NATIONAL GAMBLING IMPACT STUDY COMMISSIONN G I S C Chicago Meeting, May 21, 1998 SIXTH REGULAR COMMISSON MEETING CHAIRMAN JAMES: Please go ahead and take your seats. In the interest of time, I think we have enough people to go ahead and begin our meeting. I see that we have seven Commissioners present. That is a quorum, so we do have a quorum and our ability to conduct our business. First, I'd like to ask the Commissioners if there are any additions or deletions to the previous minutes from our last meeting. If not, can I hear a motion? COMMISSIONER BIBLE: So moved. COMMISSIONER MC CARTHY: Second. CHAIRMAN JAMES: So moved. Any questions? All in favor? (Chorus of ayes.) CHAIRMAN JAMES: The ayes have it. Okay. The staff has prepared those minutes. You'll find them there. Fine, we're done with that.