NATIONAL GAMBLING IMPACT STUDY COMMISSIONOPENINGA-F-T-E-R-N-O-O-N S-E-S-S-I-O-N(2:00 p.m.) CHAIRPERSON JAMES: I'd like to reconvene the meeting of the National Gambling Impact Study Commission. And coming out of our closed session I want to do a few things and then I will go to Mr. McCarthy for a motion. I see that we have all of our commissioners in attendance. And needing a majority present, we do have a quorum to conduct the official business of the Commission. The staff have prepared the minutes from the January 21st, 20th meeting which were included in your briefing books. And I hope you've had a chance to review these. Yes, Commissioner Wilhelm. COMMISSIONER WILHELM: I have no objection to the minutes at all. But I would like to request in future, I certainly understand and I support the fact that the minute takers have not attempted to capture all of our pearls of wisdom, because that would be both hopeless and useless. But I do think that when we take a specific action and it's recited in the minutes such as the dates for the site visits and the locations that specific actions like that ought to be specified. You know, so that everybody knows well, okay, we agreed on dates, what were they. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: Right. COMMISSIONER WILHELM: But with that, just request in the future I would move the adoption of the minutes as they were distributed. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: Can I get a second? COMMISSIONER LANNI: Second. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: It has been moved and seconded, all in favor? COMMISSIONERS: Aye. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: Opposed? (No response) The minutes are adopted. Before we go to the Executive Director's report I wondered Leo would you like to do your motion as a part of the Research Subcommittee, or do you want to do it now coming out? COMMISSIONER McCARTHY: Whatever your pleasure is. CHAIRPERSON JAMES: I think I'd rather hold it for our full research and so we'll just go ahead.