NATIONAL GAMBLING IMPACT STUDY COMMISSIONTHIRD REGULAR MEETINGFriday, October 31, 1997OPENINGBallroom III The above entitled matter commenced, pursuant to notice, at 9:30 a.m., Kay C. James, Chair, presiding. PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: KAY C. JAMES, Chair GUESTS: CHARLES GRIFFITHS COMMISSION STAFF: NANCY MOHR KENNEDY, Exec. Director STAFF:
P R O C E E D I N G S9:30 a.m. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: Good morning. It's my pleasure to call to order the third regular meeting of the National Gambling Impact Study Commission. This morning we have a lot to cover so I'd like to quickly move through the agenda items listed in the opening and move on to today's business. For those members of the public and the press, I'd like to note some minor changes to the agenda. The discussion of the proposed rules of operation for the Commission, old business which is remaining from our last meeting, has been moved from this afternoon to this morning to help facilitate the rest of our discussion today. The discussion of the Research Subcommittee's work today to the proposed research agenda will replace the old business. Revised agendas were faxed out earlier this week and are also available for commissioners at their places this morning. I think I see that we now have all commissioners present in attendance, and needing only a majority present, we have a quorum to conduct business. And so with that, I'd like to move to the next agenda item which is the adoption of the minutes. With this meeting I hope to bring the review and adoption of the minutes from previous meetings more in line with other advisory commissions, and the staff have prepared minutes from the August 19th to 20th meetings which were included, commissioners, in your briefing books, and they are under Tab 2. I hope that you've had a chance to review them prior to this morning and if there are no corrections or changes we can adopt these minutes. UNIDENTIFIED: So moved. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: Second? UNIDENTIFIED: Second. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: Any discussion? The minutes are called for a vote. All in favor? (Chorus of ayes.) Opposed? (None.) Transcripts will continue to be reviewed by the staff immediately after the meeting, and any errors corrected. Because of the size of the transcripts I would prefer to continue to make these available to commissioners upon request. Minutes will be made available to the public upon request and the transcript will be made available to the public for a small fee.