
United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 1: Ready to Learn
1. Children's Health Index: Has the U.S. reduced the percentage of infants born with 1 or more of 4 health risks? (1990 vs. 1997) 37% 33%
2. Immunizations: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of 2-year-olds who have been fully immunized against preventable childhood diseases? (1994 vs. 1997) 75% 78%
3. Family-Child Reading and Storytelling: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of 3- to 5-year-olds whose parents read to them or tell them stories regularly? (1993 vs. 1999) 66% 69%
4. Preschool Participation: Has the U.S. reduced the gap (in percentage points) in preschool participation between 3- to 5-year-olds from high- and low-income families? (1991 vs. 1999) 28 points 13 points

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 2: School Completion
5. High School Completion: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds who have a high school credential? (1990 vs. 1998) 86% 85%

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 3: Student Achievement and Citizenship
6. Reading Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in reading? (1992 vs. 1998)
Grade 4 29% 31%ns
Grade 8 29% 33%
Grade 12 40% 40%
7. Writing Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in writing? (1998)
Grade 4 23% --
Grade 8 27% --
Grade 12 22% --
8. Mathematics Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in mathematics? (1990 vs. 1996)
Grade 4 13% 21%
Grade 8 15% 24%
Grade 12 12% 16%
9. Science Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in science? (1996)
Grade 4 29% --
Grade 8 29% --
Grade 12 21% --
10. Civics Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in Civics? (1998)
Grade 4 23% --
Grade 8 22% --
Grade 12 26% --
11. History Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in History? (1994)
Grade 4 17% --
Grade 8 14% --
Grade 12 11% --
12. Geography Achievement: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students scoring at or above Proficient in geography? (1994)
Grade 4 22% --
Grade 8 28% --
Grade 12 27% --

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 4: Teacher Education and Professional Development
13. Teacher Preparation: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of secondary school teachers who hold an undergraduate or graduate degree in their main teaching assignment? (1991 vs. 1994) 66% 63%
14. Teacher Professional Development: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of teachers reporting that they participated in professional development programs on 1 or more topics since the end of the previous school year? (1994) 85% --

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 5: Mathematics and Science
15. International Mathematics Achievement: Has the U.S. improved its standing on international mathematics assessments? (1995)
Grade 4 7 out of 25 countries scored above the U.S.
Grade 8 20 out of 40 countries scored above the U.S.
Grade 12 14 out of 20 countries scored above the U.S.
16. International Science Achievement: Has the U.S. improved its standing on international science assessments? (1995)
Grade 4 1 out of 25 countries scored above the U.S.
Grade 8 9 out of 40 countries scored above the U.S.
Grade 12 11 out of 20 countries scored above the U.S.
17. Mathematics and Science Degrees: Has the U.S. increased mathematics and science degrees (as a percentage of all degrees) awarded to:
all students? (1991 vs. 1996) 39% 43%
minorities (Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians/Alaskan Natives)? (1991 vs. 1996) 39% 40%
females? (1991 vs. 1996) 35% 41%

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 6: Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning
18. Adult Literacy: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of adults who score at the three highest levels in prose literacy? (1992) 52% --
19. Participation in Adult Education: Has the U.S. reduced the gap (in percentage points) in adult education participation between adults who have a high school diploma or less, and those who have additional postsecondary education or technical training? (1991 vs. 1999) 27 points 29 pointsns
20. Participation in Higher Education: Has the U.S. reduced the gap (in percentage points) between White and Black high school graduates who:
enroll in college? (1990 vs. 1997) 14 points 9 pointsns
complete a college degree? (1992 vs. 1998) 16 points 19 pointsns
Has the U.S. reduced the gap (in percentage points) between White and Hispanic high school graduates who:
enroll in college? (1990 vs. 1997) 11 points 13 pointsns
complete a college degree? (1992 vs. 1998) 15 points 19 pointsns

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 7: Safe, Disciplined, and Alcohol- and Drug-free Schools
21. Overall Student Drug and Alcohol Use: Has the U.S. reduced the percentage of 10th graders reporting doing the following during the previous year:
using any illicit drug? (1991 vs. 1998) 24% 37%
using alcohol? (1993 vs. 1998) 63% 63%
22. Sale of Drugs at School: Has the U.S. reduced the percentage of 10th graders reporting that someone offered to sell or give them an illegal drug at school during the previous year? (1992 vs. 1998) 18% 29%
23. Student and Teacher Victimization: Has the U.S. reduced the percentage of students and teachers reporting that they were threatened or injured at school during the previous year?
10th grade students (1991 vs. 1998) 40% 33%
public school teachers (1991 vs. 1994) 10% 15%
24. Disruptions in Class by Students: Has the U.S. reduced the percentage of students and teachers reporting that student disruptions interfere with teaching and learning?
10th grade students (1992 vs. 1998) 17% 16%ns
secondary school teachers (1991 vs. 1994) 37% 46%

United States Baseline Update Progress?

Goal 8: Parental Participation
25. Schools' Reports of Parent Attendance at Parent-Teacher Conferences: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of K-8 public schools which reported that more than half of their parents attended parent-teacher conferences during the school year? (1996) 78% --
26. Schools' Reports of Parent Involvement in School Policy Decisions: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of K-8 public schools which reported that parent input is considered when making policy decisions in three or more areas? (1996) 41% --
27. Parents' Reports of Their Involvement in School Activities: Has the U.S. increased the percentage of students in Grades 3 to 12 whose parents reported that they participated in two or more activities in their child's school during the current school year? (1993 vs. 1999) 63% 62%ns

-- Data not available.
ns Interpret with caution. Change was not statistically significant.