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Release No. 1458.00

Dann Stuart (202) 690-0474


WASHINGTON, March 16, 2000-The National Drought Policy Commission, chaired by Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, announced today it is seeking comments on its draft report. The draft report recommends that Congress establish a National Drought Council to reach five goals the commission proposed to reduce the nation’s vulnerability to drought damage and reduce the need for emergency relief.

The five goals the commission recommended are:

1. Incorporate planning, implementation of plans and mitigation measures, resource stewardship, environmental considerations, and public education as the key elements of effective national drought policy.

2. Forge closer ties among scientists and managers so that scientists understand which monitoring, research, data collection, modeling, and other scientific efforts are needed to reduce drought impacts and improve public understanding of those impacts.

3. Develop and advocate comprehensive risk-management strategies into drought preparedness.

4. Maintain a safety net of emergency relief that rewards stewardship of natural resources and self help.

5. Coordinate drought programs and response.

The report, "Preparing for Drought in the New Millennium", may be found on the NDPC website at

The NDPC is particularly interested in hearing from State, local, and tribal governments as well as the general public about their experiences with drought and the effects drought has had on the environment. If you are unable to obtain a copy of the draft report from the Internet, call (202) 720-3168 or FAX (202) 720-9688 for a copy. Comments will be accepted through March 31.

Written comments may be mailed to: Ms. Leona Dittus, Executive Director, National Drought Policy Commission, USDA/FSA, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., STOP 0501, Washington, D.C. 20250-0501. Comments may also be sent by e-mail directly from the NDPC website at, or to


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