including the Oregon Benchmarks 1995 Report to the Legislature, are available for downloading or review. |
SITE: | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | audit, bench, evaluate, international, manage, measure, plan |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The Public Management Service (PUMA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports on, analyzes, and assesses information on public management in OECD member countries. PUMA's work on performance management examines issues of measurement of public sector organizations, including effectiveness, efficiency, service quality, and responsiveness to citizens and enterprises; and mechanisms to integrate performance issues into the management of these organizations. This site includes ordering information and a summary of reports and publications by PUMA and OECD on public management issues. It links to finance and treasury sites in Australia, Canada, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom. |
SITE: | Performance Management Network |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | manage, measure, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The mission of the Ottawa-based Performance Management Network (PMN) is to add value to public and private sector enterprises through the exchange of ideas and insights on performance management, measurement, and improvement. Join PMN for free to gain access to summaries and discussions of such issues as performance measurement and performance-based management. This site describes a performance-based management training course offered by PMS with components focusing on developing strategic performance measures, planning, program review, and goal setting. |
SITE: | The President's Vanguard Customer Service Team |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | customer, federal |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | Starting in 1993 with a recommendation from Vice President Gore's National Performance Review team and a presidential executive order, federal agencies embarked on a campaign to put customers first by delivering customer service equal to the best in business. Since then, more than 200 agencies have published nearly 2,000 customer service standards and measures promising courtesy, convenience, and cooperation. Frontline agencies that touch millions of Americans every day are in the vanguard of this effort. At this site, you can see what the President's Vanguard Team has promised to change, provide feedback, and review customer service standards for all federal agencies. See the following list of specific addresses. |
The President's Vanguard Customer Service Team | |
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | |
Customs Service | |
Environmental Protection Agency | |
Forest Service | |
Immigration and Naturalization Service | |
Internal Revenue Service | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | |
National Park Service | |
Passport Service | |
Social Security Administration | |
Veterans Affairs | |
SITE: | Productivity Press |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | bench, manage, measure |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | While this information is targeted to the private sector and has a manufacturing focus, many of the books available from Productivity Press contain information relevant to the public sector as well. At this site, you can browse and order from a catalog of books on quality, productivity, employee involvement, benchmarking, process improvement, and more. Conference, training, and consulting information is also provided at this site. |
SITE: | Public Sector Continuous Improvement Site |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | evaluate, federal, manage, measure, mfr, report, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The Public Sector Continuous Improvement Site aims to help Public Sector employees improve their organizations by focusing on the System of Profound Knowledge (W. Edwards Deming), System Thinking, Statistical Process Control, Customer Focus, Joy in Work, Learning Organizations and Innovation. The site is a guide to online resources for Public Sector Continuous Improvement efforts, including an online library of articles, reports, case studies, and files. |
SITE: | Southern Growth Policies Board |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | account, bench, measure, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | Check out the Publications section for an up-to-date listing and ordering information for reports on benchmarking, performance measures, strategic planning, etc. Refer to Upcoming Events for management conferences organized by the Southern Growth Policies Board or review information in the Publications section on proceedings from previous conferences. |
SITE: | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | international, manage |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site is the gateway to all on-line information of the Treasury Board of Canada and its secretariat. It has extensive links to other Internet resources in management, public administration, accounting and auditing, etc., in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. From this site access many useful documents and reports, including the text of a speech called "Making Innovation a Way of Life" which summarizes New Brunswick's experience with performance indicators, a new structure and process of governing, and an agenda for change resulting from an eight-year period of innovation. |
SITE: | United Kingdom National Audit Office |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | audit, budget, evaluate, international, report |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The National Audit Office (NAO) has statutory authority to report to Parliament on the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness with which departments and other bodies within the United Kingdom government have used their resources. This site provides ordering information for many NAO-issued reports. |
SITE: | U.S. Department of Energy, Performance-Based Management Special Interest Group |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | federal, manage, measure |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | The Performance-Based Management Special Interest Group part of the Training Resources and Data Exchange program managed by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Exchange fosters continuous improvement and facilitates the use of performance-based management techniques within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) community. From this site you can access a number of helpful resources on performance management including a Performance Indicators Handbook, guidelines for performance measurement, and a copy of the performance agreement between the President and the DOE Secretary for FY 1996. The information at this site is relevant to those outside DOE interested in managing for results. |
SITE: | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Performance Measurement in Selected Public Health Programs |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | federal, measure, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | This site outlines the department's process for developing performance objectives in partnership with its stakeholders; it will soon include a database of results statements obtained from over 1,200 state, local, and tribal officials who participated in four regional meetings from December 1995 to May 1996. Provides a glossary of performance measurement terms as well as relevant publications and resources. Also links to related Web sites, including articles on performance measurement. Provides a comprehensive listing of GPRA related articles and guidance from the Office of Management and Budget, GAO, and federal agencies. |
SITE: | Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | budget, measure, plan, state |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | Detailed information on fundamental principles of a performance measurement system, planning terminology, sample measures, development of a strategic plan and performance measures, use of measurement information, and lessons learned and examples. This site includes a comprehensive section on performance measures in the public sector: what is performance measurement, what forces are driving it, its benefits and limitations, the current status of performance measurement in the states, and the relationship of performance measurement to budgeting. |
SITE: | The White House |
KEY WORDS: ![]() | federal, mfr |
SUMMARY OF RESOURCES: | In addition to providing information about the President and Vice President, the history of the White House, our past presidents and first families, as well as a means of communicating via e-mail with President Clinton and Vice President Gore, this site offers comprehensive access to information and services from the federal government. Visitors to this site can also search White House documents, review current news releases, and find out the latest federal statistics. |