
5.4 Duties and process.
The interim and long-term National Drought Councils will be responsible for the tasks in the box on the next page.

5.5 Authorization and appropriations. We recommend that Congress provide federal departments and agencies with appropriate authority and funding needed to carry out the recommendations in this report. As noted at the beginning of this report, consideration should be given to the costs and benefits associated with drought preparedness, mitigation, and response measures. (Next Page)

The six-county, multi-municipal Metropolitan Water District of 
Southern California incorporates drought planning and preparedness in its comprehensive Integrated Resources Plan and Water Surplus and Demand Management Plan. This regional coordination of local agencies is succeeding. The region is using less water today than in 1975, even though the population 
increased by 5 million people 
from 1975 to 1999.

National Drought Policy Commission Report  11