City of Boston Business Assistance Center
U.S. SBA One Stop Capital Shop
1. Type of Facility
The City of Boston's Business Assistance Center and the U. S. Small Business Administration's
One Stop Capital Shop/Business Information center are co-located at the Boston Empowerment Center (BE). The City of Boston is provided financial support from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for this Empowerment Center.
2. Participating Agencies
BE is staffed by the SEA, SCORE, Jewish Vocational Services, EDIC/BRA and Boston's Public Facilities Department (PFD). In addition, BE is affiliated with dozens of other government, public and private organizations, banks, business education and service providers.
3. Type of Service Offered
The Center's goals are to:
- help create and retain quality, sustainable jobs in Boston by growing small business
- make information and professional business assistance available to small firms in a "one-stop" environment by assembling business assistance providers under one roof in a convenient location
- provide assistance in accessing community, government and private resources not located on- site at BE
- leverage information and service resources to establish and maintain an enhanced support network for small business
Services available at BE:
- conference/meeting facilities
- business start-up/ acquisition
- loan packaging assistance
- business plans
- marketing/sales
- city, state, federal procurement
- accounting and record keeping
- advertising strategies
- inventory display/floor layout and design
- business recruitment
- network development
- grand openings and promotional events
- training seminars
- language translation
4. Facility Design/Equipment/Staffing/Financing
The Boston Empowerment Center was established by President Clinton and Vice President Gore on December 21, 1994 when they designated 72 urban areas and 33 rural communities as Empowerment Zones or Enterprise Communities. What sets this initiative apart from previous revitalization efforts is that the community drives the decision-making. Residents decide what happens in their neighborhoods, not federal officials in Washington. The EZ/EC effort provides tax incentives and performance grants and loans to create jobs and expand business opportunities.
5. Customer Input
Customer Survey sheets called "What Do You Think?" are given to every customer to solicit feedback as to the service provided.
6. Press Coverage
The Boston Business Assistance Center publishes a monthly report of center highlights, and this summarizes monthly customer activity and center progress. Additionally, there was an article featured in The Banner recently which discussed the revitalization of the Grove Hall area, and noted the presence of the center.
7. Lessons Learned
The center notes the importance of an enhanced telephone system to handle the volume of calls. Also, for greater efficiency, the center stresses the importance of computers being networked early in the process,
8. Contact for Further Information
City of Boston Business Assistance Center and SEA One Stop Capital Shop
Lori Holliday - Senior Manager (617) - 445 - 3413
PHONE: (617) - 445 - 3413
FAX : (617) - 445 - 5675