


Hilda -- is it Roman?

MS. ROMAN: Correct.

Good afternoon. My name is Hilda Roman. I work for Bally's Park Place in the Atlantic City Hilton as a recruitment specialist. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address the committee today on casino gambling.

I would have liked to tell you the complete story of how 11 members of my family came to work at Bally's Park Place in the Atlantic City Hilton. However, three minutes is not enough time to tell about how the casino industry has helped my family. So I'll limit it to two family members.

However, I have submitted my written statement for the record.

My parents have 11 children and 17 grandchildren. My father was the first to be hired at Bally's Park Place. My father had worked for a company for ten years before they closed for good. He then went to work on a farm. However, during the winter months, there was no work, and we lived off of what little my father could save. So you can say I grew up poor during this time period.

My father knew he had to get a decent job in order to support his large family. My father decided to join the casino industry. It was at Bally's Park Place where he got a new start in life. My father has been at Bally's Park Place for 15 years. His current position is bell person. My father was able to provide us with a better life because of the casino industry.

I started at Bally's Park Place next. I was working for a small bank, barely making enough to support myself. I was afraid to come to the casinos. My father convinced me to give it a try.

I have had various positions in the Personnel Department while at Bally's. I have taken company sponsored training courses to better myself. I have also had the privilege of traveling for the company. I have gained a lot of experience that I would not have today had I not taken the chance 14 years ago.

I now own my own home and am a single parent of three children.

These are only two stories of what the casino industry has done for my family. It has given us the opportunity to better our lives and for us, in particular, the opportunity to work together.

Eleven members of the Roman family work at Bally's Park Place in the Atlantic City Hilton. I have 19 other family members to go.

Thank you.


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