December 8, 1994
To the Members of Federal Executive Boards and Federal Executive Associations:
More that thirty years ago, President John F. Kennedy established Federal Executive Boards to strengthen the coordination of management activities outside Washington. I know that many of you have spent your careers improving service to the American people through the mission of your agency, and you have many opportunities to use your collective experience to reinvent our government.
The federal employees who developed the recommendations of the National Performance Review told us that we can create a government that better serves the American people by:
- putting customers first;
- cutting red tape; and
- empowering employees to get results.
To achieve these goals, Federal Executive Boards and Federal Executive Associations must assume a strong leadership role. In particular, I would ask you to work with the federal agencies in your community to ensure that Customer Service Executive Order, No. 12862, is implemented. Specifically, I hope you will follow the lead of the Federal Executive Boards who are improving service delivery by:
- creating interagency forums to ask customers and partners
in service delivery what services they want and whether
they are satisfied with the services they receive;
- forming teams of agencies that serve or regulate the same
customers to share systems and resources;
- cutting red tape by coordinating service delivery and
reporting requirements; and
- demonstrating to citizens that federal agencies can
provide service "equal to the best in business."
Together we can create a government that works better and costs less -- a government designed to restore the faith of people in government one American at a time.
Bill Clinton