BGT01 | Develop Performance Agreements With Senior Political Leadership That Reflect Organizational and Policy Goals |
BGT02 | Effectively Implement the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 |
BGT03 | Empower Managers to Perform |
BGT04 | Eliminate Employment Ceilings and Floors by Managing Within Budget |
BGT05 | Provide Line Managers With Greater Flexibility to Achieve Results |
BGT06 | Streamline Budget Development |
BGT07 | Institute Biennial Budgets and Appropriations |
BGT08 | Seek Enactment of Expedited Rescission Procedures |
All agencies are working to develop the performance information that GPRA requires. OMB is leading the development process and increasing emphasis on the use of such information in the formulation of the FY 1997 budget. It is using the FY 1998 budget process to focus on the performance goals and measures that will be needed for full GPRA implementation in FY 1999.
As recommended by NPR, Congress allowed carryover authority of unobligated year-end balances for some agencies in FYs 1994 and 1995 but withdrew this authority in following years. Six agencies historically have had multi-year funding authority and are able to carry over funds, but the remainder do not. This continues to create an incentive for year-end spending rushes in some agencies.
Congress granted the President line item veto authority beginning in 1997 (Public Law 104-130). This provides an important tool for cutting wasteful spending. In addition, several congressional committees have begun exploring streamlining of the budget process, including converting to a biennial budget as proposed by NPR.