Background: Public Law 105-199, 112 Stat. 641, provides, "Sec. 4. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION. (b)(2) review all existing Federal laws and programs relating to drought." Methodology: Research of the United States Code found 74 sections of drought-related legislation. Listed below is the title number, name, and number of sections in each title with drought-related language in the legislation. Title Number, Name, and Number of Sections of US Code Related to "Drought"
Overview: The majority of drought-related legislation is in response to agricultural events and their impacts. As noted in the National Drought Policy Commission report, the Commission favors a shift from an emphasis on response and relief to preparedness through planning and proactive mitigation. Additional information is available from the National Drought Policy Commission. You can access the information at the Commission's web site: All files can be ordered in electronic format or hard copy. Write: National Drought Policy Commission, USDA/FSA/AO, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Mail Stop 0501, Washington, D.C. 20250-0501. [Download PDF Version] |