General Tips
As a change agent at HUD/FHA, I’ve learned and relearned that most sustained change comes through dedication and persistence over time. A LONG time. And that to sustain that dedication, it’s helpful to develop or tap into networks, both formal and informal, of change agents who support each other in various ways, both large and small.
I’ve learned that "no" is often not "absolutely no" but "not now" or "that’s interesting, bring this up at another time or in another context and I might say ‘yes’."
I’ve learned that anyone within an organization can be a change agent if they’re pleasant, persistent, and dedicated to their goals.
The Reinvention Revolution can be used to destroy an agency when implemented without the use of the appropriate form of the four "Hammer" principles.
Contracting does not equal Privatization.
Privatization does not equal Cost Savings or Efficiency.
Contracts Cost More
(1) Team concept is critical to successful mission accomplishment.
(2) Perseverance is key to achieving results. (You can get your nose bloodied with reinvention!)
(3) Government employees, when given a task with ownership, are tremendous workers.
There are about 9 months left to achieve "critical mass." We have a lot of work to do.
Contracting out isn’t always best. Beware of fictitious savings that don’t include the costs of contracting, only FTE savings!
Revolutions Take Radical Changes!
If no one is questioning you about what you’re doing, that means you’re probably not doing what you should to create movement toward changes needed. If you never feel the uneasiness of a group when you walk into the room, you haven’t hit the real issues.
Initial training for self-directed work teams (or any team) is crucial! Also, training for managers on what their role should be must be done first! We are a Lab that can offer the training for you as well as talk about lessons LEARNED! Cost is low, we are a government organization that has been chartered to act as a designated reinvention consultant. Cost is for supplies (Team Assessment, Myer-Brigs, materials, TDY cost if necessary ...)
[response to above posting] Send me a description of your services -- we can let others know.
Try not to bet into partnerships with Agencies that Congress plans to close -- Insecure people don’t make good partners.
[responding to above post] Not necessarily true. NADEP, Norfolk, VA, was a perfect example of partnerships lessening the impact of losing jobs.
-- Process owners do _ _ _
-- Reengineering points of contact
1) market
2) award
3) promote
4) cajole and push
5) inform, inform, inform ...
With the right people in the right places, you can truly "reinvent" with the right tools and train of thought.
DOC 2-05 only addresses downsizing the NOAA Corps. Elimination proves costly, but NOAA is charging ahead for politics. Stop and get the facts if you can. Ask NOAA for an Arthur Andersen reporting showing cost effectiveness.
I’m here to learn how to make a difference in my organization for the future.
Remember ... It’s usually easier to get sustained improvement if you start at the grassroots ... Try out the new stuff with the smaller Agencies/Bureaus.
Never say "NEVER".
Open your mind to the possibilities and open communication with managers, leaders, teams, employees, customers, stakeholders.