NATIONAL GAMBLING IMPACT STUDY COMMISSIONKASINE BEYMR. BEY: Kasine Bey. CHAIRMAN JAMES: Kasine Bey, Kasine. Thank you so much for being here. MR. BEY: Right. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kasine Bey. I have lived in Atlantic City for the last six years. I'm married, have two children, 17 and a two year old. I have worked at the same casino for the past five years. I'm a member of Local 54, as are all the people in the audience in the orange tee shirts. And it is very -- the job that I have is called heavy porter, and it is very physical and very important. I work in the hotel section. Through Local 54 I have been able to receive health benefits from Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Through team work and goal setting, I, my wife, who also works in the casino, were able to purchase our first home. We're now homeowners in Atlantic City. Two years ago my wife gave birth to our last child by C section. This was a very difficult time for my wife because of the many issues that affected her. She became a diabetic, and several times she was hospitalized. Our son was born a month early, and he, too, stayed in the hospital for a week after his birth. These are some of the situations in my life that makes it important to have a job. I appreciate your time and listening to my story, and I would just like to thank you and to say have a good evening. CHAIRMAN JAMES: Kasine, thank you so much for being here this evening. MR. BEY: thank you.