
Document Name: App B: Text of Cus. Svc. Stnds: The General Public (16 of 23
Date: 09/01/94
Owner: National Performance Review
Title: App B: Text of Cus. Svc. Stnds: The General Public (16 of 23)

Author: Vice President Al Gore's National Performance Review

Date: September, 1994


The General Public



Department of Agriculture


Economic Agencies


Economic Research Service, World Agricultural Outlook Board, and

National Agricultural Statistics Service

Provide information and analyses for improving the performance of

agriculture and the well-being of rural America.

We will:

--- Respond to each customer in a courteous and helpful manner.

--- Accurately direct you to the person or agency with the

information you need.

--- Provide complete, accurate information about our programs,

products, and services in plain language.

--- Make it easy to find and order reports.

--- Deliver promised information promptly.

--- Explain why, when we cannot meet your request.

--- Deliver services without discrimination on the basis of race,

color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political

beliefs, and marital or family status.

Service you can expect from the ERS-NASS sales desk:

--- Your call will be answered promptly and courteously by a

knowledgeable operator. Occasionally, the volume of calls may require

that your call be placed on hold for a short time, but we won't

forget you!

--- If you are calling for the first time, the operator will ask for

your name and address and will give you a customer ID number to

expedite your next order.

--- Orders for monographs, electronic data products, and single

copies of periodicals will be mailed first-class within five working


--- Payment choices include MasterCard or Visa, or check or money

order (U.S. funds only).

--- You will receive two renewal notices before subscriptions expire.

--- ERS-NASS operators can answer your questions regarding the

current status of your account, including payment, issues due,

billing, and other questions. Errors will be corrected promptly.

--- You can request expedited shipment of your order via Federal

Express at your expense.

Field Service Centers


Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Farmers Home

Administration, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Rural Development

Administration, and Soil Conservation Service

Provide one-stop shopping for USDA assistance.

--- You will be treated with courtesy and respect.

--- You will be assisted by a polite, responsive, and knowledgeable

staff. If we get things wrong, we will explain what happened and will

make them right.

--- You will be given prompt and reliable service.

--- We want to respond quickly and accurately to your requests for

information, loans, payments, and technical assistance. We will put

you in touch with the person on our staff who can best handle your

request. If we cannot handle your request quickly, we will tell you

how long it will take. We are working on more specific standards for

each of our services and will have these to you by June 1995.

--- You will be given information that is clear, reliable, and easy

to understand.

--- We will explain to you how our programs work, what benefits you

can receive, whether you are eligible, and how you can apply. We are

committed to making sure the information we give you meets your

needs. We want to work with you to continually improve the

information we give you and the way you receive it.

--- You will be given forms that are easy to understand and complete.

Our forms are an important way of getting information from you. We

want to continually improve them so that they are easy for you to

fill out and provide us with the information we need to serve you.

When we revise our forms or create new ones, we will consider to your


--- We will work closely with other government agencies such as the

Cooperative Extension Service and state and local agencies to ensure

that our work is mutually supportive and our policies and regulations

are consistent.

Food Safety and Inspection Service


Ensures that meat and poultry products that cross state borders are

safe, wholesome, and accurately labeled.

You can expect FSIS to:

--- Be innovative, forward-thinking, and continue to look for ways to

improve how we inspect meat and poultry products and protect the

public health.

--- Provide you with up-to-date information on food safety issues

through the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline (1-800-535-4555).

--- Solicit and consider your ideas to assist us in making policy and

program improvements.

--- Provide uniform inspection in meat and poultry plants across the

United States and hold them all to the same high standards.

--- Ensure that the meat and poultry products you buy have safe-

handling instructions on them.

--- Investigate and prosecute people and businesses that violate meat

and poultry laws.

--- Continue working with industry to improve our current inspection

system using new science and technological advances.


Department of Commerce


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


National Weather Service

If you're using our forecasts or warnings of emergencies, you are our

customers and this is what we'll provide to you:

--- State-of-the-art equipment and technologies allow NWS to operate

the most advanced weather and water forecast and warning system in

the world.

--- We continue to increase advance warning times for severe weather.

Currently, warnings of less than 10 minutes are typical for

thunderstorms and tornadoes. With new technologies and increasing

numbers of better-trained hazardous weather spotters, as much as 30

minutes warning may be possible before the severe weather occurs.

--- We issue routine forecasts every four to six hours, but we

continuously update and amend our forecasts and warnings during

changing weather.

--- Our goal is to work with the private sector to make NOAA Weather

Radios as common as smoke detectors -- to place NOAA Weather Radios

wherever people congregate, including all schools, hospitals, and

nursing homes to provide weather warnings which can save lives.

--- New technologies are being developed for persons with

disabilities such as the hearing-impaired.

--- Development of new products and services based on user requests

and requirements is a top priority.

--- We have improved long-range forecasts, better serving the general

population, and America's agricultural, transportation, and other

economic interests.

Office of the Secretary


Office of Consumer Affairs

Whenever you contact our office:

--- We will always treat you fairly and courteously.

--- We will answer the telephone on or before the third ring. You

will speak to one of our staff. On the rare occasion when no one is

available, you may leave a message on our answering machine and we

will return your call on the same day or the next working day.

--- Our letters to you will always be written in plain language.

--- If for some reason we can't meet the standards given below, we

will send you an interim response explaining when you can expect our

full reply.

If you contact us about a consumer complaint:

--- We will respond to your complaint letter within 10 working days.

--- As appropriate, our written responses to complaint letters will

provide you with additional sources of information and redress, and

will include a complaint-handling fact sheet.

--- If you telephone us with a complaint, we will advise you on the

telephone. If a complaint specialist is not available, we will return

your call by the next business day.

If you contact us with an inquiry about the Department of Commerce or

ask for other information:

--- We will answer your written inquiry within 10 working days.

--- If you telephone us, you will speak to a knowledgeable person who

will answer your question. If we don't know the answer, we will find

someone who does. If we need to refer you to another office, our

referrals will be prompt and accurate.

If you request one of our publications:

--- Publications will be sent out within five days of receiving your


--- They will be written in plain language, and will be easily

understood and appropriate for our audiences.

--- Consumer publications will be available in large type, on


Office of Public Affairs

--- We will provide prompt responses to telephone requests for

information. We will be pleasant and courteous in helping our calling

customers locate information, publications, and services. Anytime we

are unable to supply information immediately or refer the caller

appropriately, we promise to find answers and return the telephone

call within 24 hours.

--- We will respond to your letters within five working days. Our

replies will be clearly written and will address specific concerns or

requests for information.

--- Our external publications will be written clearly in easily

understood language and in an informative manner.

--- We will strive to identify you, our customers, so we can improve

the department information available to you not only by mail, but

also via electronic media.

--- We guarantee accountability to our customers. We will use

customer suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to improve our



Department of Defense


The American public will be assured that the Department of Defense

will do everything possible to defend Americans and American

interests. American confidence in those running the military will be

at a high level.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)


Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service

Handles sales of excess material to the public.

--- Courteous relations

--- Understanding needs

--- Satisfaction

--- Timeliness of actions

--- Open to suggestions

--- Maximum assistance

--- Environment that is businesslike

--- Reliability of information

--- Service

Office of Public Affairs


--- Information will be made fully and readily available, consistent

with statutory requirements, unless its release is precluded by

current and valid security classification. The provisions of the

Freedom of Information Act will be supported in both letter and


--- A free flow of general and military information will be made

available, without censorship or propaganda, to the men and women of

the Armed Forces and their dependents.

--- Information will not be classified or otherwise withheld to

protect the government from criticism or embarrassment.

--- Information will be withheld only when disclosure would adversely

affect national security or threaten the safety or privacy of the men

and women of the Armed Forces.

--- The department's obligation to provide the public with

information on its major programs may require detailed public affairs

planning and coordination within the department and with other

government agencies. The sole purpose of such activity is to expedite

the flow of information to the public: Propaganda has no place in

Department of Defense public affairs programs.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Disaster Response and Recovery

Supplements state and local efforts to save human life, prevent

immediate human suffering, or mitigate property damage.

--- We will inform state and local officials of our policies and

authorities, and participate in their emergency seminars and

exercises when asked.

--- We will provide emergency operations assistance (such as

providing sandbags, pumps, technical assistance, etc.), when

requested and in compliance with Public Law 84-99.

--- We will provide post-flood assistance to include technical advice

and assistance, debris clearance, debris removal, and temporary

restoration of critical public facilities or services, and identify

hazard mitigation opportunities as part of our interagency team.

--- We will provide temporary assistance for emergency water supply

as a result of a drought or contaminated source for up to 30 days or

until the Federal Emergency Management Agency undertakes the

provision of emergency water under its own authorities, whichever is



Department of Education


Ensures equal access to education and promotes educational excellence


Anyone we deal with can expect:

--- You will receive individual attention and prompt, professional

service. You will be valued.

--- We will seek to meet your needs and expectations. We will build a

relationship with you.

--- We will provide information that is timely, dependable, and

accurate. We will serve you.

--- You will have easy access to services and information. We will

use the latest technology to enhance your access.

--- We will provide you every opportunity to give input and feedback.

We will listen to you.

Goals 2000: Educate America Act


The Goals 2000 Act, which focuses the nation's attention on

challenging academic and occupational standards, was passed with

input from a wide range of bipartisan supporters including state

governors and legislators, educators, researchers, policy makers, and

parents. To be considered for funding, states complete only a short,

simple grant application. We respond in writing to all applications

within 15 days.

This act is a cornerstone of the department's improvement agenda. The

Act establishes the National Education Goals for the year 2000. They

are as follows:

--- School readiness: All children in America will start school ready

to learn.

--- School completion: The high school graduation rate will increase

to at least 90 percent.

--- Student achievement and citizenship: All students will leave

grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency over challenging

subject matter, including English, mathematics, science, foreign

languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and

geography; and every school in America will ensure that all students

learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for

responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment

in our nation's economy.

--- Mathematics and science: The nation's students will be first in

the world in mathematics and science achievement.

--- Adult literacy and lifelong learning: Every adult American will

be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to

compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and

responsibilities of citizenship.

--- Safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools: Every school in the

United States will be free of drugs, violence, and the unauthorized

presence of firearms and alcohol, and will offer a disciplined

environment conducive to learning.

--- Teacher education and professional development: The nation's

teaching force will have access to programs for the continued

improvement of its professional skills and the opportunity to acquire

the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and prepare all American

students for the next century.

--- Parental participation: Every school will promote partnerships

that will increase parental involvement and participation in

promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.

Impact Aid


Grants available to local school systems whose resources are affected

by federal operations.

Based on a customer survey indicating that more than half of our

customers were dissatisfied with the timeliness of their payments, we

instituted a new standard:

--- All applicants that submit a problem-free application receive

their payments within 45 days of receipt.

Office for Civil Rights


Responding promptly to complaints, we revised our complaint

resolution procedures to provide better service and faster resolution

of civil rights complaints filed against educational institutions:

--- Within five days of receipt, we respond to all complaints and

provide information on complaint resolution procedures.

--- We offer all parties a range of options, such as mediation, early

complaint resolution, and fact-finding conferences.

Student Financial Assistance Program


The Student Financial Assistance Program has established a Customer

Support Inquiry Service that provides a single point of contact for

answers to policy questions and resolves issues that cut across

postsecondary programs. This service is provided to postsecondary

institutions, lenders, guaranty agencies, and other financial


--- Once a question is posed and forwarded to the appropriate person,

we respond within three days.


Department of Energy


Energy Resources


The number one goal of the Department's Energy Resources Business

Line in fiscal year 1995 will be to advance the nation's capability

to deliver clean, efficient, reliable, equitable, and cost-effective

energy services to the American people. With this goal in mind, we


--- Expand the Clean Cities Program to 25 cities by December 1994.

--- Add 12,250 alternative fuel vehicles to the federal fleet and

promote the opening of over 60 private sector refueling stations for

these vehicles by October 1995.

--- Establish 12 new Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

with the automotive industry to develop cleaner cars, with the goal

of increasing transportation energy efficiency, lowering air

pollution levels, and reducing the nation's dependence on imported

oil, by October 1995.

--- Implement climate change programs to reduce domestic greenhouse

gases by 4 percent by the year 2000.

--- Provide funds for weatherizing 126,000 homes, and upgrading 1,350

schools and hospitals by October 1995.

--- By the year 2000, increase the use of clean domestic natural gas

to an estimated 22 trillion cubic feet, an increase of approximately

18 percent.

--- Create 20,000 new jobs through the implementation of energy

efficiency programs that promote private sector investment by October


Environmental Quality


We pledge to our customers that we will:

--- Maintain safe facilities that will minimize risks to our

employees, contractors, and others who come in contact with our

facilities. This includes providing a safe work environment as well

as diligent waste management activities.

--- Respond to requests for information, such as Freedom of

Information Act requests, in a more complete and timely manner. This

commitment has already resulted in a 40 percent increase in the

completion of these cases.

--- Demonstrate openness and take responsibility for our actions so

that we can gain credibility from our stakeholders and the public's


--- Share our environmental technology advancements with other

federal agencies and with the private sector so they can also benefit

from our investments.

Our standards:

--- Improve the cost performance of environmental quality projects by

20 percent over the next two years.

--- Increase our sensitivity to cultural and social values in key

environmental decisions by doubling the number of citizen advisory

boards from four to eight by June 1995. The purpose of the citizen

advisory boards is to provide citizen input into environmental

restoration, waste management, and technical development.

--- Improve the distribution of programmatic information by filling

orders for publications at the Center for Environmental Management

within two business days from the time they reach the center.

--- Realize a 5 percent per year productivity savings on

environmental cleanups by instituting contract reform to increase


National Security


We pledge to make decisions and initiate actions that are responsive

to our customers' needs. We seek to create a participatory atmosphere

in which the customer's opinions are integrated into our decision

process. We will:

--- Maintain or exceed the confidence and reliability standards as

defined by the military characteristics for weapons, as measured by

technical analysis by the National Laboratories, resulting in the

continued maintenance of a safe and reliable stockpile.

--- Dismantle weapons in accordance with the annual Presidential

Directive, resulting in a reduction of over 6,000 nuclear weapons

between 1994 and 1998.

--- Continue our program to build public confidence by classifying

fewer documents; declassifying more documents; and establishing, in

November 1994, an on-line bibliography of declassified documents

available on request. Since 1993, classified documents have decreased

by 70,000; 791 percent improvement in declassification actions.


Department of Housing and Urban Development


Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity


Public Housing Management Assessment Program

Work orders:

--- 99 percent of emergency work items are to be corrected within 24


--- The number of non-emergency work orders outstanding at the end of

the last fiscal year did not exceed 4 percent of the total number of

work orders received during the year (excluding cyclical work



--- 99 percent of emergency items are to be corrected within 24


--- All other unit deficiencies are to be corrected within an average

of 25 days.

Protected Classes Under the Civil Rights Laws


--- You are entitled to respect and courteous treatment.

--- If you have a need for a sign language or non-English speaking

interpreter or other special needs, we will make these services

available to you.

--- Information will be provided to you without regard to race,

color, sex, religion, national origin, handicap, or familial status.

--- Information given by you will be kept confidential.

--- You will be told what information you are being given and how it

responds to your request.

--- After assisting you, we will offer to provide additional

assistance at a later time should you need it.

--- If you are not satisfied with the assistance given, we will put

you in touch with a supervisor.


--- You will meet with the most knowledgeable staff person available

within five minutes of arrival in office.


--- Your letter will be acknowledged within 10 working days of

receipt and we will address fully in clear and concise language all

concerns and include a contact name/telephone number. If we need more

time to respond to you, you will be sent an interim reply explaining

why the delay and when to expect a complete response.


--- Your call will be responded to within 24 hours by the most

knowledgeable staff person available. We will make every effort to

provide a "live voice" to take your messages instead of by voice


--- If you use our hotline telephone, your call will be responded to

within 24 hours.


--- The office and its services are accessible to persons with


Complaint processing:

--- Your complaint will be treated without regard to race, color,

sex, religion, national origin, handicap, or familial status.

--- Your complaint will be acknowledged within 10 working days of

receipt and will explain in clear and concise language the complaint

process, including time frames and choices.

--- You will be offered conciliation opportunities throughout the

complaint process.

--- You will be updated on the status of your complaint within 100

days with a projected completion date.

--- Once we make a determination, we will provide you with the Final

Investigative Report.

Vindication of public interest:

--- Remedies will be appropriate for the violation and will address

public interest groups.

Public and Indian Housing


A partnership between federal, state, and local governments, with the

federal government providing subsidies and regulations on project


Standards for our PIH partners include the following:

--- PIH offices should be open to the public and available to do

business during conventional work hours as that concept is defined


--- Any PIH staff person receiving an incoming inquiry -- by

telephone, letter, or personal contact -- "owns" that inquiry until

the substance of the inquiry has been conveyed to the office or

individual responsible for a substantive response.

--- During business hours, customers inquiring in person should wait

no more than two minutes to be greeted and given an idea of when a

technical person will be available to respond.

--- During business hours, all telephone calls should be answered by

a person within three rings.

--- To the maximum extent possible, PIH field offices and

headquarters offices will have a live person responsible for

answering the telephone, promptly, every minute of the business day,

including "flex-time" hours.

--- Each office will establish a procedure whereby the principal

receptionist or other telephone-answerer has a regular back-up, and a

mechanism by which the regular lets the back-up know that he or she

is "on call," so to speak.

--- Messages left by phone or in person should be returned by the

time promised by the message taker or within a half-day of the

respondent's return to the office.


Department of the Interior


Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement


Ensures that coal mines are operated in a manner that protects

citizens and the environment.

For outreach to coal field citizens and the coal industry:

--- A meeting will be held in at least one site in each state to

solicit comments regarding the oversight process and recommendations

for review topics in the first quarter of evaluation year 1995.

For abandoned mine land emergency complaints:

--- The initial site visit and determination of emergency will be

addressed within 48 hours of complaint.

--- The method to be used to abate the emergency will be determined

within 30 days after the initial complaint.

--- Emergency declarations will be finalized by us within eight hours

of receipt of the state submittal in states which administer the

emergency program.

For OSM's mine map repository offices in Wilkes-Barre and Pittsburgh:

--- Each scheduled visitor will be provided prompt and courteous


--- Letter and telefax requests will be answered within one working

day, except for a request requiring extensive research and mass

reproduction of mine maps.

--- Requested site locations will be provided within 90 minutes of

your inquiry.

--- Materials will be available to help you identify and easily

locate the underground mine site.

When responding to inquiries, OSM personnel:

--- Will be courteous and helpful when dealing with people in person,

by telephone, and in writing.

--- Will be timely with courteous explanation of contents of files,

state program documents, etc.

--- Will respond to telephone calls within two business days.

U.S. Geological Survey


National Earthquake Information Center

--- We will provide information 24 hours a day on the location and

magnitude of significant earthquakes in the United States and around

the world.

--- Rapid reports will be issued for earthquakes that register at

least magnitude 4.5 or greater in the United States, any felt and

damaging earthquakes, or earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 elsewhere or

when damage has occurred. This information will be provided within 20

to 30 minutes of the time of the event.

--- You will be treated with courtesy every time you contact us.

--- We will provide you with information about other USGS products,

services, and other sources of information if possible.

--- Orders for CD-ROMs, software products, publications, maps, and

posters will be processed within five working days of receipt. Under

special circumstances, such as after a major, damaging earthquake, a

time for the reply will be established.


Department of Justice


Freedom of Information Act


To provide quality customer service:

--- We will be courteous and friendly.

--- We will acknowledge requests within two weeks.

--- We will give a FOIA/Privacy Act number to each request, for use

as a reference on all future correspondence.

--- We will process requests on a "first-come-first-served" basis,

and inform you of any backlog.

--- We will work with you to ensure that your request is complete and

properly understood, so an appropriate search for records can be


--- We will return your phone calls within three working days.

--- We will make our responses as clear as possible, including an

explanation of fees, exemptions, and the appeals process.

--- We will provide you with the best possible copies of records.

--- We will conduct regular customer surveys to ensure that we are

meeting our standards.

Immigration and Naturalization Service


--- We will treat you with courtesy and respect.

--- If you are a United States citizen entering the country at an

airport, you will find citizen inspection lines dedicated

specifically for rapid clearance back into the country.

--- If you are a frequent business traveler being inspected in an

airport using the INSPASS Program, and being inspected at the Newark,

New Jersey; New York City; or Toronto, Canada, airports using the

INSPASS System, you will be processed in less than a minute. This

service is available 24 hours a day. INS is exploring the possibility

of expanding this service to other airports.

--- At most land border ports of entry, we will complete our entry

inspection within 20 minutes.

--- At the busiest southwest border ports, which experience heavy

volumes of commuter traffic, we will strive, through the application

of innovative inspection techniques and technology, to reduce waiting

time to 30 minutes.

--- If you use the recently instituted Dedicated Commuter Lanes in

Blaine, Washington, you will experience virtually no delay in

entering the country. We are working with local authorities to

establish similar lanes in other land border locations.

--- After January 1, 1995, if you request information through the

"Ask Immigration" telephone number, (202) 514-4316, we will provide

improved service by reducing the message format from 58 items to 10

and the length of the menu time from 9 minutes to 1. The message

system is available 24 hours a day, with staff available to assist

with follow-up questions during normal business hours.

--- If you apply for naturalization, we will schedule your case for

interview within four months of receipt. You will have the

opportunity to take the oath of allegiance and become a citizen no

later than 60 days after approval of your application.

--- If you apply for adjustment of status to lawful permanent

residence (Form I-485), your case will be reviewed within 90 days of

filing and may be approved without an interview if it is properly

filed and:

-- it is based on an approved petition classifying you as the

parent or unmarried minor child of a United States citizen; or

-- it is based on an approved employment-based preference petition

(Form I-140) and you will continue to work for the same employer as

when you were lawfully employed as a nonimmigrant; or

-- you are applying under the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966.

--- If you apply for immigration benefits from one of our Service

Centers and are notified that we have received your application, you

may inquire about the status of your application by calling the phone

number on your receipt and entering your receipt number in a touch-

tone telephone.


Department of Labor


Bureau of Labor Statistics


Develops and provides labor statistical data.

BLS pledges the following to our customers:

--- We will let you know in advance when we will release our data.

--- We will be available when you need us. 24-hour recorded messages

and electronic access are available for your most requested

information. Information specialists are available during business


--- We will distribute data in the form that fits your needs as

resources allow. Available formats include telephone; recorded

message; microfiche; fax; diskette and magnetic tape; Internet; TDD;

and news releases, reports, bulletins, brochures, and flyers.

--- We will provide you with the name and phone number of a person

who can meet your data needs. Our brochure includes the names of BLS

subject matter specialists. If you ask something we can't answer,

we'll refer you to someone who can. We want to make your information

search as fast and direct as possible.

--- We will help you understand the uses and limits of our products.

Call us with any questions you have.

--- We want to meet your needs. If you have comments on our specific

products, please call with your suggestions.

Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division


Enforces labor standards laws protecting workers.

If you contact us with a question, you can expect:

--- A clear, concise and knowledgeable response to your inquiry

within 10 business days.

--- Straightforward information on how the law applies to your

circumstances and, when appropriate, publications or posters will be


--- Respect for your privacy.

If you are an employee who comes to us with a complaint, you can


--- Confidentiality, to the extent you desire as permissible by law.

--- That we will tell you whether we have the authority and will be

able to take action to resolve the problem.

--- Acknowledgment of your complaint within five business days.

--- Our best estimate of how long it will take us to begin and

complete action on the matter.

--- Regular communication about the status and progress of our


--- An understandable explanation of the outcome of your complaint.

Mine Safety and Health Administration


Mandatory complete mine inspections:

--- We will conduct complete inspections at all available underground

mines four times a year and at all available surface mines two times

a year.

--- We will examine our mandatory regular inspection process to

insure the quality, flexibility, and consistency of our enforcement


Other mandatory inspections and investigations:

--- We will complete other mandatory inspections and investigations

as provided for in the Mine Act including: initiating investigations

of all miners' complaints of safety or health hazards normally within

24 hours; and initiating investigations of written complaints of

discrimination within 15 days of receipt. If you believe that a

safety or health hazard exists at your mine, you can call MSHA toll-

free at 1-800-746-1554 -- you do not need to give your name.

Quality and delivery of training products and materials to the


--- We will emphasize mine-specific and on-site miner training when

we evaluate proposals to provide training to miners from state mining

departments and others (MSHA State Grants Program).

Communication between MSHA and the customer:

--- We will hold rulemaking hearings and topical health and safety

conferences to provide forums for open discussion of health and

safety concerns. We will consistently hold these events in the mining


--- We will work with state and local institutions and associations

to provide miners with useful, understandable information about

mining health and safety.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Established to help make the American workplace as safe and healthful

as possible.

Employees can expect OSHA to:

--- Ensure their participation in inspections.

--- Respond in a timely fashion to requests for inspections of

hazards at their workplace.

--- Investigate charges of employer discrimination.

The general public can expect OSHA to:

--- Provide better access to OSHA information.

--- Expand training opportunities for private sector employees.


Department of State


Bureau of Administration


Authentication of Documents

--- Experienced and knowledgeable employees serve customers in a

timely and courteous manner.

--- The Authentications Branch provides responses to mailed requests

within five working days of receipt.

--- The Authentications Branch provides over-the-counter service on a

same-day basis (with a daily limit of no more than 15 documents and

one visit per customer).

Freedom of Information Act


--- The Bureau of Administration strives to maximize responsiveness

to requesters while safeguarding information concerning the national

security, individual privacy, and other governmental privileges.

--- The Office of Freedom of Information, Privacy and Classification

Review delivers services that are informative, timely, and customer-


--- The Office of Freedom of Information, Privacy and Classification

Review mails an acknowledgment to the customer within five working

days of receiving each request for service. The acknowledgment letter

includes an estimated date of completion for the request. Requests

are handled on a first-in, first-out basis, with the exception of

those customers whose requests receive expeditious handling for

demonstrated reasons involving health, safety, or due process.

--- Officers are courteous and knowledgeable in all interactions with



Department of Transportation


Federal Aviation Administration


Responsible for testing and certification of airplane pilots.

--- We will process your application for certification within 21

working days.

--- We will provide written test results within 20 working days.

--- We will respond to your correspondence and requests for

duplicates within three working days.

--- We will be polite, considerate, and helpful.

Federal Railroad Administration


Railroad Safety

--- Install toll-free lines to FRA Office of Safety headquarters and

regional offices.

--- Implement negotiated rulemakings -- such as on trackside worker

safety -- in place of customary, cumbersome arm's-length procedures.

--- Educate labor and management on inspection and enforcement

procedures and use opportunity as listening post to seek feedback and


--- Conduct inspection demonstrations and briefings, including

training videos, in partnership with labor and management customers.

--- Conduct in-depth surveys of all major customers to improve

customer services.

--- Voluntary compliance: Develop safety profile for all Class I

railroads and work with three railroads to develop systemwide safety

management plans.

--- Train small railroads on safety rule compliance and provide

assistance to resolve safety issues.

--- Reduce average time from receipt to resolution of safety

complaints to 60 days.

--- Use mentoring techniques to model best practices in safety

performance: Bring together an exceptionally safe railroad with a

railroad that needs improvement.

--- Work with states to prepare inspection schedules; meet with

states annually to minimize the disruption caused by duplicate


--- Investigate inspection complaints from railroads within 10

working days.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


Auto Safety Hotline For the Public

Promotes auto safety.

--- We will handle your call promptly.

--- If you have trouble reaching one of our operators, call after 6

p.m. Eastern time and leave a message on the answering machine. We

will call you back the next business day.

--- If we need to get information for you after answering your call,

we will not keep you on hold for longer than two minutes.

--- We will treat you with courtesy.

--- We will provide you with the most accurate and complete

information we have on the subject of your request. If we cannot

answer your question completely, we will give you the name and

telephone number of someone who can and ask that person to return

your call the next business day.

--- By December 1994, we will provide you with our most popular fact

sheets and information within 24 hours by using our new fax-on-demand


--- By March 1996, we will provide you with our most popular

publications in your choice of Spanish or English.

Motor Vehicle and Traffic Safety Program


Provides technical assistance and outreach services for highway

safety to national organizations.

Program planning -- We will:

--- Invite your organization to participate in the strategic and

tactical planning stages of major new motor vehicle and traffic

safety program initiatives.

Technical assistance -- We will:

--- Facilitate communication with your organization and others

interested in becoming involved in priority motor vehicle safety and

traffic safety programs.

--- Provide current and accurate information and data within 10

business days after we receive your request.

--- Provide technical experts as panelists and speakers, whenever


--- Participate in your key meetings and events, and assist national

coalitions of organizations interested in motor vehicle and traffic


Program information and materials -- We will:

--- At least annually, publish a traffic safety program and

publication update, including projects and materials planned for

completion within the coming year.

--- Every April and October, publish an update of our motor vehicle

safety program activities in the Federal Register.

--- Ship program materials for major traffic safety program

initiatives 90 days before they will be needed.

--- Provide at least a 30-day advance notice of when national media

campaign materials will be distributed to media outlets.

--- Each January, publish a catalog of traffic safety program

materials that includes ordering instructions and a contact for the

status of orders.

Training -- We will:

--- Develop training and assist National Organizations in planning

and/or conducting training for their own members and their



Department of the Treasury


Bureau of Engraving and Printing


Redemption of Mutilated Paper Currency

We will work with the public to redeem partially destroyed or badly

damaged currency. These are our standards when you file a claim:

--- After you are notified that we have received your claim, you may

contact us by telephone for information on your claim's estimated

processing time and status. You can usually expect this information

within one hour after your call.

--- You can always expect polite and courteous service and that we

will identify ourselves by name.

--- If your claim is denied, you can expect a full explanation of our


--- Depending on the type of damage to the currency submitted in your

claim you can expect notification of status or payment within 14 days

of the BEP's receipt.

Bureau of the Public Debt


Savings Bond Sales

If you purchase a savings bond, you can expect:

--- The savings bond you ordered will be mailed to you within 15 days

from the date of purchase.

--- We will accurately inscribe your savings bond and promptly

correct errors.

--- Whenever you contact us, we will treat you courteously.

Treasury Direct

Serves investors in marketable government securities.

--- We will accurately establish your account and process your


--- When you write to your servicing office, we will respond within

five business days after receiving your letter.

--- When you visit your servicing office, we will assist you within

15 minutes.

--- When you call your servicing office, we will answer routine

inquiries during the call, and we will respond to complex inquiries

within five business days.

--- Whenever and however you contact your servicing office, we will

treat you courteously.

--- We will update the information on the telephone recordings within

one hour after a new offering is announced or auction results are


--- Your servicing office will process routine transaction requests

no later than five business days after receipt of the request.

--- If you wish to transfer securities out of Treasury Direct, your

servicing office will complete the transfer within one business day

of receipt of your request.

--- We will mail you a statement of account no later than five

business days after the date your security was issued or your

transaction request was processed.

Internal Revenue Service


Tax Collection

Our customers are the taxpayers of the United States.

--- We will make tax forms and instructions simpler and easier for

you to use. We made some good changes this year, but we want your

ideas for future improvements. Please call us at 1-800-829-3676,

available 9 hours each business day, or you may write to us at

Internal Revenue Service, Attention: Tax Forms Committee, PC:FP,

Washington, D.C. 20224.

--- To make it easier for you to meet your tax obligations, we will

expand your opportunity for simplified return filing and payment of

your taxes through our electronic filing, joint federal/state filing,

touch-tone phone, and electronic payment programs.

--- You will have more convenient access to tax law and account

information. Our pre-recorded tax information will continue to be

available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and access to refund

status information will be extended. We will also extend the time

that you will be able to contact our tax assistors to 10 hours each

business day.

--- Our goal is to answer your questions and process your tax returns

accurately. To reach that goal, we will continue to make improvements


--- If you file a complete and accurate tax return and you are due a

refund, your refund will be issued within 40 days if you file a paper

return or within 21 days if you file electronically.

--- Our goal is to resolve your account inquiries with one contact.

To reach that goal, we will make improvements yearly.

--- If you provide sufficient and accurate information to our tax

assistors but are given and reasonably rely on an incorrect answer,

we will cancel related penalties.

--- If you have a problem that has not been resolved through normal

processes, you may contact our Problem Resolution Office. A

caseworker will contact you within one week and will work with you to

resolve the problem.

U.S. Mint



Manufactures and sells coin sets, commemorative coins, and medals to

2 million coin collectors and distributors through mail order or in

five sales centers.

If you're a mail-order customer:

--- Your orders will be shipped within four weeks of receipt.

--- Your calls will be returned within one working day.

--- Your inquiries will be answered with one-stop service.

Precious Metals

Sells gold and silver bullion to investors worldwide through a

network of wholesale authorized purchasers.

--- Orders may be placed by fax 24 hours per day, seven days per


--- Orders will be processed by 2 p.m. daily, five days per week

(excluding holidays).

--- Order confirmation fax: to be sent out to you by 4:00 p.m. on the

day the order is placed Monday through Friday.

--- Pricing fax: to be sent out to you by noon the following day.

(The Gold Fax normally comes in around 10 to 10:30 a.m.)

--- Remittance fax: sent out immediately upon receipt of funds from


--- Order pickup: Upon receipt of the payment, we fax a release

document to the appropriate facility, where the coins are then picked

up by your armored carrier.


Consumer Product Safety Commission


Protects the public against unreasonable risks of injury from

consumer products and promotes research and investigation into the

causes and prevention of product-related deaths, illnesses, and


When you call our Hotline you can expect:

--- To be given easy-to-follow instructions in English, or, if you

choose, Spanish, on how to use the Hotline.

--- To have your call answered immediately, seven days a week, 24

hours a day.

--- To speak to a Hotline staff person who will always be available

between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time Monday through Friday

except holidays.

--- To be given courteous service. A Hotline staff person will listen

carefully to your request or complaint and provide you the most up-

to-date information available.

--- To have your complaint of an unsafe product or product-related

injury taken accurately and a copy sent to you so that you may

confirm the information you provided.

--- To leave a message at night and on weekends and holidays if you

want to report an unsafe product or product-related injury. Your call

will be returned the next business day or, if you do not want a

return call, you will receive a letter confirming receipt of your

complaint message.

--- To hear the most up-to-date and easy to understand information on

product safety recalls.


Environmental Protection Agency


EPA Chemical Emergency Preparedness and

Pollution Prevention and Toxics


Helps state and local governments prevent and prepare for chemical

emergencies and informs the public about community hazards.

We will:

--- Make Toxic Release Inventory information available through county

libraries nationwide and through electronic systems and published


--- Work with Local Emergency Planning Committees to make the

information about chemicals and chemical releases easy for you to

obtain and use.

--- Assure that the information in the Toxic Release Inventory about

hazardous chemicals and routine release of toxic chemicals is updated

annually and made available to you every spring.

--- Provide you with the most accurate data about chemicals in your


Responses to Inquiries


Office of Communication, Education, and Public Affairs

This office responds to requests for information on all aspects of

EPA activity. Its standards are as follows:

--- We will answer your questions with courtesy and accuracy.

--- Every employee will listen to your questions and help you find

the information you seek.

--- Your inquiry will get an immediate response. If you write to us,

we'll send you either an answer or an acknowledgment within five

working days. If you call us, we will either answer your question

right away, or take your information and do the homework for you.

--- Our answer to you will always include the name and phone number

of an employee you can call for more information, or to check on our


--- If we need more time to research the answer you need, we'll let

you know within five days. We'll ask you for your deadline, and we'll

let you know how long it will take to provide an answer.

--- We will check back with you to ensure that you received the

information you need.

--- Your call will never be transferred more than once, so your time

won't be wasted.

--- We will provide ways for you to query us or find EPA information

electronically and for us to respond to you electronically, to save

time and paper.

Region 3 Office, Philadelphia

This office is testing standards for handling all incoming

correspondence and customer service lines. Its standards are as


--- Region 3 will provide prompt, courteous, accurate and

understandable responses to all inquiries.

If you write to us:

--- Your written inquiry will get an immediate response. If you

include you telephone number, we will contact you immediately to

determine how we can best meet your needs and expectations. We'll

mail you the response to your inquiry within three business days. If

we need more time to research the answer, we'll call or write you

(also within three days) to tell you when we will respond and the

telephone number and fax number of the individual working on your


--- We will also include with every response a survey postcard asking

whether or not the information was received promptly, with courtesy,

and was understandable.

If you contact us by telephone:

--- Your call to our customer service Hotline will be answered

promptly and with courtesy. We will listen to your questions and help

you find the information you seek.

--- We will make every effort to answer your question immediately,

and we will always respond by the next business day.

--- Our answer will always include the name and telephone number of

an employee who will be able to assist you if you desire additional


--- If your call is received during non-business hours (business

hours are Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), your questions will be

taken by an automated voice system, and we will get back to you on

the next business day.

--- On a random basis we will ask you a few brief questions

concerning our performance in meeting our standards of promptness,

accuracy, and courtesy. This information will be used to improve our


Solid Waste and Emergency Response


Promotes public awareness and involvement on solid waste issues and

responds to requests for documents, including regulations.

--- Your questions will be answered courteously, accurately, and as

promptly as possible, in either English or Spanish, or via a

telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD).

--- Every Information Specialist will listen to your questions and

help you find the information you seek. Hotline staff will provide

you the most current and accurate information.

--- Your inquiry will get an immediate response.

--- If we cannot answer your question immediately, we will let you

know within five days how long it will take to get an answer. In

addition, the Information Specialist will give you his/her name so

that you can call for more information or to check on progress.

--- If your call needs to be addressed by another agency, state, or

local program, we will tell you whom to call to obtain your answers.

--- If your information is available electronically, we will tell you

how to access it through EPA databases, Internet, or other sources.


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Investigates and litigates charges of employment discrimination in

private and public (including federal) sectors; conducts training and

informational activities for employers, unions, and community


People with complaints of employment discrimination can expect us to:

--- Treat you with respect and dignity.

--- Look at the way we do business and the way we relate to you and

others using our procedures; we want to find ways to improve the

quality and speed of our services.

--- Involve charging parties like you to help us understand what you

want, what you need, and what you think about the way we serve you.

--- Support our front-line employees by giving them the tools and

knowledge they need to provide the best possible service to you.

--- Strengthen our commitment to customer service.


Federal Communications Commission


Private Land Mobile Radio Services


Regulates the use of the radio spectrum to fulfill the needs of

businesses, state and local governments, aircraft, ships, and


When you telephone:

--- You will receive a response to your inquiry within one business


--- You will be transferred no more than twice; if the issue remains

unresolved at the second contact point, we will obtain the required

information and return your call.

--- If you are transferred during your call, we will explain your

issue to the recipient of the transfer so you do not have to repeat

the reason for the call.

--- You will receive accurate and consistent information on FCC

policy and rules.

When you request license application forms:

--- You will receive your form order within 10 days after we receive

your mail or phone request. You have immediate access to forms

through "fax-on-demand" and the Internet.

--- You will receive, along with the application, material that

clearly describes the licensing process.

When you apply for a license:

--- You will be able to determine the status of your license

application and where it is in the process.

--- If your non-specialized mobile radio systems application is

error-free, you will receive your license within 70 days of receipt.

--- If your application contains errors that can be resolved by

telephone, we will telephone you. If all errors cannot be resolved,

your application will be returned, but only after a complete review.

Errors or omissions will be clearly indicated.

--- Every five years, when your license needs renewal, we will send

you your renewal notice 90 days prior to the expiration date.


Federal Emergency Management Agency


Provides leadership and support to reduce loss of life and property

through a risk-based emergency management program.

For individual disaster applicants, FEMA will:

--- Provide you with an opportunity to tell your story to a

responsive FEMA representative.

--- Treat you with respect and caring.

--- Give you clear, accurate information on disaster assistance and

how to apply for it.

--- Explain clearly what you need to do after application, what you

can expect from the government, and how long the process should take.

--- Provide eligible individuals disaster housing assistance checks

with all possible promptness and give them an estimate of the length

of time it will take.

--- Provide equal access to disaster assistance for all individuals.

--- Use your suggestions and complaints to improve our service



General Services Administration


Consumer Information Center


Helps the public know about and get consumer information from the

federal government.


--- Identify useful federal information of help to consumers.

--- Offer federal publications free or at the lowest possible cost in

the free Consumer Information Catalog.

--- Ensure that sales booklets offered through the CIC program

provide information that the public finds to be worth the price.


--- Make available publications that cover a wide variety of topics

of importance to the public.

--- Ensure accurate processing of customer orders.


--- The average time to fulfill an order by the GPO facility in

Pueblo, Colorado, will be four to six weeks, including delivery time.

Ease of accessibility and convenience of service process:

--- The Pueblo, Colorado, facility will be maintained as a single

point for consumers to obtain copies of the Catalog or other federal

publications. Consumers can obtain a free copy of the Consumer

Information Catalog by writing to Catalog, Pueblo, CO 81009, or by

calling 719-948-4000.

--- An efficient means will be provided for nonprofit groups, such as

libraries and schools that are able to distribute 25 copies or more

of the Catalog on a quarterly basis, to be placed on CIC's bulk

mailing list.

--- The CIC Bulletin Board System and other new technology

initiatives will increase customer access to the Catalog and other

important consumer information.


Interstate Commerce Commission


Regulates interstate surface transportation, including trains,

trucks, buses, water carriers, household goods transporters, freight

forwarders, transportation brokers, and pipelines.

We will:

--- Accurately update information contained on the Automated Response

Capability at the end of each working day to reflect decisions served

by the Commission that day.

--- Treat you courteously and be responsive to your questions. When

we make a mistake, we will correct it as quickly as possible.

--- Provide an up-to-date telephone number which allows you to

contact the ARC Coordinator directly if you have a problem with the

ARC system. You can reach the ARC Project Coordinator by telephone at


--- Encourage you to let us know how well we are serving you and ask

you to suggest ways we can improve our service to you.


Japan-United States Friendship Commission


Promotes mutual understanding and cooperation between the United

States and Japan; administers grant programs for Japanese studies in

the United States, American studies in Japan, policy research, public

affairs and education, and the arts.

Our standards are as follows:

--- You will be treated with courtesy every time you contact us.

--- We will provide you with all the information you need in order to

understand our programs.

--- We will also provide you with information about other existing

grant programs that may help you.

--- When you call our office for information or help, you will reach

us on the first call.

--- You can expect us to deliver our services fairly and to the same

high standards to all our clients regardless of race, color, age,

religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, political

preference, labor organization or non-affiliation, marital status, or

non-disqualifying handicap.


National Archives and Records Administration


Accesses, arranges, describes, preserves, and makes available to the

public the historically valuable records of the three branches of


--- We will treat all of our customers with courtesy.

--- We will meet or beat our established deadlines for providing

customer service.

--- We will provide to our customers competent service by

knowledgeable staff.

--- We will provide informational products to meet our customers'


If you call or visit one of our facilities:

--- You will find Archives staff and volunteers available in all

offices to assist you during posted business hours. Our business

hours will be prominently posted at all sites and noted in our

brochures and through other information sources.

If you write to us about our holdings:

--- You will be sent a response to your written request about our

holdings within 10 work days after we receive your letter. If we

cannot provide a full response within that time, we will tell you

that we have received your request and tell you how long we expect it

will take before we can provide a full reply.

If you need information about the National Archives:

--- You can obtain timely and up-to-date information about the

Archives, its services, and holdings through the Internet and other

on-line services, our fax-on-demand service, through printed

publications, or by contacting one of our offices.

If you need information about government rules and announcements:

--- You will be provided with timely information on a daily basis

through the Federal Register on the following:

-- presidential proclamations and executive orders

-- proposed rules and final regulations

-- public meetings

-- federal grants

This information is published in print and in electronic form by

the Government Printing Office.

If things go wrong:

--- If our service has not matched our values and standards for

customer service, we want to know so that we can do something about

it and get it right the next time. Our local complaints and

suggestions procedures are as follows. You may:

-- Ask to speak to the person you dealt with.

-- Use our Suggestion/Complaint comment form (NA Form 14045). You

can mail it or drop it in the box provided. Or, you can simply write

us a letter. If you request a reply, we will provide a response

within seven working days.

-- Speak or write to the supervisor in charge. If we cannot solve

your problem immediately, we will provide a response within seven

working days.

If you are still not satisfied that we have handled your complaint or

provided the service we promised, you can write to the Assistant

Archivist for the office with which you have been dealing.


National Commission on Libraries and Information



--- NCLIS will seek out individuals and groups representing the U.S.

public and offer advice or assistance in developing or carrying out

policies that affect library and information service nationally.

--- NCLIS will respond to requests for comment and take advantage of

other opportunities for providing advice and assistance, whether that

advice is asked specifically of NCLIS, of federal agencies generally,

or of the general public.


--- NCLIS will provide assistance in the form of data, appraisals,

plans, studies, statistics, surveys, analyses, research, or policy

advice tailored to the needs of the individual or group in each



--- NCLIS will provide assistance on a schedule that is timely,

usable and useful to the entity to which the information's being



--- NCLIS will track the provision of information to determine if it

was useful/used, if it had an effect, what were the factors affecting

the use/lack of use of the information, what could/should have been

done differently, etc.


--- NCLIS will assess (with the group or individual to whom the

assistance was provided) what were the factors affecting the use/lack

of use of the information, what could/should have been done

differently, etc.

New or changed services:

--- NCLIS will revise our offering/provision of future services as

determined by the evaluations.


National Endowment for the Humanities


An independent, grant-making agency established by Congress to

support research, education, and public programs in the humanities.

In assisting you as a prospective applicant, you can expect us to:

--- Respond courteously and quickly to your requests for information

about our grant programs.

--- Be able to describe the programs that best suit your needs.

--- Provide application instructions and forms that are clear and

easy for you to use.

--- Offer prompt and thoughtful advice and guidance in preparing your


--- Explain accurately the procedures that would be used to evaluate

your application and tell you when you could expect a decision.

In assisting you as an applicant, you can expect us to:

--- Ensure that the evaluation of your application is fair,

expeditious, and informed by the expert judgments of your peers.

--- Notify you promptly of the decision on your application.

--- Provide substantive reasons for the decision reached on your


--- Give you helpful advice, if you are unsuccessful, on revising or

resubmitting your application.

In assisting you as a grantee, you can expect us to:

--- Provide you with an award document that is clear and easy to

understand and that sets forth sensible reporting requirements.

--- Provide the names of our staff members who will serve as contacts

for your reports and for any assistance you may need.

--- Answer promptly and satisfactorily all requests for information

on NEH policies and procedures.

--- Read and acknowledge promptly your reports on grant activities.

--- Maintain a professional, helpful relationship with you as you

carry your project to completion.


National Labor Relations Board


Administers the National Labor Relations Act; prevents and remedies

unfair labor practices committed by private sector employers and


Our customer service standards include the following:

--- We will treat you courteously.

--- We will attempt to answer your questions about the case,

consistent with the confidentiality rights of other persons and the

Privacy Act.

--- If necessary, we will provide bilingual services if we are given

sufficient notice of that need.

--- We will provide the same treatment to all persons regardless of

race, sex, religion, national origin, age, political affiliation,

sexual orientation, or disability.

--- Our facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. We

will attempt to accommodate persons with disabilities. Please let us

know if you will need accommodation.

--- If you wish, you may be represented by an attorney or other

representative of your own choice.

Examples of the types of customer service standards you can expect in

representative cases are:

--- We will send all parties to the case a copy of the petition. Most

petitions seek to have the NLRB conduct a secret-ballot

representation election.

--- We will investigate any issues which are necessary to resolve

before an election can be conducted. Where appropriate, we will

explain the issues raised in the case. We may ask the parties to

submit their legal arguments.

--- Some petitions may be dismissed. However, where an election is

appropriate, we attempt to get all parties to agree to a voluntary

election. We have been successful in achieving election agreements 80

percent of the time.

--- Where an election is appropriate, we attempt to schedule the

election as soon as practicable, normally within six to eight weeks

after the petition has been filed.

--- If all parties do not agree to an election, we will issue a

Notice of Hearing in order to resolve necessary issues.

--- The hearing will be before an NLRB Hearing Officer. All parties

may present relevant evidence relating to issues which must be

resolved before an election can be conducted.

--- After the hearing, the NLRB Regional Director will issue a

written decision as promptly as possible allowing for thorough and

complete consideration of all the evidence and issues. The time it

takes to issue a written decision may depend upon the length of the

hearing, complexity of the issues, and office workload. From the time

a petition is first filed, you should expect a regional decision

after hearing normally within 45 days. A party may request review of

the Regional Directors decision after the hearing normally within 45

days. A party may request review of the Regional Director's decision

by the board in Washington, D.C.

--- From the time a regional decision after hearing issues, the

parties should expect that an election normally will be conducted. If

appropriate, within 25 to 30 days.

--- Where an election is appropriate, we will conduct a secret ballot

in such a manner so as to provide the eligible employees in the

appropriate collective bargaining unit an opportunity to cast their


--- If there are determinative challenged ballots or election

objections, we will investigate, and/or conduct a hearing on, the

challenges and objections and issue a written report. We may ask the

parties to produce witnesses, evidence, and legal arguments.

--- From time that challenges and/or objections to the election are

filed, if no hearing is held, the parties should expect a regional

report of supplemental decision normally within 35 days. If a hearing

is held, the parties should expect a regional report or supplemental

decision normally within 95 days.

--- Following an election and the resolution of any determinative

challenged ballots and/or objections, we will certify that a union

is, or is not, the collective-bargaining representative of the

employees in the voting unit.


National Mediation Board


Assists in maintaining a free flow of commerce in the railroad and

airline industries by resolving disputes that could disrupt travel or

imperil the economy.

You can expect our staff to meet the following standards:

--- At least 90 percent of representation cases not involving a

participant's request for board-level action will be completed within

90 calendar days of docketing.

--- In at least 90 percent of representation cases involving a

participant's request for board-level action, the NMB staff will

submit a recommendation to the board within 180 calendar days of

docketing and the board will respond within an additional 30 calendar


--- An updated NMB Representation Manual will be made available to

the public during fiscal year 1995.

--- An NMB investigator will be assigned to investigate

representation cases within five business days of docketing.

--- Representation and mediation applications will be responded to

within three business days following their receipt by the NMB.

--- All NMB mediators will have received training on

innovative/enhanced mediation approaches by the end of fiscal year


--- At least two training/orientation opportunities will be made

available to the parties by the end of fiscal year 1995 regarding

methods to reduce the volume of railroad grievance cases pending


--- Arbitrators compensated by the NMB will be sent their payment

within 14 days following the NMB's receipt of an appropriate voucher.


Office of Personnel Management


Federal Employment Information System


Serves job seekers by providing information on federal employment.

To assist you as a federal job seeker:

--- We will provide you with courteous and timely service.

--- We will update our nationwide job listings every business day.

--- We will have Employment Information Specialists available to

answer your questions.

--- We will provide 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week access to

nationwide job information and application request services through a

variety of electronic media.

--- We will respond to your requests for applications and/or routine

information within one business day.

--- We will use your suggestions and complaints to improve our

service continually. We will always remember we work for you, the

American public.


Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation


Protects the benefits of participants in private sector pension plans

and provides timely payment of benefits for those pension plans that

have been terminated.

We pledge that:

--- In all communications with you, we will acknowledge your inquiry

within one week. If we cannot give you an immediate answer, we will

tell you when to expect it and we will give you a specific point of


--- If it will take us longer than expected to answer your question,

we will give you a status report and tell you a new date when to

expect an answer.

--- If you are receiving a pension check, changes you request (such

as address change, direct deposit, tax change) will be made within 30

days, if the request is received by the first of the month. It will

take another month if the request is received after the first of the



United States Postal Service


These are the continuing standards of the USPS:

--- Your First Class Mail will be delivered anywhere in the United

States within three days.

--- Your local First Class Mail will be delivered overnight.

--- You will receive service at post office counters within five


--- You can get postal information 24 hours a day by calling a local


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