Archive 90 Resources in 90 MinutesNational Partnership for Reinventing GovernmentWashington, DC October 1998 You want reinvention resources? Check these out. These resources were developed or recommended by reinventors who are using them to create a government that works better, costs less, and delivers results that Americans care about-all in time for the 21st Century. This resource list was first used at a workshop by the same name at the Reinvention Revolution Conference in Washington, DC, on April 20, 1998. The "90" resources have grown to about 140, and the list is still growing. The resources in this list are for information only and do not imply endorsement. We will try to keep this information timely and accurate, and will correct errors brought to our attention. Send new items and corrections to Pat Wood, National Partnership for Reinventing Government, at FAX (202) 632-0390 or pat.wood@npr.gov.