Document Name: App B: Text of Cus. Svc. Stnds: The Research & Acad. Comm. (19 of 23) Part II
Date: 09/01/94
Owner: National Performance Review
Title: App B: Text of Cus. Svc. Stnds: The Research & Acad. Comm. (19 of 23) Part II
Author: Vice President Al Gore's National Performance Review
Date: September, 1994
--- Mathematics and science: The nation's students will be first in
the world in mathematics and science achievement.
--- Adult literacy and lifelong learning: Every adult American will
be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to
compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and
responsibilities of citizenship.
--- Safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools: Every school in the
United States will be free of drugs, violence, and the unauthorized
presence of firearms and alcohol, and will offer a disciplined
environment conducive to learning.
--- Teacher education and professional development: The nation's
teaching force will have access to programs for the continued
improvement of its professional skills and the opportunity to acquire
the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and prepare all American
students for the next century.
--- Parental participation: Every school will promote partnerships
that will increase parental involvement and participation in
promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.
Impact Aid
Grants available to local school systems whose resources are affected
by federal operations.
Based on a customer survey indicating that more than half of our
customers were dissatisfied with the timeliness of their payments, we
instituted a new standard:
--- All applicants that submit a problem-free application receive
their payments within 45 days of receipt.
Office for Civil Rights
Responding promptly to complaints, we revised our complaint
resolution procedures to provide better service and faster resolution
of civil rights complaints filed against educational institutions:
--- Within five days of receipt, we respond to all complaints and
provide information on complaint resolution procedures.
--- We offer all parties a range of options, such as mediation, early
complaint resolution, and fact-finding conferences.
Student Financial Assistance Program
The Student Financial Assistance Program has established a Customer
Support Inquiry Service that provides a single point of contact for
answers to policy questions and resolves issues that cut across
postsecondary programs. This service is provided to postsecondary
institutions, lenders, guaranty agencies, and other financial
--- Once a question is posed and forwarded to the appropriate person,
we respond within three days.
Department of Energy
Industrial Competitiveness
By partnering with our customers, we will develop integrated program
plans that improve partnerships in a measurable way; we'll work with
public and private business networks to reach small businesses, which
create 80 percent of the new jobs in the United States. We will
streamline our partnership process by reducing cycle time, cutting
red tape, and being more responsive to our customers' needs and
--- Effective immediately, Cooperative Research and Development
Agreements (CRADAs) will be processed in less than 16 weeks on
--- Effective immediately, we will devote no less than 15 percent of
the department's research and development resources toward
partnerships with the private sector.
--- We will increase grants to minority education from $24 million in
1993 to $75 million in 1995. We will increase contracts with small,
minority, and women-owned businesses from $3.3 billion in 1993 to
$4.5 billion by October 1994, resulting in equal opportunities to
form partnerships will the department's programs, laboratories, and
Science and Technology
Financial Assistance
Basic and applied research supported by the Science and Technology
business line will ensure the development of new technologies that
advance fundamental research capabilities and reduce costs, as
indicated by the high quality and relevance to mission applications
that emerge from the research. This quality and relevance is assured
through the use of peer/merit review process that selects awardees
that supplement and complement the work of the DOE National
Laboratories. This process is being streamlined and is addressed by
the following standards:
--- By June 1995, improve response to customer applications by
acknowledgment in writing within 30 days of receipt.
--- By June 1995, extend utilization of scientific/technical merit
review for all accepted proposals. Each proposal will be reviewed by
at least three qualified reviewers.
--- Reduce the time for determination of awards by October 1996.
Solicited applications will be decided within one year; unsolicited
applications will be decided within six months.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Policy Development and Research
Researches and evaluates how HUD programs function and how they can
be improved.
--- PD&R will publish and mail to all organizations on the PD&R
database a list of topics and research issues that constitute the
current research agenda.
--- PD&R will utilize the full range of contracting mechanisms to
allow participation by all types of organizations in HUD research.
PD&R will target a portion of its contracting to organizations that
have not traditionally participated in HUD research, including small
and minority- and women-owned businesses.
--- PD&R will continue to clarify and simplify its Requests for
Proposals and hold pre-proposal conferences whenever necessary.
--- PD&R staff will keep abreast of the latest analytical techniques
and research methodologies.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Mines
Provides information on minerals for use in assessing U.S. economic
and defense needs.
--- You will be treated with courtesy every time you contact us.
--- We will provide you with all the information you need, or obtain
the information for you, with a minimum number of referrals to other
--- When you call our public inquiries number for service, you will
reach us on the first call.
--- We will answer your requests as quickly as possible. If we cannot
give you the information you need at the time you call, we will do so
within one working day or call you back to let you know the progress
we are making on your request.
--- When you write to us requesting general information materials, we
will mail them to you within one working day. When you write and ask
for more specific technical information, we will respond within five
working days with either the information you need or a postcard
acknowledging receipt of your request and reporting the status of our
--- We will provide you easy access to our information. You can talk
to us from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
--- We will make our information available electronically (INTERNET,
CD-ROM, Mines FAXBACK) and give you the instructions and information
you need to take advantage of these sources.
National Biological Survey
Provides biological and ecological information to both the public and
private sectors.
--- Research Information Bulletins edited and prepared for
distribution within 60 days of submission of the draft manuscript.
--- Immediate electronic access to Research Information Bulletins
that have already been edited and prepared for distribution.
--- Literature searches completed and sent to clients within five
days of receipt of their request.
--- Research findings are tested for scientific quality through peer
review by other qualified scientists before publication.
--- 80 percent or more of our products rated by clients at or above
level three on the following satisfaction scale:
4. Very satisfied
3. Satisfied
2. Dissatisfied
1. Very dissatisfied
--- These products will be accompanied by "Client Response" sheets
inviting clients to voluntarily rate and comment on them. Results
will be monitored and used in pursuit of constant improvement.
--- Our long-term goal is to achieve an average client satisfaction
rating very near level 4 -- "very satisfied."
U.S. Geological Survey
Minerals Information Offices
--- Each customer will be treated with dignity, respect, and
--- Each request will be researched using all means available to
provide the highest quality response.
--- Each request will be analyzed to determine what data are
available that best suits each customer's needs. A plan will be
developed to deliver the response in the format that best suits those
--- Requests will be filled immediately, if possible; if not
possible, a time for the reply will be established.
--- Opportunities for additional service will be explored with each
customer, as needed.
National Earthquake Information Center
--- We will provide information 24 hours a day on the location and
magnitude of significant earthquakes in the United States and around
the world.
--- Rapid reports will be issued for earthquakes that register at
least magnitude 4.5 or greater in the United States, any felt and
damaging earthquakes, or earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 elsewhere or
when damage has occurred. This information will be provided within 20
to 30 minutes of the time of the event.
--- You will be treated with courtesy every time you contact us.
--- We will provide you with information about other USGS products,
services, and other sources of information if possible.
--- Orders for CD-ROMs, software products, publications, maps, and
posters will be processed within five working days of receipt. Under
special circumstances, such as after a major, damaging earthquake, a
time for the reply will be established.
Reston Earth Science Information Center
--- We will treat each customer with courtesy and respect.
--- We will provide quick, thorough, and responsive access to product
information and ordering including the 1-800 number and electronic
--- We will eliminate processes, procedures, and rules that are
roadblocks to success.
--- There will be no unreconcilable mistakes allowed in the handling
of the customers' accounts or money.
Technology Information Center and Microcomputer Training Center in
Denver, Colorado
Offers classes in how to use the USGS databases.
Before class:
--- Between 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. we will take your registration
information by phone and immediately register you in the first
available class.
--- You may leave a message at any other time and you will be called
back within one working day.
--- You will be sent a confirmation letter within one day of your
registration listing class prerequisites, date, time, and location.
During class:
--- Classes will begin on time.
--- The latest version of the software will be loaded and ready to
go, and all sample files will be loaded.
--- You will receive either comprehensive notes for the class or a
textbook to take with you.
After class:
--- We will answer questions on the subjects we teach.
Our commitment to you:
--- We will help you as soon as possible.
--- We will not keep you waiting unnecessarily.
--- If a staff person cannot answer the phone personally, your call
will be returned the same day.
Washington Administrative Service Center
The lead Interior organization for supporting the information systems
needs of other Interior bureaus and other federal agencies.
We will:
--- Provide fully integrated systems to process the administrative
workload and to attain the maximum effectiveness from our staff.
--- Implement a Customer Service Level Agreement (CSLA) between the
WASC and its customers.
--- CSLAs will be customized to meet the technical support services
required by each customer.
--- CSLAs will measure, monitor, analyze, and project current and
future hardware, software, telecommunications, and user assistance.
--- Annual reviews of each CSLA will be scheduled between both
parties to discuss and modify the document.
--- A complaint process will be established to resolve problems.
--- The WASC will advise the customer of the status of their problem
within 24 hours of initial contact.
--- The WASC will maintain a hot-line number for emergency
--- WASC technical staff will be on call "around the clock."
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Education and Materials Services
Advances the nation's education goals through expanding and enhancing
the scientific technological competence of all students and
We will provide:
--- A physical presence in each state (through the NASA Teacher
Resource Center Network, precollege outreach programs, and the Space
Grant College and Fellowship Program).
--- Electronic information systems (NASA television, NASA Spacelink,
and FEDIX).
Mission to Planet Earth
Provides the foundation for long-term environment and climatic
monitoring and prediction.
In July 1994, the prototype of the EOSDIS, Version 0, became
available with some operational elements. The fully operational
EOSDIS will:
--- Fill 95 percent of all user requests to the system within 72
--- Provide for continuous production of geophysical and biophysical
data products flowing from the Earth Observing System by the year
National Archives and Records Administration
Accesses, arranges, describes, preserves, and makes available to the
public the historically valuable records of the three branches of
--- We will treat all of our customers with courtesy.
--- We will meet or beat our established deadlines for providing
customer service.
--- We will provide to our customers competent service by
knowledgeable staff.
--- We will provide informational products to meet our customers'
If you call or visit one of our facilities:
--- You will find Archives staff and volunteers available in all
offices to assist you during posted business hours. Our business
hours will be prominently posted at all sites and noted in our
brochures and through other information sources.
If you visit one of our facilities for research:
--- You will receive the records you request for use in our research
rooms within one hour of your request or, in research rooms that have
pull schedules, within one hour of the next pull time. If a delay is
encountered, you will be notified of the problem and given an
indication of when the records will be available.
--- You will receive the information or assistance you need on how to
use our self-service holdings within 15 minutes of signing into a
research room.
--- In Federal Records Centers, the records you requested will be
waiting for you at your appointed time.
If you write to us about our holdings:
--- You will be sent a response to your written request about our
holdings within 10 work days after we receive your letter. If we
cannot provide a full response within that time, we will tell you
that we have received your request and tell you how long we expect it
will take before we can provide a full reply.
If you need information about the National Archives:
--- You can obtain timely and up-to-date information about NARA, its
services, and holdings through the Internet and other on-line
services, our fax-on-demand service, through printed publications, or
by contacting one of our offices.
If you need information about government rules and announcements:
--- You will be provided with timely information on a daily basis
through the Federal Register on the following:
-- presidential proclamations and executive orders
-- proposed rules and final regulations
-- public meetings
-- federal grants
This information is published in print and in electronic form by the
Government Printing Office.
If things go wrong:
--- If our service has not matched our values and standards for
customer service, we want to know so that we can do something about
it and get it right the next time. Our local complaints and
suggestions procedures are as follows. You may:
-- Ask to speak to the person you dealt with.
-- Use our Suggestion/Complaint comment form (NA Form 14045). You
can mail it or drop it in the box provided. Or, you can simply write
us a letter. If you request a reply, we will provide a response
within seven working days.
-- Speak or write to the supervisor in charge. If we cannot solve
your problem immediately, we will provide a response within seven
working days.
If you are still not satisfied that we have handled your complaint or
provided the service we promised, you can write to the Assistant
Archivist for the office with which you have been dealing.
National Science Foundation
In implementing the services for funding the most meritorious
projects in its research and science, mathematics and engineering
education programs, NSF is committed to:
--- Disseminate information about NSF practices and policies widely
among grantees and potential grantees. Make program announcements and
solicitations available to relevant individuals and organizations at
least two months prior to any deadline for proposals.
--- Specify clearly the guidelines for content/preparation of
proposals, criteria, and process for selecting award recipients, and
reporting and other special award requirements.
--- Conduct a fair and reasonable review of all proposals.
--- Make a final decision on proposals and inform the applicants of
the decisions within six months of the NSF's receipt of the proposal.
--- Provide information that explains the final funding decision
regarding the proposal.
For services to award recipients in the post-award period, NSF is
committed to:
--- Allow for page charges and related publication costs on awards.
--- Normally not restrict, or take any part of income from,
publications of writings produced under research, education, or
training awards.
--- Permit inventing organizations usually to retain patent rights.
--- Reference in award documents the terms and conditions necessary
for the recipient organization to administer the awards.
--- Provide timely, clear, and appropriate responses to requests by
grantees of clarification of award terms and conditions, for
approvals and requests for additional funding, and for administrative
or technical advice related to the award or award activity.
For the service of providing information and analyses on the status
and needs of the sciences and fields of engineering and on scientific
and engineering resources to the policy and research communities, NSF
commits itself to:
--- Publish data that accurately represent survey results and are
free of subjective commentary.
--- Document the presentation of the data so that readers can assess
readily the limitations of the data.