
President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security
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    November 9, 2001 Meeting of the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security

    The Commission will meet on Friday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with a break for lunch between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. The Commission will divide its discussion into three parts: 1) a round of opening statements by the commissioners in which they discuss the role personal accounts can play in Social Security reform; 2) a discussion of how to administer personal retirement accounts; 3) definitions and objectives in restoring Social Security to a fiscally sustainable course.

    The location of the meeting is: Park Hyatt Ballroom
    Park Hyatt Washington
    24th at M Street NW
    Washington, DC 20037
    (202) 789 1234

    Map of 24th at M Street NW, Wash DC


    Meeting of the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security

    November 9, 2001 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

    Park Hyatt Ballroom
    Park Hyatt Washington
    1201 24th Street, NW (Corner of 24th and M Streets)
    Washington, DC 20037

    I. Opening Statements 10:00 A.M.
    II. Administration of Personal Accounts 11:30 A.M.
    • Lunch Break
    12:30 P.M.
    II. Continued Discussion of Administration of
    Personal Accounts
    1:30 P.M.
    III. Achieving a Fiscally Sustainable Social Security System2:30 P.M.
    Adjourn4:00 P.M.

    Blue Dividing Bar