
as interfering in any way with state, local, and tribal sovereignty. All of our recommendations should be considered in light of the need to protect the environment, which was also required by the Act.


Incorporate planning, implementation of plans and proactive mitigation measures, risk management, resource stewardship, environmental considerations, and public education as the key elements of effective national drought policy.

In accordance with the law that established the National Drought Policy Commission, we strongly endorse preparedness as a key element to reduce the impacts of drought on individuals, communities, and the environment. We believe that sound drought preparedness programs will lessen the need for future emergency financial and other assistance.

Specific Recommendations

1.1 Congress should adequately fund existing drought preparedness programs such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Conservation Technical Assistance Program (Public Law 46) and Environmental Quality Incentive Program (16 U.S.C. 3839) and the Bureau of Reclamation’s drought planning program (Public Law 102-250, Title II).

1.2 The President should direct the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Corps of Engineers to find an effective way to meet the drought planning needs of those areas not traditionally served by the Bureau of Reclamation. Congress should fund these agencies’ efforts to better serve the needs of the eastern part of the country.

1.3 The President should direct all appropriate federal agencies to cooperate fully and to provide all assistance possible to encourage development or revision and implementation of comprehensive drought preparedness plans by states, localities, tribes, regional entities such as watershed and river basin organizations, and the private sector.

1.4 Federal agencies providing drought planning assistance should encourage state, local, regional and tribal planners to use or adapt existing planning materials and resources. These include materials developed by the National Drought Mitigation Center, the Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Western Drought Coordination Council, the states, and urban and rural water districts.

1.5 The President should direct all appropriate federal agencies to develop and implement drought management plans for federal facilities such as military bases, federal prisons, and large federal office complexes in the United States. These plans should be coordinated with local and state drought planning and mitigation measures.

1.6 The President should direct all appropriate federal agencies to study their programs for potential impacts on drought. Where such potential exists, the agencies need to integrate national drought policy into their programs.

1.7 The President should direct federal agencies with water resources management programs to develop and promote comprehensive public awareness efforts as part of an ongoing drought preparedness strategy.


Improve collaboration among scientists and managers to enhance the effectiveness of observation networks, monitoring, prediction, information delivery, and applied research and to foster public understanding of and preparedness for drought. (continue)

National Drought Policy Commission Report  7