March 11, 1998
At 4:30 p.m., on Monday, March 16, the National Gambling Impact Study Commission will adjourn its meeting in Boston for the day to travel to Foxwoods Resort & Casino, Ledyard, Connecticut. On the bus ride to Foxwoods, the Commissioners will hear a local impact presentation on Foxwoods, conducted by Richard Hayward, Tribal Chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation; and William Haase, Ledyard City Planner. No votes or deliberative actions will occur during this time.
Seating on the bus is limited. Commission staff will select media representatives from local, state, and national outlets.
- Only current, valid press credentials will be honored.
- Out of respect to the scheduled presenters and the Mashentucket Pequot Tribal Nation representatives conducting the tour and presentation, no photos or questions will be taken, nor will interviews be conducted on the bus. Photos may be taken at Foxwoods, but no questioning or interviews will be conducted; this is observational only.
- Interested media should contact Amy Ricketts (202-523-8196) for instructions. Media on bus may purchase a boxed dinner; please indicate this option when you make your reservation.
- All reporters scheduled to ride on the bus must confirm with Amy Ricketts at the media table before 3:00 p.m., Monday, March 16. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of a seat at that time.
The Commission is the invited guest of Foxwoods and the Mashentucket Pequot Tribal Nation, who retain the right to set their own policy on public and media participation. Foxwoods has indicated that the public and media will be welcomed for observational purposes. For those reporters not in the media bus pool, and for the interested public who wish to make their own transportation arrangements, the Foxwoods tour is scheduled from 7:00 - 8:45 p.m., March 16.
800 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 450, Washington, D.C. 20002
