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Program Review Board (PRB) Minutes - Oct. 25, 2003 Attendees:
*Voting Members The October 18, 2003 minutes were approved. The following Funding Requests were considered by the Board for recommendation to the Administrator: #520 - Seeds for the South - $650,000 - Funds were approved for CPA - South to purchase wheat seeds for farmers in the South. Seeds to be sold to the farmers at a subsidized price set by CPA - South in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture. #523 - Life Support for New Iraqi Army at Kirkush Military Training Base - $15,500,000 - Subsequent to a detailed discussion on this request the board set this requirement aside pending receipt of supplemental funding. #539 - UN Oil for Food Shipments Security - $15,356,000 - The Ministry of Trade briefed the Board on the need for security protection for truck convoys carrying Oil For Food contract goods in from the borders. The Board felt that the request was too high and requested that MOT consider less costly alternatives and resubmit the request at the next Board meeting. #518 - CPA - Electrical Priorities for TF Restore Iraqi Electricity - $756,000,000 - Funds were approved for TF - RIE to complete 26 projects that focus on accelerating the provision of essential electricity services to the Iraqi people in support of accomplishing the 6000MW power production goal.
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