Archive National Partnership for Reinventing GovernmentAchieve What No One Agency Can Achieve AloneProvide all Americans a seamless learning and employment system to get the job skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. Vice President Gore's National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR) has brought all of its initiatives related to workforce development and lifelong learning into one cluster: 21st Century Skills . Our vision is to craft a seamless learning and employment system so Americans have the knowledge, skills and tools they need to succeed in the 21st Century workplace. This vision includes promotion of an increased understanding of the importance of lifelong learning. This outcome has two overarching strategies:
Levels of activity: The Federal Level. The Assistant Secretaries and other officials from federal departments and agencies with Workforce Investment Act (WIA) responsibilities are meeting monthly to advance a shared vision and collaboratively resolve cross-cutting issues that impact WIA implementation. Their vision states: "The WIA partnership will enable states and local communities to create convenient access to learning and employment through seamless, one-stop services, so all Americans, including people facing significant barriers to employment, will have the knowledge, skills and tools they need to succeed in the 21st Century economy. This group calls itself the WIA Partners. A smaller group, the Inter-Agency Life Long Learning Strategy Group, came about when Vice President Gore accepted a report, "Skills for A New Century: A Blueprint for Lifelong Learning" on November 4th 1999 from the 21st Century Skills Leadership Group. The primary recommendation was to build and expand community-based partnerships that cross multiple sectors and focus on 21st Century skills. Accepting the report, Vice President Gore announced that NPR, and the U. S. Departments of Labor, Education and Commerce, will form an Inter-Agency Group to support local partnerships implementing community-wide strategies. The Vice President invited interested members of the Leadership Group to advise the Inter-Agency group. The Community Level. NPR has selected 13 performance partners and created a 21st Century Skills Community Network . The purpose of the network is to connect community-based partnerships and relevant, federal agencies to enhance education, skills, training and lifelong learning for adults in local communities. The seven core goals of this network are:
The network will use a web site to post best practices, significant issues, and effective strategies for reaching goals and measuring results. The web site is open to the public. April 2000 |
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