

National Performance Review
Reinvention Express Special
November 5, 1997

An Information Sheet for Federal Communicators, Managers, Workers, and Their Partners
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Today Vice President Gore released his 1997 reinventing government report, "Businesslike Government: Lessons Learned from America's Best Companies." The book is online on the National Performance Review Web site at

The book tells the story of how America's best companies have helped the federal government reinvent itself. It's not the usual government report. It's interspersed with wonderful Dilbert cartoons. Businesslike Government is full of short case stories about how the government has adopted private sector practices to make government work better and cost less.

"President Clinton has set our performance to be every bit as good as the best in the business," the Vice President said. "With the help of the private sector, we're making real progress toward meeting that goal."

The report says that reinventing government saves taxpayers $137 billion and that government is smaller by 310,000 employees.

Vice President Gore credits the 1,900,000 federal employees for what they are doing to reinvent government. "No large institution in America has a more dedicated or more competent workforce," he said.

Your agency may wish to order copies from the Government Printing Office. The stock number is 040-000-00695-8 and the price is $8. GPO offers a 25 percent discounts for 100 or more copies sent to a single address. Phone (202) 512-1800, fax (202) 512- 2250, or send e-mail to For the location of 24 U.S. Government Bookstores, check the yellow or blue pages of your phone book or visit

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