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صفحة الوثائق الرسمية بالعربية

Regulations � are instruments that define the institutions and authorities of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA).

Orders � are binding instructions or directives to the Iraqi people that create penal consequences or have a direct bearing on the way Iraqis are regulated, including changes to Iraqi law.

Memoranda � expand on Orders or Regulations by creating or adjusting procedures applicable to an Order or Regulation.

Public Notices � communicate the intentions of the Administrator to the public and may require adherence to security measures that have no penal consequence or reinforces aspects of existing law that the CPA intends to enforce.

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Reg 1 The Coalition Provisional Authority 16 May 2003
Reg 2 The Development Fund for Iraq**Amended per Reg 11 Sec 1** 18 June 2004
Reg 3 Program Review Board**Amended per Reg 11 Sec ** 18 June 2004
Reg 3 Program Review Board**Amended per Reg 11 Sec 1** 18 June 2004
Reg 4 Establishment of the Iraqi Property Reconciliation Facility 14 January 2004
Reg 5 Council for International Coordination 17 June 2003
Reg 5 ACouncil for International Coordination (Amendment) 18 August 2003
Reg 6 Governing Council of Iraq 13 July 2003
Reg 7 International Donor Assistance 05 December 2003
Reg 8 Delegation of Authority Regarding Establishment of a Property Claims Commission**Amended per Reg 12* 14 January 2004
Reg 9 Governing Council's Dissolution 09 June 2004
Reg 10 Members of Designated Iraqi Interim Government with Annex A 09 June 2004
Reg 11 Amendments to CPA Regulations No. 2 and No. 3 18 June 2004
Reg 12 Iraq Property Claims Commission 24 June 2004
Order 1 De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society 16 May 2003
Order 2 Dissolution of Entities with Annex A 23 August 2003
Order 3 Weapons Control **Revised**, **Amended** 31 December 2003
Order 4 Management of Property and Assets of the Iraqi Baath Party**Rescinded per Order 100 Sec 4** 28 June 2004
Order 5 Establishment of the Iraqi�De-Baathification Council**Rescinded per Memo 7 Sec 3*** 25 May 2003
Order 6 Eviction of Persons Illegally Occupying Public Buildings**Rescinded per Order 100 Sec 4*** 28 June 2004
Order 7 Penal Code 10 June 2003
Order 8 Traveling Abroad for Academic Purposes 07 June 2003
Order 9 Management and Use of Iraqi Public Property (Revised) 27 June 2004
Order 10 Management of Detention and Prison Facilities 05 June 2003
Order 11 Licensing Telecommunications Services and Equipment**Rescinded per Order 100 Sec 4** 28 June 2004
Order 12 Trade Liberalization Policy (Annex)***Rescinded per Order 54 Sec 3 Para 4*** 26 February 2004
Order 13 The Central Criminal Court of Iraq (Revised)(Amended) 22 April 2004
Order 14 Prohibited Media Activity 10 June 2003
Order 15 Establishment of the Judicial Review Committee 23 June 2003
Order 16 Temporary Control of Iraqi Borders, Ports and Airports ***Revised/Amended*** 13 June 2004
Order 17 Status of the CPA, MNFI, Certain Missions and Personnel in Iraq w/Annex**Revised** 27 June 2004
Order 18 Measures to Ensure the Independence of the Central Bank of Iraq 07 July 2003
Order 19 Freedom of Assembly 10 July 2003
Order 20 Trade Bank of Iraq 17 July 2003
Order 21 Interim Exercise of Baghdad Mayoral Authority**Rescinded per Order 100 Sec 4** 06 August 2003
Order 22 Creation of A New Iraqi Army 18 August 2003
Order 23 Creation of a Code of Military Discipline for the New Iraqi Army with Annex A 20 August 2003
Order 24 Ministry of Science and Technology 24 August 2003
Order 25 Confiscation of Property Used In Or Resulting From Certain Crimes 03 September 2003
Order 26 Creation of the Department of Border Enforcement 24 August 2003
Order 27 Establishment of the Facilities Protection Service 04 September 2003
Order 28 Establishment of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps 03 September 2003
Order 29 Amendment To Law Of Estate Lease 07 September 2003
Order 30 Reform of Salaries and Employment with Annex A 08 September 2003
Order 31 Modifications Of Penal Code and Criminal Proceedings Law 10 September 2003
Order 32 Legal Department of the Ministry of Justice 04 September 2003
Order 33 Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works 08 September 2003
Order 34 Amendment To Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 2 13 September 2003
Order 35 Re-Establishment of the Council of Judges 18 September 2003
Order 36 Regulation of Oil Distribution (Annex A) 03 October 2003
Order 37 Tax Strategy for 2003 19 September 2003
Order 38 Reconstruction Levy (Amended per Order 70) 04 April 2004
Order 39 Foreign Investment (Amended by Order 46) 20 December 2003
Order 40 Bank Law with Annex A **Rescinded per Order 94 Sec 3** 19 September 2003
Order 41 Notification of Criminal Offenses 19 September 2003
Order 42 Creation of the Defense Support Agency***Rescinded per Order 67 Sec 2 Para 4*** 21 March 2004
Order 43 New Iraqi Dinar Banknotes 14 October 2003
Order 44 Establishment of The Ministry of Environment 14 November 2003
Order 45 Non-Governmental Organizations (Amended per Order 61) 23 February 2004
Order 46 Amendment of CPA Order 39 on Foreign Investment 20 December 2003
Order 47 Amendment of CPA Order 38 on Reconstruction Levy***Rescinded per Order 70 Sec 2*** 04 April 2004
Order 48 Delegation of Authority Regarding Establishment of an Iraqi Special Tribunal with Appendix A 10 December 2003
Order 49 Tax Strategy for 2004 with Annex A and Explanatory Notes (Amended per Order 84 Sec 3) 20 February 2004
Order 50 Creation of Ministry of Displacement and Migration 11 January 2004
Order 51 Suspension of Exclusive Agency Status of Iraqi State Company for Water Transportation 14 January 2004
Order 52 Pensions for Judges and Prosecutors who die while holding Office 08 January 2004
Order 53 Public Defender's Fees 18 January 2004
Order 54 Trade Liberalization Policy 2004 with Annex A (Amended per Order 70) 04 April 2004
Order 55 Delegation of Authority Regarding the Iraq Commission on Public Integrity 28 January 2004
Order 56 Central Bank Law with Annex A 06 March 2004
Order 57 Iraqi Inspectors General 10 February 2004
Order 58 Maysan and Muthanna Courts of Appeal 10 February 2004
Order 59 Protection and fair Incentives for Government Whistleblowers 01 June 2004
Order 60 Establishment of the Ministry of Human Rights 22 February 2004
Order 61 Amendment to Order 45**Rescinded per Order 100 Sec 4** 28 June 2004
Order 62 Disqualification From Public Office**Rescinded per Order 100 Sec 4** 28 June 2004
Order 63 Public Sector Death and Disability Benefits 06 March 2004
Order 64 Amendment to the Company Law No. 21 of 1997 with Annex A 05 March 2004
Order 65 Iraqi Communications and Media Commission 20 March 2004
Order 66 Iraq Public Service Broadcasting 20 March 2004
Order 67 Ministry of Defense 21 March 2004
Order 68 MInisterial Committee for National Security 04 April 2004
Order 69 Delegation of Authority Regarding Establishment of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service 01 April 2004
Order 69 ِAnnex AAnnex A 02 April 2004
Order 70 Amendments to Reconstruction Levy 04 April 2004
Order 71 Local Governmental Powers (Appendix not available) 06 April 2004
Order 72 Iraqi Radioactive Source Regulatory Authority 15 June 2004
Order 73 Transfer of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps to the Ministry of Defence 25 April 2004
Order 74 Interim Law on Securities Markets 19 April 2004
Order 75 Realignment of Military Industrial Companies with Annex A 20 April 2004
Order 76 Consolidations of State-Owned Enterprises with Annex A 28 May 2004
Order 77 Board of Supreme Audit 25 April 2004
Order 78 Facilitation of Court-Supervised Debt Resolution Procedures 20 April 2004
Order 79 The Iraqi Nonproliferation Programs Foundation with Annex 19 June 2004
Order 80 Amendment to the Trademarks and Descriptions Law No. 21 of 1957 26 April 2004
Order 81 Patent, Industrial Desgin, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law 26 April 2004
Order 82 Iraqi National Foundation for Remembrance 28 April 2004
Order 83 Amendment to the Copyright Law 01 May 2004
Order 84 Amendments to CPA Order No. 37 and CPA Order No. 49 30 April 2004
Order 86 Traffic Code with Annex A 20 May 2004
Order 87 Public Contracts 16 May 2004
Order 88 Rights of Judicial Officials to Return to the Judiciary After Certain Government Service 12 May 2004
Order 89 Amendments to the Labor Code Law No. 71 of 1987 30 May 2004
Order 90 Special Task Force for Compensating Vistims of the Previous Regime 29 May 2004
Order 91 Regulation of Armed Forces and Militias within Iraq 07 June 2004
Order 92 The Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq 31 May 2004
Order 93 Anti-Money Laudering Act of 2004 with Annex A 03 June 2004
Order 94 Banking Law of 2004 with Annex A 07 June 2004
Order 95 Financial Management Law and Public Debt Law with Annex A and B 04 June 2004
Order 96 The Electoral Law 15 June 2004
Order 97 Political Parties and Entities Law 15 June 2004
Order 98 Iraqi Ombudsman for Penal and Detention Matters 27 June 2004
Order 99 Joint Detainee Committee 27 June 2004
Order 100 Transition of Laws, Regulations, Orders, and Directives Issued by the CPA 28 June 2004
Mem 1 Implementation of De-Baathification Order No. 1 03 June 2003
Mem 2 Management of Detention and Prison Facilities 08 June 2003
Mem 3 Criminal Procedures (Revised) 27 June 2004
Mem 4 Contract and Grant Procedures**Amended per Memo 15** 18 June 2004
Mem 5 Implementation of Weapons Control Order 3 with Annex 22 August 2003
Mem 6 Implementation of Regulation on the Governing Council (Annex A) 03 September 2003
Mem 7 Delegation of Authority Under De-Baathification Order No 1 04 November 2003
Mem 8 Scrap Meta***Rescinded per Order 54 Sec 3 Para 4**** 26 February 2004
Mem 9 Appointment of Deputy Ministers 24 February 2004
Mem 10 Rewards Program for Information Leading to the Recovery of Iraqi Sate and Former Regime Assets 05 April 2004
Mem 12 Administration of Independent Judiciary 08 May 2004
Mem 13 Appointment of Inspector General to the Baghdad City Council 02 June 2004
Mem 14 Establishment of Office of Chief Advisor to the National Assembly 01 June 2004
Mem 15 Amendment to CPA Memorandum 4 18 June 2004
Mem 17 Registration Requirements for Private Security Companies (PSC) with Annexes 26 June 2004
Increased Sentences For Those Convicted of Crimes After Receiving Amnesty 19 December 2003
Regarding the Prohibition Under Iraqi Law of Vehicles With Tinted Windows 27 June 2003
Regarding the Council for International Coordination 18 June 2003
Regarding Organization in the Workplace 06 June 2003
Regarding Public Incitement to Violence and Disorder 05 June 2003
Regarding the Safeguarding of Iraq' Borders 26 June 2003
Regarding the Status of Coalition, Foreign Liaison and Contractor Personnel 26 June 2003
Regarding Administrative Procedures for Establishing Trading Agencies 09 June 2003
Increased Sentences for Those Convicted of Crimes After Conditional Releases 31 December 2003
Regarding a Responsible Iraqi Media 10 June 2003
Regarding the Creation of a Central Criminal Court and Adjustments to Criminal Procedure Code 18 June 2003
Managing Financial Resources 18 June 2003

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