Archive July 11-13: Excellence in Government 2000 -- Connecting Citizens Services and Results (Washington, DC)THIS IS THE ONE EVENT YOU SHOULDN'T MISS! REGISTER TODAY! Excellence in Government 2000 is three days of thought-provoking, innovative learning and discussion centered around the key issues facing the transformation of government - change and innovation, e-Government and technology, the workforce, partnerships and the business of government. With six keynotes and over 30 workshops led by federal authorities and other experts, this is the premier public management conference providing ideas and solutions for renewing government for the twenty-first century. Keynote speakers include renowned business management authority Joel Barker, FEMA Director James Lee Witt, Fast Company Founding Editor Bill Taylor, organizational change expert Peter Block, humorist Loretta LaRoche and the inspirational Dr. Benjamin Carson. Four additional super-sessions will provide tools and cutting-edge strategies on creativity, citizen expectations, digital government and the new, new public service. The President's Quality Awards Program Ceremony, on the final day of the conference, will celebrate government agencies for their world-class success in quality customer service and continuous improvement. The Excellence Expo will showcase the capabilities of 100 federal agencies and private corporations for improving public service. Pre-Conference Workshop: |