Office of the Spokesman
April 22, 2004
Iraq Reconstruction Core Group Meeting
On April 22, the State Department hosted senior officials from the United
States, Japan, the European Union, United Arab Emirates, Spain, United Kingdom,
Canada, Republic of Korea, United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary
Fund, Coalition Provisional Authority, and Iraq to advance effective
coordination of international reconstruction assistance to Iraq. Iraqi Finance
Minister Gailani participated, and Iraqi National Security Advisor al-Rubaie
joined via telephone from Baghdad.
The "Core Group" of donors and institutions was launched at a United Nations
meeting on Iraqi reconstruction in June 2003 and worked together to organize the
October 2003 Madrid Donors' Conference, which raised pledges of over $32 billion
for 2004-2007. It has since been helping to monitor and coordinate the
implementation of that assistance.
At the April 22 meeting the Core Group discussed reconstruction issues related
to the June 30, 2004 transition to a sovereign Iraqi government, the impact of
the security situation, and agreed on the importance of effective aid
coordination and the continuing role of the Core Group following that
transition. Donors reported on progress in implementing their Madrid pledges.
They also discussed preparations being made by Japan as Chair of the Donors'
Committee of the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq for a late
May 2004 meeting of the Donors' Committee to be hosted by Qatar. The
International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq consists of trust funds
administered by the United Nations and World Bank that offer donors the option
of a multilateral channel for their assistance.
The Core Group reiterated its commitment to Iraq's reconstruction and to the
successful transition to a sovereign government on June 30. The Group
underscored the continuing and urgent need for the timely provision of
assistance by the international community.
(end text)
(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: