
Title: Federalism Selected Bibliography

Author: National Performance Review

Date: February 1995

NOTE: The Congressional Research Service published

an extensive bibliography of materials on

federalism in 1982. ["Federalism and

Intergovernmental Relations: A Selected

Bibliography," Dalrymple, Helen, Congressional

Research Service, August 2, 1982.]

The following list of materials on federalism

include more recent articles and are available from

the NPR Federalism team. Please contact Chris

Edwards or Jane McNeil at (202) 632-0150 if you wish

to use any of them.


102nd Congress, Senate Bill 2531-

"Establishing Commission on Project

Government Reform," Introduced by

Senator Roth, April 7, 1992.

103rd Congress, S. 1981 - "Welfare and

Medicaid Responsibility Exchange Act of

1994," sponsored by Senator Nancy

Landon Kassebaum, March 7, 1994.

104th Congress, 1st Session: "The Personal

Responsibility Act, A House Resolution"

[Draft Resolution].

104th Congress, "Republican Contract with


Beam, David R. Reinventing Federalism:

State-Local Government Roles in the

New Economic Order. (Paper prepared

for the 1988 annual meeting of the

American Political Science Association.)

Behn, Robert D. "The Management of

Reinvented Federalism", Governing,

February 1995.

Bolick, Clint, Vice President & Director of

Litigation for the Institute for Justice,

"The Devolution Revolution: Two Keys to

Enduring Success," Testimony submitted

for the Senate Budget Committee,

Washington, D.C., February 2, 1995.

Bond, Christopher and Sarbanes, Paul

(interviewed). "How Much Does the New

Federalism Matter in the U.S. Senate?"

Intergovernmental Perspective, vol. 16,

No. 2; Washington, D.C., Spring 1990.

Broder, David, "Federalism in a State of

Ferment," The Washington Post,

December 11, 1994.

Brown, Cynthia and Reid, Jill, " Twenty

Years On: New Federal & State Roles to

Achieve Equity in Education," National

Center for Policy Alternatives, 1987.

Bruner, Charles, "Breaking the Categorical

Mold: A Federal Initiative to Support

State and Community Redesign of

Services and Supports to Vulnerable

Families Within Their Neighborhoods

and Communities - Draft Mock Federal

Register Guidelines For Dialogue and

Discussion," Child and Family Policy

Center, June 25, 1993.

Business Week, "Downsizing Government:

Much of the New Deal May Be

Dismantled as Both Parties Race to

Reshape Washington," Business Week,

January 23, 1995.

Catle, Michael N. To Provide Efficient

Service Delivery in Restoring the

Balance: State Leadership for America's

Future," National Governors Association,

Washington, D.C., p 40, 1988.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,

"The Kassebaum Federalism Proposal:

Is It a Good Idea?" Center on Budget

and Policy Priorities, Washington, D.C.,

December 1994.

Clinton, President Bill, Remarks To The

National Governors Association, J.W.

Marriot Hotel,Washington, D.C.,

January 31, 1995.

Clinton, President Bill, "Highlights of the

President's Plan to Restructure Three

Cabinet Departments and Two Major

Agencies," The White House,

Washington, D.C., December 1994.

Clinton, President Bill, FY 1996 President's

Budget: Reinventing the Federal

Government pp. 133-156; Performance

Partnerships, pp. 152-154; Program

Consolidations, pp. 187-195;

February 1995.

Congressional Research Service, "New

Federalism Initiatives: Selected Program

Data for 1981," The Congressional

Research Service, April 27, 1982.

Conlan, Timothy, "Federalism After

Reagan," The Brookings Review, Fall


Dalrymple, Helen, "Federalism and

Intergovernmental Relations: A Selected

Bibliography," Congressional Research

Service, August 2, 1982.

Dean, Governor Howard, of Vermont

Statement on behalf of the National

Governor's Conference before the

Committee on Ways and Means, U.S.

House of Representatives,

January 12, 1995.

DeWitt, John, "Criteria for Sorting Out

Roles of Federal and State Governments;

Shifting Responsibilities: Federalism in

Economic Development," National

Governors' Association, November 1987.

Domenici, Senator Peter, "Statement on

Block Grants and Opportunities for

Devoution," presented in the Senate

Budget Committee, Washington, D.C.,

February 2, 1995.

Empowerment Network Foundation, " The

Welfare Revolution: From Safety Net to

Ladder of Opportunity," Empowerment

Network Foundation, Alexandria, VA.,


Evans, Daniel J. and Robb, Charles S., "To

Form a More Perfect Union: The Report

of the Committee on Federalism and

National Purpose," The National

Conference on Social Welfare,

Washington, D.C., 1985.

Fyock, Jack and Long, John, "The New

Federalism: A Challenge to State

Legislative Responsibility," State

Government, Spring 1977.

Galston, William and Tibbetts, Geoffrey.

"Reinventing Federalism: Clinton/Gore

Program for a New Partnership Among

the Federal, State, Local, and Tribal

Governments." Publius, vol. 24, no. 3;

Summer 1994.

General Accounting Office (GAO). Budget

Deficit: Appendixes on Outlook,

Implications, and Choices, September


General Accounting Office, "Report to

Congressional Requestors - The Budget

Deficit," General Accounting Office,

September 1990.

General Accounting Office, "Appendix III:

Two Strategies for Reducing Nondefense

Spending - The Budget Deficit,"

GAO/OCG-90-5A; September 1990.

General Accounting Office, "Reducing the

Deficit: Spending and Revenue Options,"

Report to the Senate and House

Committees on the Budget, March 1994.

Governing, As the Reagan Era Fades, It's

Discretion vs. Earmarking in the Struggle

over Funds, Governing, March 1990.

Gold, Steven, and Ellwood, Deborah,

"Spending and Revenue for Children's

Programs," Prepared for The Finance

Project, Washington, D.C., 1994.

Goldsmith, Mayor Stephen, "Regulation

and the Urban Marketplace,"

Regulation, no. 4, 1994.

Goldsmith, Mayor Stephen, Testimony to the

Senate Budget Committee, Senate Budget

Committee Hearing, Washington, D.C.,

February 2, 1995.

Gore, Vice President Al , "Second Phase of

the National Performance Review,"

Memorandum for Heads of Executive

Departments and Agencies, January 3,


Gore, Vice President Al, "Remarks for Vice

President Al Gore to U.S. Conference of

Mayors," Washington, D.C., January 27,


Gurwitt, Rob, "Creating a Constituency For

Change," Governing, pp 45-55, January


The Heritage Foundation, "A Budget

Strategy to Reinvent the Federal

Government," The Heritage Foundation

Backgrounder," No. 1014, January 16,

1994[sic]. NOTE: The issuance date

was January 16, 1995.

Institute for Educational Leadership, "Who

Controls Major Federal Programs for

Children and Families - Special Report

#3," The Policy Exchange and The

Institute for Educational Leadership,

September 11, 1994.

Katz, Jeffrey L., "Members Pushing To

Retain Welfare System Control,"

Congressional Quarterly, January 28,


Kee, James E. "Refocusing Roles in a

Federal System: A White Paper on

Federalism," from the National

Governors' Association National Meeting

on Federalism, November 12, 1992.

Leavitt, Governor Mike, "Conference of the

States: An Action Plan for Balanced

Competition in the Federal System,"

Paper prepared for the Council of State

Governments Annual Meeting, Pinehurst,

N.C., December 2-6, 1994.

Nathan, Richard P. and Lago, John R.

Intergovernmental Relations in the

Reagan Era, Public Budgeting &

Finance, Vol. 8, No. 3. Transaction

Periodicals Consortium,Washington,

D.C., p. 15; 1988.

National Governor's Association, Center for

Policy Research, "Making America Work:

Productive People, Productive Policies,"

National Governors' Association,

Washington, D.C., 1987.

National Governors' Association, "Restoring

the Balance: State Leadership for

America's Future," National Governors'

Association, Washington, D.C., 1988.

National League of Cities, "Reassessing

Government," National League of Cities,


National Performance Review

Accompanying Report, Strengthening the

Partnership in Intergovernmental Service

Directory, Executive Summary, pp. 1-4;

September 1993.

The Oregon Option: A Proposed Model for

Results-Driven Intergovernmental

Service Delivery. Proposal Summary,

July 25, 1994, and Memorandum of

Understanding Regarding The Oregon

Option December 5, 1994.

Osbourn, Sandra S., "Federalism in the

United States: Toward the Third

Century- An Overview of Trends and

Issues," Congressional Research Service

Report for Congress, American

National Government, Government

Division, April 17, 1989.

Osborne, David, "Mandate for Change - A

New Federal Compact: Sorting Out

Washington's Proper Role," Progressive

Policy Institute of the Domestic

Leadership Council, A Berkeley Book,

Chapter 11, 1993.

Peterson, Paul E., Rabe, Barry G., and

Wong, Kenneth, "When Federalism

Works," Brookings, 1986.

Pompili, Michael, "The Rising Impact of

Environmental on Local Government,"

Regulation, Number 1; 1995.

Progressive Policy Institute, "The

Progressive Alternative to the Republican

'Contract With America," The New

Democrat, Washington, D.C.,

December 5, 1994.

Reagan, President Ronald, "Federalism: The

First Ten Months: A Report From the

President," November 1981.

Reagan, President Ronald, Fact Sheet from

Reagan Administration Federalism

Proposals,"The President's State of the

Union Address," January 26, 1982.

Reagan, President Ronald, "President

Reagan's New Federalism," National

Journal, February 13, 1982.

Reagan, President Ronald, Background and

Status Report on Federalism Initiative -

Fact Sheet, The White House - Office of

the Press Secretary, July 13, 1982.

Reagan, President Ronald, Background and

Status Report on Federalism Initiative -

Fact Sheet, The White House - Office of

the Press Secretary, July 13, 1982.

Reagan, President Ronald, President's

Federalism Initiative Legislation - Fact

Sheet February 24, 1983.

President's New Federalism Initiatives -

Hearing Before the Subcommittee on

Intergovernmental Relations, 97th


Reagan, President Ronald, "Final Report of

the Joint Federal-State Action Committee

to the President of the United States and

to the Chairman of the Governors'


Reagan, President Ronald, "Remarks at the

Annual Meeting of the National

Governors' Association in Cincinnati,

Ohio," August 8, 1988.

Republican Governors Conference, "The

Williamsburg Resolve," Richmond,

Virginia, 1994.

Rivlin, Alice M. A New Vision of

American Federalism, Public

Administration Review, Vol. 52, No. 4.

ASPA, Washington, D.C., 1992 p. 315.

Rivlin, Alice M. Reviving the American

Dream: The Economy, the States, and

the Federal Government, "Chapter One:

The Dream, the Reality. and Some

Solutions," The Brookings Institution,

Washington, D.C., 1992.

Roth, Senator William (R-DE), New

American Revolution Act.

Samuelson, Robert J., "Spigot of Last

Resort," The Washington Post, January


Schuster, Benjamin. "A New Ballgame:

State and Local Governments and

Federalism in the '80s," State

Government, vol. 54, no. 4; 1981.

Shannon, John and Kee, James. The Rise

of Competitive Federalism, Public

Budgeting & Finance, Vol. 9, No. 4;


SIAM Intergovernmental News, Section on

Intergovernmental Administration and

Management (SIAM), "Durenburger

Announces 10-Point Federalism Plan,"

American Society for Public

Administration," 1983.

St. Amand, Stephen; Herndon, John

Thomas and Cole, James Nathan, New

Federalism: A Question of Finances and

Timing, Public Budgeting & Finance,

Vol. 3, No. 1. Transaction Periodicals

Consortium, Washington, D.C., p. 57;


Stanfield, Rochelle. "Ready for 'New

Federalism,' Phase II? Turning Tax

Sources Back to the States." National

Journal, August 22, 1981.

Stanfield, Rochelle, "The New Fixation Of

Federalism," National Journal, p. 260,

January 28, 1995.

Stanfield, Rochelle, "The New Federalism,"

National Journal, pp. 226-230, January

28, 1995.

Sugarman, Jule M., "A System For Selective

Delegation of Authority To States to

Administer Children's, Youth and Family

Services," Center on Effective Services

For Children, Draft; December 14, 1994.

Sylvester, Kathleen. "Cutting Washington

Down to Size: It's Time to Devolve

Power to States and Communities."

The New Democrat (January/February

1995)., p. 36. "Twenty Years On: New

Federal and State Roles to Achieve

Equity in Education," The National

Center for Policy Alternatives.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations, "The

Federal Role in the Federal System: The

Dynamics of Growth: An Agenda for

American Federalism: Restoring

Confidence and Competence," June


U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). An

Agenda for American Federalism:

Restoring Confidence and Competence,

"The Federal Role: Criteria, Assessment,

and Analysis," "The Federal Role in the

Federal System: Analysis of Basic

Findings, Key Questions, Raised, and

Recommendations." June 1981.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations: "State-

Local Highway Consultation and

Cooperation: The Perspective of State

Legislators," May 1988.

Staff Working Paper, December 1981.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

Changing the Federal Aid System: An

Analysis of Alternative

Resource/Responsibility Turnbacks and

Program Trade-Offs, "Memorandum

from Wayne F. Anderson, Executive

Director," December 29, 1981, and

"Appendix A: Briefing Report on

Responsibility and Resource

Turnbacks." December 23, 1981.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

Devolving Federal Program

Responsibilities and Revenue Sources to

State and Local Governments,

"Chapter 1: Summary and Policy

Recommendation," "Chapter 2: Why

Turnbacks," Chapter 3: Turnbacks in

Context," March 1986.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations, "Devolving

Selected Federal-Aid Highway Programs

and Revenue Bases: A Critical Appraisal,"

September 1987.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations: "Local

Perspectives on State-Local Highway

Consultation and Cooperation: Survey

Responses From State Associations of

Local Officials," July 1987.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations, "Devolution

of Federal Air Highway Programs: Cases

in State-Local Relations and Issues in

State Law." September 1988.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

Federal Statutory Preemption of State

and Local Authority: History, Inventory,

and Issues, Report No. A-121, September


Voinovich, George, "The Need for a New

Federalism, A State-Federal Legislative

Agenda for the 104th Congress,"

Republican Governors' Conference, 1994.

Walker, David, "The Rebirth of

Federalism," Chatham House, 1995.

Will, George, "Tenth Amendment Time: A

Constitutional Order and Political

Philosophy in 28 Words," Newsweek,

January 9, 1995.


General Accounting Office,

"Intergovernmental Affairs -

Changing Patterns in State-Local

Finances," General Accounting

Office, March 1992.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

"Child Care: The Need for Federal-

State-Local Coordination," March 1994.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

"Local Government Responsibilities in

Health Care," July 1994.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

"High performance public Works -

A New Federal Infrastructure Investment

Strategy for America," U.S. Army Corps

of Engineers, November 1993.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR),

"Characteristics of Federal Grant-In-

Aid Programs to State and Local

Governments: Grants Funded FY

1991," March 1992.

General Accounting Office, "Addressing

The Deficit- Budgetary implications of

Selected GAO Work," General

Accounting Office, March 1994.

Daley, Mayor Richard M., "Putting

Federalism To Work For America:

Tackling the Problems of Unfunded

Mandates & Burdensome Regulations,"

Roosevelt University Institute for

Metropolitan Affairs,

November 19, 1992.

104th Congress, H.R. 4 - "Personal

Responsibility Act of 1995," introduced

January 4, 1995.

104th Congress, H.R. 1, "Family

Reinforcement Act," introduced on

January 4, 1995.

National Performance Review,

"Memorandum regarding the

Preparation for the National Governor

Association Meeting'" with attachments:

"Agency Analysis Decision Tree," "Vice

President Gore's Memo for Heads of

Departments and Agencies," "Possible

Talking Points for the NGA Meeting

January 1995," and "The Oregon

Option," January 1995.

100th Congress, S. 862 - "Partnership Act of

1987," (Robbs-Evans Bill), introduced by

Senator Evans, March 24, 1987.

Senate Budget Committee Hearing

on Restructuring Government,

Witnesses: Governor John Engler (MI)

Mayor Stephen Goldsmith (Indianapolis)

and Mr. Clint Bolick, February 2, 1995.

Senate Republican Regulatory Relief

Task Force Hearing, January 25, 1995.

Federalism Charts from the Reagan

Reagan Administration through the

Oregon Option 1994.

Kassebaum, Nancy L., "Give The States

More Say," Washington Post, p. A-17

May 9, 1994.

Kunde, James E. and Stenberg, Carl W.,

"How Will the Clinton Era Affect State

and Local Government? Some Early

Views," State and Local Government

Review,Carl Vinson Institute of Gov't,

University of Georgia, Vol. 25, No. 3

pp. 207-210, Fall 1993.

Walker, David B., "The Evolution of

Intergovernmental Regulation and What's To

Come," National Adacemy of Public

Administration, Research Paper.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR).,

"Final Report of the Joint Federal-State

Action Committee to the President of The

United States and to the Chairman of the

Governor's Conference," February 1960.

Senate Subcommittee Hearing on

Intergovernmental Affairs, Witnesses:

Robert Greenstein, Barbara Kaufman,

Michael Fargione, and Earl D. Craig,

April 29, 1982.

Rivlin, Alice M., "Budgeting For

Performance," Intergovernmental

Perspective, Vol. 20, no. 1, pp 11-13 & 26,

Fall 1993-Winter 1994.

U.S. Advisory Commission on

Intergovernmental Relations, (ACIR),

. "Assessment Innovation in Orange County,

Florida," Richard W. Rourk,

Intergovermental Perspective,

Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 26-28, Summer 1993.

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