Need a clearinghouse of labs, ideas, waivers, etc. to keep from overlapping and duplicating efforts. Also, for resources and partnerships.
Why cut of Dr. Lukensmeyer? She’s the most valuable speaker at the conference. [Another conferee wrote, "Agree, inspirational].
How about having a Reinvention Meeting outside the Beltway -- in the field!!
Please have someone put all of the Town Hall Wall notes on paper and send to conference attendees. [Another conferee added, "Concur!!"]
PLEASE send me a copy of all that has been written on the REINVENTION TOWN HALL WALL!!
[Responding to above posting] Great Idea! Please send copy to:
NPR should consider using desk top video technology to expand its base of detailees out in the field around the U.S. This could facilitate regional reinvention on a more immediate track.
DoD should organize a regular forum across service and geographic boundaries to promote reinvention.
(1) Rhetoric must match reality.
(2) Most industrial countries are grappling with the same problems of re-invention -- are we learning from each other?
We need a mechanism for sharing information of successes and ideas throughout the government. Let’s use the available technology and come up with something accessible to everyone -- an on-line newsletter, perhaps.
Publish these ideas, frustrations, and successes!
Revitalize the efforts of NPR staff by sharing their success stories among agencies. They are a great asset to the Federal Government.
A national clearing house of all reinvention projects on-going within all government agencies and points of contact.
A speaker’s bureau free to agencies would be very helpful. It would help people see bigger picture of change throughout federal government. Several one-time speakers to groups of 200 would go very far.
The Web can be used to do much more than distribute program information. All Departments should be made aware of and use the National Workplace.
Using on-line groupware (like Lotus Notes), link all of the participants in this conference as a continuing virtual conference -- NPR coordinate this!
NPR should visit Agency’s to get more real success stories from front line. Talk to the Action People. Change is happening.
A copy of what’s on this entire wall --
This kind of wall would be good in the office to let us all be able to contribute our ideas as we get them ... a kind of an on-going wall-forum. [Another commenter added, "Good idea - once a month review].
Topical Reinvention Workshops.
-- We hold monthly Reinvention Lab Workshop on specific business systems.
-- Each Workshop consists of 25-30 people who are a mix of subject matter experts and customers of that business system.
-- "Best Practice" is collectively defined and waivers are developed to remove impediments.
-- Good waiver source and networks key business systems across the organization.
Can the "ideas and concepts" blocks be transcribed and distributed to conference participants?
Interagency franchising stories? Other compelling reinvention cases? Send us a description.
If you’re doing innovative ideas in the procurement area please let me know. Of particular interest is (1) ways to test your internal processes, (2) innovative buying techniques -- they do and do not require waivers.