The President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health met on April
3, 2003 at the Westin Embassy Row, 2100 Massachusetts Avenue in Washington,
D.C. In accordance with the provisions of Public Law 92-463, the meeting
was open to the public from 8:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Commissioners present:
Michael F. Hogan, Chair
Jane Adams
Rodolfo Arredondo, Jr.
Patricia Carlile
Charles G. Curie
Daniel B. Fisher
Anil G. Godbole
Henry T. Harbin
Larke N. Huang
Gail P. Hutchings
Thomas R. Insel
Norwood W. Knight-Richardson
Ginger Lerner-Wren
Stephen W. Mayberg
Joan Mele-McCarthy
Frances M. Murphy
Richard Nakamura
Robert N. Postlethwait
Waltraud E. Prechter
Chris Spear
Nancy C. Speck
Deanna Yates
Staff members present:
Claire Heffernan, Executive Director
H. Stanley Eichenauer, Deputy Executive Director
Dawn Foti Levinson
Ann Jacob Smith
Patty DiToto
Elaine Viccora
March 5, 2003
Work Session
Chairman Hogan opened the Commission's final public meeting at 8:40
a.m. The Commission's initial action was to consider the meeting minutes
from the previous meeting.
Approval of March Minutes
Chair Hogan requested that the Commissioners review and approve the
minutes from the March 2003 meeting. Commissioner Knight-Richardson
moved that the Commission approve the draft minutes. Commissioner Lerner-Wren
seconded the motion. Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the
Noting that all of the Commissioners reached out to various members
of the mental health community, Commissioner Huang discussed her recent
meeting with Christy, a young artist from Arkansas who has bipolar
disorder. As part of a public awareness campaign in her state, Christy
designed a flag to promote mental health. The flag then was selected
to fly over her state capitol building. Christy's goal is to fly this
flag over every state capitol to raise awareness about mental health.
The National Lieutenant Governor's Association recently invited Christy
and her family to Washington, D.C., where the flag was flown over
the nation's Capitol Building. Christy and her family are excited
about the Commission's work and have volunteered to help communicate
the Commission's mission as they travel throughout the country.
Chair Hogan then launched the Commission's discussion about its final
report. He reviewed a draft outline for the final report, which contained
a vision statement, six goals, and relevant recommendations.
Proposed Vision Statement
We are committed to a future where recovery is the expected
outcome and when mental illness can be prevented or cured. We envision
a nation where everyone with a mental illness will have access to
early detection and the effective treatment and supports essential
to live, work, learn and participate fully in their community.
Commissioner Mayberg commented that the vision statement accurately
reflected the Commission's aspirations and should serve as a measure
to assess the nation's progress.
Commissioner Fisher was pleased with the vision statement, particularly
the positive emphasis on recovery. Given the word "committed"
has additional meanings, he asked that the Commission consider an
alternate word.
Chair Hogan suggested using the word "hope."
Commissioner Curie highlighted that recovery was the basic tenet
for the Commission's discussions during the past year. In addition,
recovery is a principle that is consistent with the Executive Order.
Recovery is not simply something for which to hope; recovery should
be expected now - in the immediate future.
Commissioner Godbole noted that the outline reflected key elements
also present in the Surgeon General's report, Institute of Medicine's
report, and the President's Executive Order.
Commissioner Harbin requested a more action-oriented word be used,
such as "dedicated." He commented that the vision statement
communicates that the Commission can envision a future where science
can help cure some of the major mental illnesses - a critical long-term
Alternate Commissioner Nakamura stated that this vision statement
reflected the winds of change and a future where consumers and providers
act in partnership and treatments are based upon evidence. He added
that the current system is not yet structured to facilitate recovery
for many individuals.
Chair Hogan expressed pride in fellow Commissioners and their ability
to weave together many of the ideas discussed. He also discussed Mrs.
Carter's visit with the Commission and her comment about how the possibility
of recovery did not even exist during the Carter Commission's tenure.
This comment helped to build a framework for the current Commission's
While not opposed to the word "recovery," Commissioner
Adams requested that the vision statement use the term "across
the lifespan" to address the needs and hopes of children and
families. She also would prefer the phrase "mental health"
rather than mental illness and suggested the language, "where
everyone has access to mental health through early detection…"
Commissioner Curie also asked that the vision statement reflect the
needs of children with serious emotional disturbance.
Noting that the Commission's guiding principles addressed healthy
development and resiliency, Chair Hogan suggested elevating those
principles to the vision statement.
Commissioner Knight-Richardson moved to accept the vision statement
along with the Commissioners' subsequent comments. Commissioner Postlethwait
seconded the motion. Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the
draft vision statement for the final report.
Goal 1 - Mental Health is Essential to Health
Every individual, family and community will understand that mental
health is an essential part of overall health.
· Everyone takes action to ensure well-being
· Mental health awareness
· Advancement and implementation of national strategies
for suicide prevention and national campaign to reduce the stigma
of seeking care.
· Align federal policies with mental health system goals
Commissioner Curie emphasized that transformation of the mental health
system must begin with the knowledge that mental health is a part
of overall health. Stigma is a specific barrier to achieving that
widespread awareness. He also commented that given its importance,
it was appropriate to list Goal 1 first.
Commissioner Knight-Richardson responded that the order of the goals
had not yet been determined; Commissioner Curie agreed.
Commissioner Lerner-Wren suggested that the awareness goal should
be the first goal in the final report. As evidenced by the public
testimony and Commissioners' experiences in the community, the mental
health field needs to change attitudes through public education. She
noted that one of the most moving panels before the Commission was
the Atlanta businessmen who spoke of their own experiences with depression.
She urged the creation of public and private partnerships to develop
public education campaigns.
Commissioner Postlethwait commented that achievement of this goal
would be the realization of his personal dream. The vision's description
of such a positive and hopeful future state represents real progress.
Commissioner Huang noted that public and private education campaigns
currently exist; the challenge is to build upon them and reach rural
and minority populations.
Chair Hogan agreed that this goal was both a future-oriented goal
and an ongoing goal that is moving now, as evidenced by NIMH's current
awareness campaign on men and depression.
Commissioner Godbole expressed support for keeping this goal first,
given the importance of communicating the message that mental health
is a component of overall health. This goal is a call for action for
the entire system. Regardless of the type of campaign developed, the
right messages should be delivered to each constituency.
Commissioner-Knight Richardson underscored that the goal's language
("we") encompasses diverse populations. Culturally relevant
programs are needed to reach diverse populations (e.g., Native Americans,
Hispanics, African Americans, etc.).
Commissioner Harbin also thought it was a very good first goal, particularly
given the lack of understanding about mental illness and lack of awareness
about available, effective treatments. While noting that the proposed
financing recommendations appear later in the document, he suggested
incorporating the issue of parity into this discussion, perhaps as
a principle. He urged the Commission to make a clear statement supporting
the President's backing of a private insurance parity bill. Commissioner
Harbin added that parity is necessary to achieve the goals proposed
by the Commission.
Chair Hogan indicated that the Commissioners' previous conversations
expressed support for the parity concept; thus the report should include
a reference to parity.
Commissioner Curie suggested that the Commission include a recommendation
that each institute within the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
demonstrate a focus on the mental health aspects of the diseases it
studies. Such a recommendation would strengthen the goal that mental
health is a critical part of overall health.
Commissioner Godbole agreed with the proposal, reporting that the
IOM is overseeing two major initiatives on mental health. Mental health
must be embedded in all health-related discussions and activities.
Chair Hogan commented that members appeared to agree with this proposal.
Commissioner Fisher indicated that the statement referencing stigma
was too narrow. Stigma and discrimination affect all aspects of community
integration-including living, working, learning and participating
in the community. The Commission would be remiss to focus only on
the aspects of stigma that interfere with seeking care. Stigma is
such a big issue, it may require two separate recommendations.
Chair Hogan said that he agreed with Commissioner Harbin's sentiments
about stigma; however, the Commission has been encouraged to not create
a lengthy and detailed list of recommendations. The Commission's current
recommendation about a public campaign was informed by research shared
by Dr. Patrick Corrigan and others. There is some evidence that indicates
media-based campaigns may encourage help-seeking behaviors. However,
media-based campaigns have not been shown to be effective to change
behaviors or beliefs. As Dr. Corrigan noted, such attitudes and behaviors
typically change as a result of personal contact. Chair Hogan added
that the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration's Eliminating
Barriers Initiative includes a number of different strategies to address
Commissioner Fisher agreed that personal contact does help overcome
stigma. However, the Commission should encourage further work in this
area, particularly as one of the primary concerns of people with mental
illness is continuing segregation. The Commission should pursue an
overall approach with different strategies.
Commissioner Speck moved that the Commission accept Goal 1 along
with the subsequent discussion. Commissioner Harbin seconded the motion.
Alternate Commissioner Nakamura stated that he and his colleagues
would have to review the new recommendation related to NIH to ensure
it could be implemented within the NIH system. With that caveat, he
could consider the motion. Chair Hogan agreed that such a review was
implicit and that Commissioners would accept that understanding.
Commissioner Adams asked to add the words, "and the promise
of life in the community" to the current phrase "mental
health is an essential part of overall health." She added that
most families do not even know what mental health means, much less
the services that should be provided. As families attempt to navigate
and access the various child-serving systems, they also risk losing
custody of their children.
Commissioner Curie stated a multi-faced approach is needed to address
stigma and barriers, which should be captured in the recommendations.
Commissioners voted unanimously to accept Goal 1, its recommendations,
and the accompanying discussion.
Goal 2 - Early Mental Health Screening and Treatment in Multiple
Every individual will have the opportunity for early and appropriate
mental health screening, assessment, and referral to treatment.
· Strengthen early childhood mental health interventions:
Implement a national effort to focus on mental health needs of young
children and their families that includes screening, assessment,
intervention, training, financing of services.
· Screening, assessment and treatment for co-occurring disorders
will be the expectation in mental health, substance abuse, child
welfare, criminal and juvenile justice and primary care settings.
· Screening for mental disorders in primary care settings
across the life span. Collaborative care models for identification
and treatment of mental disorders across the lifespan should be
widely implemented in primary care settings and reimbursed by public
and private insurers.
· Building on "No Child Left Behind Act" and the
reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
improve and expand mental health programs in schools to ensure that
youth with emotional and behavioral disorders succeed and graduate
from school.
Commissioner Arredondo clarified that the recommendation on co-occurring
disorders does not require clinicians in primary care (or other settings)
to conduct full assessments, just screen and refer. He requested that
the word "refer" be added.
Commissioner Lerner-Wren observed that the set of recommendations
does not address effectiveness or outcomes.
Chair Hogan suggested effectiveness is addressed under Goal 4. He
added that Commission has identified particular settings where evidence
is clear that screening, assessment, referral and treatment are appropriate.
Alternate Commissioner Nakamura stressed the importance of the word
"early" as serious mental illnesses have recognizable signs.
Diagnosis and treatment often occurs years after the first presentation
of symptoms. Given it is more difficult to treat people once they
have lived with symptoms for decades, early intervention is a more
effective alternative.
Chair Hogan noted that the President requested that the Commission
focus on children with serious emotional disturbance and adults with
serious mental illness; however, those disorders can start earlier.
Alternate Commissioner Mele-McCarthy requested that the word "identification"
be incorporated into the "No Child Left Behind" recommendation
and include the babies and toddlers covered by IDEA's Part C. In addition,
given the poor graduation rates of students with serious emotional
disturbance, she asked the Commission to promote innovative educational
options for students so they can have better post-school outcomes.
Chair Hogan observed that references to student outcomes (e.g., graduation
rates) strengthen this recommendation.
Commissioner Godbole discussed the need to standardize screening
and early detection instruments. He requested that the Commission
reinforce the need for effective, meaningful, cost-effective, and
standardized screening.
Commissioner Harbin made a motion to accept Goal 2, which was seconded.
Commissioner Huang was pleased that Commissioners were supportive
of this goal and recommendations. She also wanted the final report
to include screening in the juvenile justice system, perhaps within
this section or another goal.
Commissioner Godbole wondered if the recommendations could include
screening in nursing homes, too. Chair Hogan noted that such a requirement
already exists in statute.
The Commission voted to accept Goal 2, recommendations, and relevant
Goal 3 - Consumer/Family Centered Care
Consumers and families will have the necessary information and
the opportunity to exercise choice over the care decisions that affect
· Continuous healing relationships will be a key feature
of care.
· States should ensure that each adult with serious mental
illness (SMI) and each child with serious emotional disturbance
(SED) and his or her family have a single, individualized plan of
· Create an integrated state plan for treatment and support
· Expanding the recovery orientation of the system of care
by increasing the opportunities and capacities of consumers to share
their inspiration, knowledge, and skills.
· Strengthen and expand supported employment
· Protect and enhance rights
· Medicaid/Medicare/financing reform that includes references
to parity, home/community based services, and IMD reform.
· Improve access to housing and end chronic homelessness
Alternate Commissioner Nakamura stated his belief that this emphasis
on system centering on consumers and families was critical for reducing
fragmentation. By articulating this goal, the Commission is encouraging
systems to reorganize around individuals.
Chair Hogan discussed the call for an Integrated State Mental Health
Plan. He noted that the current state mental health planning process
was inadequate, particularly as it evolved before the development
of multiple funding sources for treatment and supports (e.g., Medicaid,
juvenile justice, vocational rehabilitation). He reminded the Commission
that staff had identified 40 different federal programs that fund
mental health services or supports. The unintended consequence of
these multiple streams is a confusing maze for consumers and families.
Establishing a more comprehensive state plan would reduce the confusion,
as well as provide more flexibility and accountability.
Commissioner Fisher commented that the activities listed under Goal
2 (e.g., screening and assessment) should be performed with Goal 3
in mind. He suggested that Goal 3 might be appear earlier in the final
report, as it is an overarching goal that should affect all levels
of care. He also stressed that the recommendation on individual plans
should indicate that the plans are developed based upon the goals
of the individual. Finally, he agreed that placing the financing recommendation
under Goal 3 was appropriate as promoting more choice through financing
mechanisms (e.g., vouchers) would provide consumers control over resources.
Alternate Commissioner Mele-McCarthy asked that the Commission to
consider inserting "supported education" into the supported
employment recommendation.
Commissioner Carlile observed that financing is the backbone for
sustaining future activities. The Commission may want to consider
adding "and innovations" to the financing reform recommendation
since additional financing strategies will be identified in the future.
Chair Hogan agreed with the goal of moving toward more consumer and
family control over resources; however, he noted that how such movement
occurs within complicated federal programs would require a great deal
of additional discussion.
Commissioner Adams urged that the recommendation include references
to supporting families with information, in addition to "increasing
the opportunities and capacities of consumers." Families must
have similar support; perhaps that concept was just omitted. She also
asked that the "protect and enhance rights" recommendation
address the issue of custody and the need to protect families from
losing their children.
Chair Hogan agreed that Commission intended to express strong support
for families and address the custody issue within the report, although
it had not been determined in which section the custody discussion
would occur.
Commissioner Curie underscored the importance of Goal 3 and its potential
to transform the system and create a seamless system for consumers
and their families.
Commissioner Harbin noted that the Commission proposed several specific
financing recommendations aimed at providing more flexibility to the
current reimbursement systems. He cautioned against moving too quickly
in multiple, untested directions (e.g., vouchers). For example, the
private insurance industry is examining consumer-directed health care;
however, the industry had not implemented the model for people with
serious disabilities. Commissioner Harbin indicated that financing
strategies must be studied further. Meanwhile, he did not want to
lose momentum with some of the positive, reimbursement-related changes
proposed by the Commission.
Chair Hogan added that CMS is exercising leadership and providing
states with clarification about how to appropriately provide Medicaid
reimbursement for evidence-based practices.
Commissioner Huang requested that the first recommendation reflect
the concept of partnerships between consumer, family and providers.
She also stated that the report needed a recommendation that directly
addressed the prevention of custody relinquishment, perhaps under
the financing reform or rights section.
Commissioner Lerner-Wren asked that the discussion about the juvenile
justice system be added to the current criminal justice recommendation.
She also noted previous Commission discussions about CMS providing
clarification to states about Medicaid eligibility and disenrollment
rules for incarcerated individuals, which was not explicit in the
current outline.
Commissioner Godbole moved to accept Goal 3, a motion seconded by
Commissioner Speck. The Commission voted unanimously to accept Goal
3, the recommendations, and the relevant discussion.
Goal 4 - Best Care Science Can Offer
Adults with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional
disturbance will have ready access to the best treatments, services,
and supports leading to recovery and cure. Accelerate research to
enhance prevention of, recovery from and the ultimate discovery of
cures for mental illnesses.
· Accelerate research to cure or prevent mental illness.
Continue research to improve mental health outcomes and support
· Expand the knowledge base to inform policy designed to
reduce mental heath disparities, long-term effects of medications,
and develop process to study crisis interventions and acute care.
· Evidence-based practice interventions should be tested
in demonstration projects with oversight by a public-private consortium
of all stakeholders. The results of those demonstrations should
form the basis for directing support of financing, dissemination
and workforce development.
· Increase and improve a diverse mental health workforce
across the country, through public-private partnerships based on
multidisciplinary training models.
Commissioner Insel expressed concern that the title of this goal
did not reflect that new science would be available in the future.
He asked that the language preserve the sense of discovery, as well
as delivery, of science-based treatment.
Chair Hogan echoed his agreement, asking that the wording be changed
to suggest a more dynamic goal.
Agreeing the goal's title should be modified, Commissioner Godbole
clarified that the aim of the goal was to encourage the best care
that could be offered by providers, program, and systems, as well
as science.
Chair Hogan noted that the final report should reflect the richness
of Commission's conversations, including the following points: (1)
As science improves, there will be better emerging best practices
that are not currently available; and (2) This improving science should
be the basis for the delivery of care. The final report needs to reflect
more the richness of the Commission's conversation.
Commissioner Harbin observed that Goal 4 was powerful as it indicated
that people with serious mental illness would have access to science-based
treatment. He also suggested that the Commission identify those community-based
models that could and should be disseminated more widely. He commented
that if adults and children with serious mental illnesses were to
have access to model programs, the programs must be more widely available.
Chair Hogan agreed with the concept, but clarified that the recommendation
should not suggest that every person must be able to access every
model service.
Commissioner Fisher observed that science's current focus on single
variables might be too narrow to explore some of the complexities
of mental illnesses. He underscored the importance of providing financial
support for a broader research agenda, which includes the multiple
dimensions of recovery.
Commissioner Insel commented that today's science is largely based
upon large-scale, double-bind trials and does not capture individual
variation. Ultimately, the field will need a science that will encompass
a broader agenda, perhaps the focus for a future Commission.
Commissioner Adams requested that the last recommendation on work
force development be expanded. Currently, the recommendation appears
buried at the bottom of the recommendations; however, maintaining
and supporting the work force have been major topics discussed by
the Commission. She also commented that the recommendation is aimed
at helping providers be better able to deliver effective services.
Chair Hogan asked for a motion to adopt Goal 4 with the discussed
changes to the goal and recommendations. A motion was made, seconded,
and the Commission voted unanimously to adopt Goal 4.
Goal 5 - Information Infrastructure
The mental health system will develop and expand its information
infrastructure. That infrastructure has many purposes:
· Inform consumers, providers and public policy
· Improve access, quality, accountability
· Use information technology to improve care.
· Inform policy by expanding the knowledge base
Commissioner Lerner-Wren addressed the first bullet under the goal,
commenting that the goal should inform a broader audience, including
the general public and education field.
Expressing support for this goal, Commissioner Huang commented that
technology should be used to both develop an information infrastructure
and also deliver care. She recommended that the goal title be expanded
to reflect both of those elements.
Commissioner Speck also stated her strong support for this goal.
She suggested that the language might be rewritten to highlight the
Commission's promotion of "technology infrastructure" for
use in service delivery, as well as information storage and dissemination.
Such an infrastructure is critical to deliver care, provide training
on evidence-based practices, and provide equal access to information.
Alternate Commissioner Mele-McCarthy asked that the final report
mention the importance of using technology that incorporates universal
design so people with disabilities (e.g., sensory, perception, mobility)
also have access to this technology.
Commissioner Insel referenced the Veteran Administration's IT program,
which created a national database for the VA and helped with both
delivery of care and research. He asked if this goal should be expanded
and proposed that the technology infrastructure inform policy and
research questions, as well.
Commissioner Speck noted that when a system develops its information
infrastructure, many opportunities for research arise.
Commissioner Fisher requested that the need for confidentiality be
highlighted within this goal. Commenting that the word "information"
was uninspiring, he suggested using a more interactive and dynamic
word, such as "communication." He also gave examples of
how consumers have used technology effectively with peers, including
warm lines and the Internet.
Referencing the privacy concerns, Chair Hogan noted that the Commission
will recommend that the federal government take the lead in protecting
rights and privacy by addressing the types of questions related to
mental illness posed to federal applicants.
Commissioner Adams requested an additional recommendation that discussed
the importance of training end-users on how to use technology systems.
She commented that such training is as critical as the data contained
in the system.
Commissioner Harbin observed that a number of the technology recommendations
would not be extremely costly to implement, particularly as some ideas
were already on line.
Commissioner Curie indicated that the Commission's goals are achievable
only if the technology infrastructure is developed. Technology is
essential to the transformation of mental health care, yet the mental
health field is behind in developing this infrastructure.
Commissioner Insel reinforced the point made by Commissioner Fisher:
Communication should be the focus of this goal.
Commissioner Godbole made a motion to accept Goal 5 with the accompanying
discussion. Commissioner Speck seconded the motion. The Commission
approved the motion unanimously.
Goal 6 - Eliminate disparities in mental healthcare
Promote well-being for all people regardless of race, ethnicity,
language, place of residence, or age and ensure equity of access,
delivery of services, and improvement of outcomes for all communities.
· Establish funding incentives for recruitment and retention
of mental health professionals in rural settings.
· Through a public and private partnership develop and implement
comprehensive public health policies which reduce barriers to access,
improve community outreach and engagement, and ensure development
of culturally competent care to racial and ethnic minorities.
Commissioner Knight-Richardson acknowledged that the workforce problem
is also addressed in Goal 4. He also commented upon the paucity of
research in cultural competence. He noted that the final report would
discuss these issues along with other cultural barriers to accessing
quality mental health care.
Commissioner Lerner-Wren indicated she thought the current goal and
recommendations omitted the Commission's discussion about gender disparities.
Commissioner Godbole commented that disparities occurred not only
with accessing care, but also obtaining adequate quality care. Chair
Hogan agreed a reference to the current inadequacy of care should
be added.
Commissioner Arredondo made a motion to accept Goal 6, along with
the recommendations and discussion, a motion, which Commissioner Godbole
seconded. The Commission voted unanimously to accept Goal 6.
Vote to Accept Final Report Outline
Commissioner Speck moved that the Commission accept the outline as
the framework for its final report. Chair Hogan elaborated that the
Commission would be authorizing the drafting of a final report to
include and be based upon the vision, goals, and recommendations discussed
during the public meeting. Commissioner Speck accepted Chair Hogan's
endorsement as part of her motion.
Commissioner Arredondo seconded the motion.
During the discussion period, Commissioner Mayberg questioned whether
the group had omitted any important points.
Commissioner Harbin clarified that the Commission's vote to accept
the outline also would include their most recent discussion; Commissioner
Speck confirmed that her motion included the Commission's discussion.
Commissioner Yates recommended that certain topics be clarified and
defined (e.g., collaborative care and evidence-based treatment) in
the final report. The Commission's Subcommittees had used broad definitions
for such terms and may be a resource.
Commissioner Curie suggested that the final report identify model
programs and essential services and supports. As the Commission crafts
the final document, model programs should be incorporated, as appropriate,
into the framework of the outline. In addition, the Commission's entire
record should be considered during the drafting of the final report.
Commissioner Godbole noted that the Executive Order had repeated
references to public- private partnerships. He urged that the Commission's
final report be responsive to those references.
Commissioner Carlile commented that the final report would be a living
document that would influence the federal agency activities. After
reviewing the final report, HUD would respond and take action - in
addition to its current range of activities for people who have mental
Commissioner Mayberg observed that the group had discussed various
principles during its discussions. He proposed that the final report
articulate the principles that drove the Commission's decision-making,
many of which were also included in the Subcommittee reports.
The Commission voted unanimously to accept the outline containing
the vision, goals, and recommendations, along with the pursuant discussion,
and proceed with drafting the final report.
Public Comment
The following individuals provided verbal and written testimony to
the Commission:
Irene Lynch, Executive Director, ALEPPOS Foundation
Dave Miers, Bryan LGH Medical Center, Lincoln Nebraska
Tina Minkowitz, New York Organization for Human Rights and Against
Psychiatric Assaults
Jacki McKinney, National People of Color Consumer Survivor Network
Laura Van Tosh, Consumer
Mark Davis, Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumer Association
Laurie Ahern, National Empowerment Center
Leah Harris, National Association of Rights, Protection and Advocacy
Stephanie Reed, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
Final Comments
Commissioner Godbole shared a moving poem he wrote as a testimonial
to his fellow Commissioners and their collective efforts on behalf
of adults and children with mental illnesses.
In his final comments, Chair Hogan indicated that the final report
should be completed in the next few weeks. Subsequently, the Subcommittee
reports would be finalized and published as working papers to serve
as resources for the field. He expressed appreciation to those who
participated in and support the Commission's mission, including President
Bush, Commission staff and consultants, mental health advocates, consumers
and family members who contributed their thoughts through public testimony,
letters, and the Commission's web site, and his wife Barbara Hogan.
Commissioner Fisher discussed the challenge of serving on the Commission
as the only person self-identified as a consumer. He observed that,
as the Commission discussed many difficult issues, the group was able
to bridge many differences and identify common themes and concerns.
Commissioner Harbin thanked Chair Hogan for his leadership, hard
work, and patience.
Commissioner Lerner-Wren observed that, as a result of their year-long
endeavor, Commissioners had transformed both individually and collectively.
She expressed appreciation to Commissioner Curie, Alternate Commissioner
Hutchings, and NIMH officials for their leadership.
Commissioner Curie noted that many Commissioners would continue to
serve on other advisory groups and councils. When the final report
begins generating specific action plans, each person on the Commission
will continue the momentum in their respective communities.
Chair Hogan adjourned the meeting at 12:10 p.m.
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing
minutes are accurate and complete.
Claire Heffernan
Executive Director
President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
Michael Hogan, Ph.D.
President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
These minutes were considered and approved by the Commission by mail
in ballot and any corrections or annotations incorporated into the
Last Modified 5/6/03