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IRAQ PRIVATE BANKS April 27, 2004 Under the promulgated Iraq Banking Law and the Central Bank of Iraq Law Private Banks may elect to sell a portion or all of their equity to domestic or foreign investors, once having received the approval of the Central Bank of Iraq which has the exclusive right to grant banking licenses and regulate all banks in Federal Iraq. The following list of Iraqi Private Banks is presented for information purposes only and interested parties may communicate directly with the financial institutions they choose. Bank Contact Tel: 1-914 Al Baraka for Investment Monther Al-Fettal 360-0457 & Financing Bank m_alfettal@yahoo.com bifbank@uruklink.net
Al-Warka Investment Bank Sabri Shammas 360-2346
Babylon Bank Abdul Razzak Mansour Saliman
Bank of Baghdad Mowafaq Hassan Mahmood 822-7083
Basrah Private Bank for Badia Al- Fikry 360-4189 Investment Commercial Bank of Iraq Saddoun Kubba 360-4188
Credit Bank of Iraq Fouad Majeed Mustafa 360-0494 Details in: English creditbkiq@yahoo.com
Dar Es Salaam Investment Bank Asad Al-Khudhairy 360-4646 Details in: English/Arabic asadalkhudhairy@yahoo.com
Economic Bank Hasam Obead Ali 822-7090
Gulf Commercial Bank Mudher Mustafa Al-Hillawi 360-4241 Industrial Union Investment Bank A.J.A. Al-Rubaie (O) 717 - 8434
Investment Bank of Iraq Abbas Hadi Al-Bayaty 360-4243
Iraqi Middle East Abdul Razzak M. Ali 360-4242 Investment Bank
Islamic Bank Sami S. Aldamen
Mosul Bank Salih Al-Azawi 360-4190
National Bank of Iraq Ghassan Kamal Jamil 360-2345
North Bank A. Aziz Hassoon 360-0492 northbkiq@yahoo.com
Sumer Bank Khalil Al-Jumaly 360-4240
United Investment Bank Kais Al-Suwaidi 360-4245 International Banks Licensed to Start Operations in 2004
HSBC Tareq Muhmood tareqmuhmood@hsbc.com
Standard Chartered Stuart Horsewood Stuart.Horsewood@ae.standardchartered.com
National Bank of Kuwait Robert Eid Representative Bank Offices The First National Bank Ramy Rifat Al- Nimer Beirut Direct of Lebannon 961 (1) 738 500
Housing Bank for Trade Ibrahim A-Faham Mobile 0790 132 8647 & Finance
Jordan National Bank Tarik S. Al-Timimy Mobile 0790 136 4874 For additional information, contact Kevin G. Woelflein at kevin.woelflein@central.iraq.centcom.mil